IMO we should make a listing of "ideal event settings" for various courses and cars (and classes). This could include even more minute stuff like how penalties are handed out, and could include either using the initial method (slow down or take it off your finishing time), penalty zones, or only taking it off your final time without the option to slow down to reduce it. That last option - or the first - could be fantastic for cars with a typically lower power, like the Swift Sport we're using in Race C this week.
On another note, I think it's quite bizarre that the Nordschleife has only one penalty zone near that straight at the end after Galgenkopf, but Le Mans has quite a few more - I think the Nordschleife could have at least a few more zones, namely after Flugpatz, Aremberg, and Bergwerk. Perhaps another could be added near the entrance of Pflanzgarten II.
Another subject is that I think we should examine other racing games (and indeed, real-world racing) and how they handle rally, especially successful rally games like DiRT Rally and its sequel. I think GT can't simply get rid of rallying, being a major staple for some time, but I think it also could use improvement. I'm not 100% sure if it'd be best to bring back GT5's method of random course-generation, but I wouldn't mind it, either; I think we ought to have more real-world rally stages, like Monte Carlo. I'd also love to see some of the various dirt or snow stages from prior games (e.g. Tahiti) get turned into point-to-point stages, perhaps to supplement their circuit versions. And the FIA license should also help with the licensing of race cars from FIA-sanctioned series, right? So maybe we could see more rally cars and/or formula cars.
Finally, I'm wondering how ranked online play can generally be improved with Gran Turismo. For example, do you think using fixed times for races is the best idea? What about qualifying? Should it perhaps be more like real-world racing, where there's a limited time to qualify before the race? (I do like how in the championship races, you only get so much time, and then you can finish your lap. Though I'd prefer either a much longer gap between cars, or ghosting being on.) And instead of having a fixed set of races weekly or even daily, what about a potential pool of races for each group? Something that takes some elements from GT6's quick match? Overall, I'm wondering why there's such a tiny amount of players in Sport Mode when compared to the lobbies, and the broader GTS playerbase. Not to mention that in the context of ranked events and lobbies, I'm not 100% adamant that more options is always better, either, unless you have a seriously good UI/UX. I'm a little overwhelmed just thinking about all the potential things can could be shared, between GT5 and GT6's course editors, liveries for cars/helms/suits, photos, customized cars & their settings, and rulesets for single races & championships. Honestly, I hope PD takes full advantage of potentially using mobile/desktop apps instead of trying to cram every feature into the actual game. It'd likely save disc space, too...
EDIT: I honestly have too many ideas to even try consolidating them into a simple word processor document - I think I'll actually draw out a
mind-map, instead. Would anybody care to see it if I did so?