Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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If anyone wants a fun offline race, pick Nostalgic 1979 Laguna Seca and use the Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ2... You will be down on power a lot, but you can still win and you'll have to overtake on corners and braking
N100 EK Civic ‘98
N500 cars

Will progress be maintained if I buy the game again from the Playstasion store and will I be able to transfer it to PS5 later?
Game save will work so progress will remain. Hopefully they update the game to allow for offline saves in the future when they turn off the servers too (Unlikely I would play it again then but good for game preservation). Should transfer fine on PS5.

However, the problem is you have to delete the disc version to install the digital version on PS4 which means all other data like replays and stuff gets deleted from my recent experience of buying the digital version although I tried it on another PS4 before trying it on my main system at the time. Maybe a workaround would be to share all other content online and then switch. Might try and contact PDI somehow and see if they will patch the game so all user data is separate from the main game install.
Game save will work so progress will remain. Hopefully they update the game to allow for offline saves in the future when they turn off the servers too (Unlikely I would play it again then but good for game preservation). Should transfer fine on PS5.

However, the problem is you have to delete the disc version to install the digital version on PS4 which means all other data like replays and stuff gets deleted from my recent experience of buying the digital version although I tried it on another PS4 before trying it on my main system at the time. Maybe a workaround would be to share all other content online and then switch. Might try and contact PDI somehow and see if they will patch the game so all user data is separate from the main game install.
Thank you very much.:)
I thought that the startup sound for R32 and R34 in GT SPORT was newly recorded, but just learned that it's the same sound as the one for NISMO GT-R LM Road Going Version '95 in GT5 and GT6!
Shown at 2:16 in the video below:
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Thoughts on this move at 17:45? (Set-up starts at 17:20) From my perspective he changed his line multiple times then tried to squeeze me off when I had the inside, so contact was inevitable.

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A racing incident. A tad bit overaggressive driving by both, especially the blue car, and while 4 second penalty could be seen as very harsh, I can argue why it was justified.

But seeing your tire wear easily showed why I made the wrong choice. My front's where down 25% at least by that point.
A racing incident. A tad bit overaggressive driving by both, especially the blue car, and while 4 second penalty could be seen as very harsh, I can argue why it was justified.

But seeing your tire wear easily showed why I made the wrong choice. My front's where down 25% at least by that point.

Yeah I definitely expected the penalty once it happened.

Pitting was definitely the better choice for me as a controller user, it's a short pitlane and the packs just all slowed each other down because no-one had the pace to break away.
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Thoughts on this move at 17:45? (Set-up starts at 17:20) From my perspective he changed his line multiple times then tried to squeeze me off when I had the inside, so contact was inevitable.
A racing incident. A tad bit overaggressive driving by both, especially the blue car, and while 4 second penalty could be seen as very harsh, I can argue why it was justified.

Gears, I agree that the WRX that you were trying to pass was squeezing you. I had the same thing happen to me yesterday in a daily. We both got a penalty. Mine was intentional, yours (most likely) was a consequence of the other car not giving you space when you had a nose alongside. Yes, we can argue that with the amount of laps remaining, either car could have backed off & tried again in a safer location. In my opinion, since the other guy was so busy trying to break the slipstream, he was running scared. Maybe the guy had pace, maybe he's a better driver than this video shows, but I believe he felt like you were better in that race. I would hope that looking back at the race, he would see that trying to bully you (or anyone else) cost him a 2nd place with a solid chance for a win. Instead, he finished 3rd with no real chance to win.

The bigger issue is the 4 second penalty. As mentioned before, if the game was taking steering, throttle & braking inputs along with location on the track map (to weed out brake checkers), it should have seen the aggressive driving of the other car & not have assessed you such a penalty.

BTW Gears, nice win. 👍
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Thoughts on this move at 17:45? (Set-up starts at 17:20) From my perspective he changed his line multiple times then tried to squeeze me off when I had the inside, so contact was inevitable.

