Note the difference in frequency those people feel the need to repeat themselves though. On both sides of the fence. They say what they feel and move on and I have no problem with that and I agree with some of the points they make.
Both good or bad. Neither does anybody else have much of a problem by the look of it.
Also, note the way people are free to their opinions without being jumped on by other users. A fine example of people on either end of the scale coexisting in the same thread for the vast majority of the time. That does not happen here, sure, you can call it 'debate' all you want but it's just not, at all. It's just a mess of a back and forth where everybody's a loser. I am in no way saying GAF is perfect, far from it, it has many a fault, but at least I don't have to scroll through 15 pages of utter nonsense and repetition before I start to get a feel of the general opinions here.
I've seen people over there call GT6 perfect, I've seen people say it was an unplayable mess, but both were free to call it that without ridicule because that was their opinions based on their experience with the game. So every time I read that what happens here is what happens when passionate fans with varying experiences on GT are put together, I laugh, because it's truly not the case.
The pessimistic people blame the 'die hards', The optimistic people blame the 'haters'. Whilst both camps pretend to be realists.

The truth is neither camp are right. A true realist thinks without bias or let passion affect their judgement, a true realist knows that GT:Sport is Schrödinger's cat as of right now.