Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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The only reason I'm still here after what I personally thought were two lacklustre games is the passion and history of the franchise on the whole and a belief they can turn it around. I wouldn't bother otherwise, like I gave up on Final Fantasy for example. I know it'll never be like the games I loved so I don't pay it any attention anymore. GT I still have hope and general interest.
Nothing stopping him from posting here, that is purely his choice. Nobody forced him or anyone from posting here except those banned, of which Amar isn't.

I wouldn't really say one is at an advantage or disadvantage, but I think some are forgetting that the only thing we're getting from GTS currently is going to be a beta, compared to Asseto Corsa releasing a full game.
I'm so waiting for AC but I fear we'll have to wait ver. 1.3 of it. :indiff: (remember Pcars? )
I wouldn't really say one is at an advantage or disadvantage, but I think some are forgetting that the only thing we're getting from GTS currently is going to be a beta, compared to Asseto Corsa releasing a full game.

This so much!!! Also it's not only a new game it's a new console as well. Ain't nothing gonna be coming out in less than 6 months (at least not "NEO")
And who tries nothing has nothing :)

Well so far in the match of tryers vs. Non-tryers, both have a score of 0 so nobody is winning right now :P

Read between the lines :D

You mean the spaces between the letters?

What are we supposed to do with words that have no links and no names mentioned in them?

Produce weapons-grade dank?
I never cease to find these sorts of comments entertaining (not aiming this at you, more the person answering over in that thread). The idea that GAF doesn't have cliques and favourtism, and even a lot of the same GT-based jokes ("Vacuum cleaners! Long waits!"), is laughable. Nobody has ever been banned from GTPlanet solely because of what games they do or don't like.

An alcoholic drink of choice to @sems4arsenal for waving the flag, though. :cheers: :gtpflag:

I like Gaf as much as the next guy but yeah the comments about GTPlanet by that guy is laughable, it's by far one of the best and nicest gaming forums out there.

people (me included) when they criticize something about Granturismo it's almost always constructive and only to improve our beloved game that we grew up with.
I think they have gotten their act together, their excuse for lack of info was to avoid backlash caused by unkept promises. Atleast they are aware of backlash they can cause and have caused with GT5 and so on...

Where exactly did PD confirm this?
Where exactly did PD confirm this?
A few pages page back one of the PD Facebook guys was talking about how they don't want any unfulfilled promises.

Regarding the lack of news on the new game, Polyphony's Facebook-monitoring intern/employee has told me that they are intentionally not releasing anything because they can not guarantee everything they wish to say at the moment, fearing a repeat of the backlash they received beforehand. Reliable source or not is up to the individual.

Not my duty to create links but losing the one and only Gt prophet, amar212, was a sad day here. The atmosphere changed for good.
Oh, praise the winds! ;)
Here's why you link stuff. You look like you're quoting a post, but no links or names are mentioned. Then, when questioned on it, you talk about losing amar212 so many people might infer that the quote was from Amar. It wasn't. It was from someone else speaking on his behalf. That's why you link.

Here are a few other choice posts that might sound familiar:
- Yeah, you know what this is his reaction to? It's realising that GT Sport will still have the Paint Chip system. Or maybe he heard the engine sounds and they were even worse than before...
- Now just watch as this London event will get delayed as well.
- I keep getting all excited about GTS/7 and then I remember that Fanatec wheels won't be supported, only 'official' ones will. Not because of any technical barrier, of course, but because of 🤬🤬🤬-🤬 [profanity not allowed on GT but ok on Gaf]
- It's GT. Expect delays. No matter what they say. Less disappointment that way.

- "We hear you liked the standard cars so much that we now have a new category of cars called standard-plus. Here were bring back all of the cars from GT1 and GT2 that didn't make it into future iterations in all their PS1 glory."
- I can't wait to be disappointed

Apparently mocking, ridiculing and swearing about GT is ok on the GAF for Amar, but reasoned and polite discussion on GTP isn't. I didn't have to scan the thread for it either, it was all on the same page as your quote. Makes sense.
I've seen politicians more transparent than PD. At least tell us, ok we drank a bit too much on Christmas so we're expecting a July beta date.
I never cease to find these sorts of comments entertaining (not aiming this at you, more the person answering over in that thread). The idea that GAF doesn't have cliques and favourtism, and even a lot of the same GT-based jokes ("Vacuum cleaners! Long waits!"), is laughable. Nobody has ever been banned from GTPlanet solely because of what games they do or don't like.

An alcoholic drink of choice to @sems4arsenal for waving the flag, though. :cheers: :gtpflag:
NeoGAF is one of the most bias gaming sites on the net, GTPlanet is on another level of equality compared to that place. We have the benefit of having well formed opinions and intelligent members who engage in discussions frequently without being worried about breaking the 'safe zone' mentality a lot of those at GAF have.
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Here are a few other choice posts that might sound familiar:

Note the difference in frequency those people feel the need to repeat themselves though. On both sides of the fence. They say what they feel and move on and I have no problem with that and I agree with some of the points they make. Both good or bad. Neither does anybody else have much of a problem by the look of it.