You had the run on the straight. You tried to get inside, but he defended. Then you appear to go back towards the racing line on banky boi but then swerve way way violently back inside like you’re gonna dive?
You really disrespected the blue car. He was going to go back towards the normal entry which was fine but you swerve back like you’re gonna dove.
What’s the blue car supposed to do? To me looks like you were in a very heated battle with the blue car and you didn’t like him. Anyways it continues and since your swerving caused blue to stay defensive you take the racing line and get a nice run. Blue should have moved rightward to have track position on you exiting bank boi but you barely got the nose in, not enough to claim apex rights though, but you continue and crash the blue car. You receive a penalty.
Seems to me you hate that blue car and purposely took him out.
Imo it’s not just an incident. You can’t just barely get the nose in and call that having corner right imo. Imo you stuck in the nose and crashed the guy out.
I’d say you deserved a ten second pen, jmo
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The moving back & forth I saw as Gears trying not to be behind the blue car at the moment of braking. If he would have been behind the blue car, he might have made contact (no matter how inadvertent) & would likely have gotten a penalty. The point I look at as to who is labeled the aggressor is after they come out of the banky boi. Gears has nearly half a car beside the blue car. That's having the right to the inside line at the right hander where the contact was made. In a perfect world, the decision might have been made to throttle back slightly in order to give space to the car on the outside. However, we've seen professional race drivers make bad decisions in the heat of the moment. But this doesn't look like a bad driver with a habit of malicious intent.
The moving back & forth I saw as Gears trying not to be behind the blue car at the moment of braking. If he would have been behind the blue car, he might have made contact (no matter how inadvertent) & would likely have gotten a penalty. The point I look at as to who is labeled the aggressor is after they come out of the banky boi. Gears has nearly half a car beside the blue car. That's having the right to the inside line at the right hander where the contact was made. In a perfect world, the decision might have been made to throttle back slightly in order to give space to the car on the outside. However, we've seen professional race drivers make bad decisions in the heat of the moment. But this doesn't look like a bad driver with a habit of malicious intent.

I’m just trying to point out this here...This is dirty, no right to corner from here...LIFT

I’m not trying to hate but he was halfway alongside on the outside of the right but blue had better drive into the left and by continuing and not lifting gears line was always going to crash blue.
If you look pre banky boi blue didn’t change his line much. Blue just got out of sorts on the uphill esses in the sequence beginning.
Further that’s chase view, so in my photo if you took a still pic in walk mode at that point you’d see just how little overlap gears had.
I’m not trying to be personal it’s just what it is.
That’s my opinion. That’s a problem area of track if you lose speed up through there. Blue should have thought ahead and simply moved right into that section but it goes to show what can happen in GTS if you leave a gap. You can get taken out.
IM not saying gears was doing anything nefarious but imo he should have lifted.
It LOOKED nefarious at first glance. Jmo deserving of a big penalty
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You had the run on the straight. You tried to get inside, but he defended. Then you appear to go back towards the racing line on banky boi but then swerve way way violently back inside like you’re gonna dive?
You really disrespected the blue car. He was going to go back towards the normal entry which was fine but you swerve back like you’re gonna dove.

What’s the blue car supposed to do? To me looks like you were in a very heated battle with the blue car and you didn’t like him.

Nah that's nonsense. If I'm behind I can change my line as many times as I like. But when defending, changing the line three times on the straight is overstepping the mark.

Anyways it continues and since your swerving caused blue to stay defensive you take the racing line and get a nice run. Blue should have moved rightward to have track position on you exiting bank boi but you barely got the nose in, not enough to claim apex rights though, but you continue and crash the blue car. You receive a penalty.
Seems to me you hate that blue car and purposely took him out.
Imo it’s not just an incident. You can’t just barely get the nose in and call that having corner right imo. Imo you stuck in the nose and crashed the guy out.
I’d say you deserved a ten second pen, jmo

It would've been nice to avoid contact however he started moving across on me after he already completed the left hander before, no understeer there. And that was before he started turning in early into the right hander. I guess we both expected each other to yield and no-one did.
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Nah that's nonsense. If I'm behind I can change my line as many times as I like. But when defending, changing the line three times on the straight is overstepping the mark

