Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Oh not this again. Nobody is banned for being positive, that is ridiculous, nor is anyone ridiculed solely for being positive either, no matter what someone on Neogaf wants to believe.

Don't take things too seriously. Sure, we have a crack about the FB posts but it's not end of the world serious discussion, nobody told anyone to stop posting or stop being so positive. Lighten up, crack a few quips, it's just an internet thread about a video game.
Always laughing at those who ask questions...Boring. Why are some of you here act like that? Pedantic, haughty. We know it's only PR, but please stop.

from neogaf Gt thread

Q:Why aren't you posting in GTP anymore if I may ask?

A:Not many old GT supporters remains there. He would have been banned at this point and his posts would be used to make fun of him by the very vocal groups and mods who dislike the game. It's good for news but is a weird place to post and engage in discussions.

I tend to agree.

I never cease to find these sorts of comments entertaining (not aiming this at you, more the person answering over in that thread). The idea that GAF doesn't have cliques and favourtism, and even a lot of the same GT-based jokes ("Vacuum cleaners! Long waits!"), is laughable. Nobody has ever been banned from GTPlanet solely because of what games they do or don't like.

An alcoholic drink of choice to @sems4arsenal for waving the flag, though. :cheers: :gtpflag:
Oh not this again. Nobody is banned for being positive, that is ridiculous, nor is anyone ridiculed solely for being positive either, no matter what someone on Neogaf wants to believe.

Don't take things too seriously. Sure, we have a crack about the FB posts but it's not end of the world serious discussion, nobody told anyone to stop posting or stop being so positive. Lighten up, crack a few quips, it's just an internet thread about a video game.

But gaming and the internet is serious business.

@queleuleu Stay man! This all is part of being on a forum. I think the GT section has a love/hate relation with many in here. We all know the high highs and the low lows. If PD delivers expect a breath of positive air and a lot of enthusiasm. If it doesn't deliver hell will brake loose. Really hope it will be the first!

Until there is some real info released on the game we solely can discuss the same stuff over and over again. GT is a place where there is a lot of room for debating, positive and negative. Enjoy the ride and don't forget that all in here love racinggames with all kind of flavours. You have the right to express your view as others have theirs. Some are great debaters and can analyse within the tiny détails, others can't be bothered. Just be aware of that.

Enjoy yourselves :cheers:
Always laughing at those who ask questions...Boring. Why are some of you here act like that? Pedantic, haughty. We know it's only PR, but please stop.

from neogaf Gt thread

Q:Why aren't you posting in GTP anymore if I may ask?

A:Not many old GT supporters remains there. He would have been banned at this point and his posts would be used to make fun of him by the very vocal groups and mods who dislike the game. It's good for news but is a weird place to post and engage in discussions.

I tend to agree.

That's subjective, I rather be part of a community that can see the pros and cons of GT, not a biased place that everyone thinks PD can do no wrong.

I don't feel that anyone is attacking you for what you believe but you have to understand that if you're going to speculate then most likely you will hear from the folks that wait for something more official than a guy on FB. That's just how it is around these forums, don't take it personal 👍

Actually things are pretty civil around here imo... Have you guys been to the opinions and current events forum? There's a war brewing on a daily basis :lol:
You know what? People deserve to get copy paste answers, he gets asked the same/similar questions 1000 times a day. We already know when the event is, there's no point in asking "YOU GOT MOAR INFO LOL DUDE?!" PD told them what they can/can't reveal, we knew that since October 2015 basiaclly. Having that event in less than two week's won't change what they can and cannot say, atleast not untill the event has passed.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over & over again and expecting different results" <-- This can be applied to asking same questions and expecting something more than a generic response...
GTP is far from a biased place where PD do no wrong, this thread especially is evident of that! ;)

Yup and that's exactly what makes this a great community. PD hasn't produced a "perfect" game as far as I'm aware of so I would like to know what are its shortcomings. If you only want to hear positive things about your favorite hobby you're short-changing yourself imo
What are we supposed to do with words that have no links and no names mentioned in them?
Not my duty to create links but losing the one and only Gt prophet, amar212, was a sad day here. The atmosphere changed for good.
Oh, praise the winds! ;)
If anything, you gotta love the response to a generic statement like the one I made, that's what I like to see. Even if it's taken positively or negatively, if it's viewed as me saying GTP is a place where it's naysayers or praises, at least we have opinionated people. Me personally am hopefull GTSport has a mostly positive reaction.
It's both and everything in between. Hence the title Discussion Forum.
Kind of a jack of all trades (GTP) .
Passion for GT emerges nowadays close to release and burns off quite easily with some people, mirroring the spirit of the era, moral and gaming culture, disrespecting the developer of the whole trademark. :rolleyes:
Kind of a jack of all trades (GTP) .
Passion for GT emerges nowadays close to release and burns off quite easily with some people, mirroring the spirit of the era, moral and gaming culture, disrespecting the developer of the whole trademark. :rolleyes:
IMO I think you are using the word passion but what you really mean is blind loyalty. Tell me if this is passion to you.
-played every GT game including prologues
- participates in dozens of GTP organized race series and single organized races based on GT and spent dozens and dozens of hours of personal time organizing series as well.
- spent hundreds of hours online in GT5 and GT6.
- spent hundreds of dollars on peripherals just for GT5 and GT6.
- bought in total 7 copies of GT5/6 for friends and family.