Also, note the way people are free to their opinions without being jumped on by other users. A fine example of people on either end of the scale coexisting in the same thread for the vast majority of the time. That does not happen here, sure, you can call it 'debate' all you want but it's just not, at all. It's just a mess of a back and forth where everybody's a loser. I am in no way saying GAF is perfect, far from it, it has many a fault, but at least I don't have to scroll through 15 pages of utter nonsense and repetition before I start to get a feel of the general opinions here.

I've seen people over there call GT6 perfect, I've seen people say it was an unplayable mess, but both were free to call it that without ridicule because that was their opinions based on their experience with the game. So every time I read that what happens here is what happens when passionate fans with varying experiences on GT are put together, I laugh, because it's truly not the case.

The pessimistic people blame the 'die hards', The optimistic people blame the 'haters'. Whilst both camps pretend to be realists. :lol: The truth is neither camp are right. A true realist thinks without bias or let passion affect their judgement, a true realist knows that GT:Sport is Schrödinger's cat as of right now.
Note the difference in frequency those people feel the need to repeat themselves though. On both sides of the fence. They say what they feel and move on and I have no problem with that and I agree with some of the points they make. Both good or bad. Neither does anybody else have much of a problem by the look of it.

Also, note the way people are free to their opinions without being jumped on by other users. A fine example of people on either end of the scale coexisting in the same thread for the vast majority of the time. That does not happen here, sure, you can call it 'debate' all you want but it's just not, at all. It's just a mess of a back and forth where everybody's a loser. I am in no way saying GAF is perfect, far from it, it has many a fault, but at least I don't have to scroll through 15 pages of utter nonsense and repetition before I start to get a feel of the general opinions here.

I've seen people over there call GT6 perfect, I've seen people say it was an unplayable mess, but both were free to call it that without ridicule because that was their opinions based on their experience with the game. So every time I read that what happens here is what happens when passionate fans with varying experiences on GT are put together, I laugh, because it's truly not the case.

The pessimistic people blame the 'die hards', The optimistic people blame the 'haters'. Whilst both camps pretend to be realists. :lol: The truth is neither camp are right. A true realist thinks without bias or let passion affect their judgement, a true realist knows that GT:Sport is Schrödinger's cat as of right now.
I agree, but those types of posts tend to drag discussions off topic (I've made a few myself, so I'd know). Just a heads-up.
I think they have gotten their act together, their excuse for lack of info was to avoid backlash caused by unkept promises. Atleast they are aware of backlash they can cause and have caused with GT5 and so on...

Unfortunately, they're still approaching it wrong. The correct way to do it is not to avoid saying anything at all, it's to keep communicating and just don't say things that you're not sure about.

So in this case, if they happen to be unsure about all the features of their game (a few weeks/months before their beta...), then they can still keep people informed about progress. They can announce that the beta is being delayed because they want to make the game better, and they can dazzle people by flashing some of the car/track assets that they undoubtedly have.

What they're doing with their "absolute silence" policy is marginally better than when Kaz would say stuff about GT5 and 6 that later turned out to be WAY wrong. There's a middle ground that most companies don't have too much trouble hitting, but Polyphony just doesn't seem to get it.
Sooo, why did you view it if there's something you don't like to hear or see?
Because I saw something pertaining to the release of news for the game, and me being interested in it I wanted to check the thread. Is there an issue with that?

There's more to do outside of the internet while waiting for news too you know...
Which is exactly why I said it's the only reason I bothered to look at the thread. This was probably the first visit I've paid a GT related thread in months.. Why?

As I've said brfore, they have no actual obligation to give any details until they are ready to do so. Comparing them to other developers is just a waste of all of our time. Everyone works differently on their games.

I'll take silence over them doing what they did with GT5. Or SMS with Project CARS and its delays. Or Naughty Dog and Uncharted 4's delays.

The entitlement comment was for those who think asking a facebook page is going to get them the answers that they feel they need to know right now.

And to those that don't like waiting.. either learn to deal with it or move on to something else.
The only thing "genetic" about your statement is that you didn't specifically replied to the comments addressed to you, but you did quote me so I replied accordingly because I took this ;) as sarcasm

You're trying to sound like you're neutral about this but your "likes" and this comment show otherwise
Sorry to disappoint you, but I try to keep a positive outlook on all things, not just GT and I tend to agree with positive comments. I don't care if people complain. Everyone is entitled to like what they want, but that doesn't mean you can judge a person just because of comments they 'like'. If my comment wasn't neutral to you, that means your opinion is slanted in a particular direction. Which is your right. I just can't be bothered to like comments pointing out faults. That's in no way a sign I feel GT is fautless.
You're trying to sound like you're neutral about this but your "likes" and this comment show otherwise

If anything, you gotta love the response to a generic statement like the one I made, that's what I like to see. Even if it's taken positively or negatively, if it's viewed as me saying GTP is a place where it's naysayers or praises, at least we have opinionated people. Me personally am hopefull GTSport has a mostly positive reaction.

@Speedracer8218 Are you saying you're hopeful it doesn't have a positive reception?