Nope he didn’t. You crashed him out man.
Whatever. You asked for thoughts.
My thoughts are if I raced with you and saw that crap I’d race you hard maybe off you. :::shrug:::
You can’t say sticking the nose in and crashing the car ahead into a wall on a high speed s is clean dude.
I’m out.
1.) the swerving: the white car dove low causing, the blue car, who was already in the middle to block. The white car moved back to the traditional line, but with the blue car again blocking by moving back to his middle on the road line, reopened the inside. Felt like the white car then tried to bait the blue car by the quick juke to the inside then outside of the blue car.

2.) nothing to say about the banky banks. Nailed it perfectly. The blue car had a bad angle into the corner which caused him to scrub some speed. Allowing the white car to take advantage and get up alongside.

3.) the left. Before reaching the corner. The blue car ran the white car out toward the track edge. Not dangerous, not necessarily dirty, but very aggressive. Entering the corner, the blue car had the inside with the white car on his rear quarter panel. Totally fine. They had some bumping. But this race was very much like a touring car race and bumping from close racing was aplenty. On exit, similar running of the white car wide. But again, it’s okay. Close hard racing.

4.) the right. The corner in question. The blue car had the advantage of being on the inside of the left. But the disadvantage of not being able to completely have his line on exit. Ultimately he was unable to clear the white car and had to take a wide entry into the corner. Some contact was made and the blue car goes sailing.

5.) verdict. It’s a racing incident. I don’t see anything malicious. A bump is a bump.

We can all say in hindsight you should’ve backed off, but I know that feeling. @Groundfish knows that feeling. You have a run and throwing everything at the lead. And what is usually an innocent incident caused one to crash. So what. It’s racing. Have a beer (or coffee), light up a smoke, and be proud you at least didn’t let up.
Sorry. I just wouldn’t be proud of saying hey screw it im a punch it and run the dude off track.
Even at the last lap if you don’t have a right to space get out of the space.
Lift. It’s racing but you can’t just say screw it pin throttle aim inside and hope for the best, then POST RACE say “eh oh well it was just a bump”
That behavior is what causes good clean fast people to avoid sport mode and join leagues because people who know, know better than to do that.
What are we? Playing Forza or Wreckfest in this clip?
“At least he didn’t let up?”
Come on man.
I think what happened was not that big of a deal. He raced hard and should feel okay with that. Did he crash someone? Sure. But so what. It happens. Wasn’t Schumacher-Hill @ Adelaide ‘94. Everyone bumps someone just the wrong place at the wrong time.

Wasn’t like he drove the guy off the track. Wasn’t like he divebombed someone and broadsided the other car. Didn’t spin him out. He drove hard and bumped into him. It happens. I’m saying it wasn’t dirty. Think Paul Tracy-Sebastien Bourdais @ Denver ‘06.

Wasn’t like he drove the guy off the track

Yeah the blue car was given racing room see?


Hey, IRL you get fined suspended lose sponsors ass beat whatever. 3/4 of the white car is off track and he’s pinning blue to the wall...without the blue car there White car would have run off into the wall since apparently his throttles stuck wide open and his brakes are broken .
“Hey he didn’t let up”. “Hey he didn’t run him off”.
Online when people drive like this it ruins it for everyone and becomes no longer a contest of skill.
Hey if it’s a D E room ok fine those are destruction derby. Maybe there was no dirty intent. Ok. That doesn’t make it right. Jmo

Edit Hey if it’s just two average drivers and they got overexcited in a battle meh ok.
Seasoned racers have better ability to see what’s coming up tho. Like I said from my perspective if I was chasing there that’s what I’d do to my worst driving enemy, akin to a straight up punt in a braking zone, because I know how to race that track and exactly where the lines are GOING. You have to be thinking ahead more than I GOT 1CM OF OVERLAP AND IMA FLOOR IT! FAST AND FURIOUS WOOHOO!
Hey if they just don’t know better whatever yeah have a laugh, but the question was asked.
If you don’t want an honest answer then I guess don’t ask?
It’s nothing personal it’s just the way it is, either accept it or not.
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Sorry. I just wouldn’t be proud of saying hey screw it im a punch it and run the dude off track.