Does that qualify as passion?
Kind of a jack of all trades (GTP) .
Passion for GT emerges nowadays close to release and burns off quite easily with some people, mirroring the spirit of the era, moral and gaming culture, disrespecting the developer of the whole trademark. :rolleyes:
I'd say it correlates precisely with the quality of the output from said developer.
IMO I think you are using the word passion but what you really mean is blind loyalty. Tell me if this is passion to you.
-played every GT game including prologues
- participates in dozens of GTP organized race series and single organized races based on GT and spent dozens and dozens of hours of personal time organizing series as well.
- spent hundreds of hours online in GT5 and GT6.
- spent hundreds of dollars on peripherals just for GT5 and GT6.
- bought in total 7 copies of GT5/6 for friends and family.

Does that qualify as passion?
This. I'm in exactly the same position as you. Have bought everything GT since day one. I bought two additional PS3's, two additional copies of GT5 and two extra TV's just so I could play the game with triple monitors. I'd hate to think how many hours I have spent in GT. I wouldn't be surprised if it totaled more than a year of my life. However, that does not mean I'm going to sit here and blindly praise everything PDI do. I care about the franchise, I want it to be the best racing game franchise out there and, in my opinion, it no longer is. So when you talk about passion, and respect , and love for GT, the people who are criticizing the game could well be the people displaying the most of those attributes.
The only reason I'm still here after what I personally thought were two lacklustre games is the passion and history of the franchise on the whole and a belief they can turn it around. I wouldn't bother otherwise, like I gave up on Final Fantasy for example. I know it'll never be like the games I loved so I don't pay it any attention anymore. GT I still have hope and general interest.
Not my duty to create links but losing the one and only Gt prophet, amar212, was a sad day here. The atmosphere changed for good.
Oh, praise the winds! ;)
Nothing stopping him from posting here, that is purely his choice. Nobody forced him or anyone from posting here except those banned, of which Amar isn't.
IMO I think you are using the word passion but what you really mean is blind loyalty. Tell me if this is passion to you.
-played every GT game including prologues
- participates in dozens of GTP organized race series and single organized races based on GT and spent dozens and dozens of hours of personal time organizing series as well.
- spent hundreds of hours online in GT5 and GT6.
- spent hundreds of dollars on peripherals just for GT5 and GT6.
- bought in total 7 copies of GT5/6 for friends and family.

Does that qualify as passion?
Yep. A bit like me but I have blind passion disorder since GT1 ;D

This. I'm in exactly the same position as you. Have bought everything GT since day one. I bought two additional PS3's, two additional copies of GT5 and two extra TV's just so I could play the game with triple monitors. I'd hate to think how many hours I have spent in GT. I wouldn't be surprised if it totaled more than a year of my life. However, that does not mean I'm going to sit here and blindly praise everything PDI do. I care about the franchise, I want it to be the best racing game franchise out there and, in my opinion, it no longer is. So when you talk about passion, and respect , and love for GT, the people who are criticizing the game could well be the people displaying the most of those attributes.
I had to quit GT6 "way before credits", so no all praising here but I'll never disrespect PDI.
We'll see what happens. Assetto Corsa has been delayed again so Gran Turismo Sport may have advantage now..
I had to quit GT6 "way before credits", so no all praising here but I'll never disrespect PDI.
We'll see what happens. Assetto Corsa has been delayed again so Gran Turismo Sport may have advantage now..
I wouldn't really say one is at an advantage or disadvantage, but I think some are forgetting that the only thing we're getting from GTS currently is going to be a beta, compared to Asseto Corsa releasing a full game.
Disrespectful "OMG PD SUCK SO MUCH, SCREW KAZ" posts definitely do happen here but they are the minority, not the norm. Most people manage to critique the game or the dev in a respectful manner, those that don't tend to get warned and/or banned anyway.
If anything, you gotta love the response to a generic statement like the one I made, that's what I like to see. Even if it's taken positively or negatively, if it's viewed as me saying GTP is a place where it's naysayers or praises, at least we have opinionated people.

The only thing "genetic" about your statement is that you didn't specifically replied to the comments addressed to you, but you did quote me so I replied accordingly because I took this ;) as sarcasm

You're trying to sound like you're neutral about this but your "likes" and this comment show otherwise

Me personally am hopefull GTSport has a mostly positive reaction.
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