Whether I have right to the line or not, if you are on a straightaway & this is the angle of my competitor, I'm gonna ride him the full 8 seconds, even if it's into the wall.

Screenshot 2020-12-06 at 7.22.32 PM.png

The blue car knows Gears is enough beside him to know that he isn't clear to take the racing line. This photo alone makes me feel like the blue car is willing to crash someone to win. So, all is fair in racing & war. Not trying to say it's the right thing to do, but this attitude of "I'm gonna push anybody off that gets near me" is a poison for the game. As I mentioned in the daily race thread, somebody tried to take the racing line with me clearly alongside. After the 3rd time, I got pissed at that aggressive behavior. I put him into the sand.
Whether I have right to the line or not, if you are on a straightaway & this is the angle of my competitor, I'm gonna ride him the full 8 seconds, even if it's into the wall

Like this? Look where the white car shoved him off.


Look at the exit curb waaay further down the track.
Yes, white made it a straight alright :). Lol look how he made both apex 100 yards early! It’s ridiculous!
Look I’m trying to help you guys out. You don’t get to just straight line it into a gap choosing a line straight towards the wall because the previous corner on the outside for a moment you achieved a half overlap.
Look where they went off! They are miles too early on that apex because the white car refused to do a micro lift in a high speed s and attack at the braking zone which is literally less than five seconds away!
Lift, tuck in, get a run...Learn to race.
Gears said the blue car swerve blocked three times on the straight when gears was the one wildly swerving like a maniac. Watch the video.
I mean I’m at a loss. I was trying honestly to help but wow.
The bottom line is white car needs to learn to think ahead and needs more experience with racecraft. L I F T
What he did was the move of a person who hated the blue car and wanted to kill him.
I’m flabbergasted.
People often crash into each other because they don’t understand racecraft at all, so you explain and they resist lol whaddya gonna do?
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Yeah the blue car was given racing room see?

View attachment 976551

IMO the incident was over at that stage. The blue car was going off track. The white car was just trying to keep himself from follow suit.

What I see here is more a case of monkey see, monkey do. They see overtakes like what we had today when Russell got around Bottas is a very aggressive manor. I agree with the notion that some parts of the track are not for overtaking safely. Honestly, this corner described from the FIA race is not one of them. For reasons we see. But it happened and a driver crashed. I think the driver of the white car will rethink his decision making when they encounter said situation again, but that’s about all I see of it.
Thoughts on this move at 17:45? (Set-up starts at 17:20) From my perspective he changed his line multiple times then tried to squeeze me off when I had the inside, so contact was inevitable.

Did you have to get past him at the point? no, Was contact avoidable? yes, did you avoid making contact with the car in front? no, Did you give him space on the track? no, penalty justifiable

you still had 3 laps to go to get the lead, backing off before that left right sequence after banky boi could of helped you get a run on him into the next right hander or get him on another corner on one of the next laps, you don't have to overtake at every sniff of an opportunity(Don't give me that Senna reference) just need to be smarter on track, hopefully this experience can help towards building on racecraft
Like this? Look where the white car shoved him off.

Yes. This will be the last comment I make on the topic. As I posted in the pic above, the blue car has let his intention known that they will push another car off track if they challenge him. That is not racecraft. That goes against the videos we have to watch in order to race online. And if someone disrespects me like that, then they deserve no respect back.

As for the swerving coming up to banky boi, that is clear. Blue car wanted to break the slipstream, white car stayed in it until they prepared for the braking zone. Gears was trying to outbrake the blue car. What Gears was trying not to do was be directly behind the blue car when they applied the brakes. Everything leading up to the left after banky is (in my opinion) irrelevant to the contact that caused the penalty.