Ok, having watched all the videos, read all the news and posts in this thread (100+ pages in 2 days...wow

), and came back down to Earth after all the hype, allow me to make a few impressions...
UI - looks fresh, simple and intuitive, just like all past GTs and cleaned up for the minimalist new generation. No complaints here whatsoever.
Photomode/Scapes - absolutely stunning. You literally cannot tell if it's a game or real life. With this technique PD doesn't need to waste time modelling whole locations anymore, because you can just take a picture of a real location, add the in-game model and it is virtually indistinguishable. 1000+ locations is absolutely amazing. The only negatives that I can think of is you can't really "walk around" in the locations. Also, this makes it easy to get good photos, but harder to be creative with angle/placement.
Livery Editor - another bombshell by PD. Really didn't expect this coming. Looks fairly extensive too and not half arsed like the customization options in GT5/6. My only concern is you can only put a subset of liveries on a subset of cars (kinda like the limited selection of wheels in GT5), and everyone's car will end up looking fairly similar anyways. We'll see how it goes.
Museum - another feature I love to see returning from GT5. This may not be high up on people's priority, but things like this is what makes GT stand out from other car games. Appreciation for everything and anything automotive/motorsport.
Quality Consistency - although we kinda know already, it's good to see there will be no standards, and all the cars and tracks have been rebuilt. The lack of consistency is what killed the PS3 generation GTs in my opinion, so it's good to see they have a completely fresh start this time around. Remember the wonder when GT5P was first released? I feel the same way this time around.
Graphics - honestly, I'm neither happy nor disappointed. In some situations it looks good (that Nurburgring gif, photomode), and in others it doesn't really look that much of an improvement from GT6. It doesn't really scream next gen like Driveclub does. 3D trees look good, but we still have cardboards in some places. Grass still looks flat. Asphalt textures look really good though (especially Tokyo Expressway).
Cars - racing versions of road cars look great, however I would much rather they spend time modelling the real life race versions, if available (C7R instead of C7 Gr.3 for example). If not so much concerned about the car count, but looking at the list so far it looks padded (3 MX5 versions, really?) and there's a lot of VGTs. That doesn't leave a lot of room for new cars.
Performance Balancing - I see a Corvette and a Mito in Group N. Wut? Either they are going to nerf the Corvette severely or give the Mito some ridiculous boost, or both. From my experience with BOP in GT6 Quick Match, the performance balancing will make all the cars feel pretty much the same as everything else, and you lose that individuality in each car's character. Good for racing, but very bad if you want any kind of realism.
Tracks - Tokyo Expressway is awesome

Been waiting a long time for a proper Wangan style track (SSR7 isn't really exciting unless you're pushing for top speed). The problem is they should have modelled the actual C1 layout. As it is, it's far too short for proper cruising and it's not challenging enough. The short oval is interesting, but again they should have modelled an actual track (Bristol or Martinsville anyone?). Also it's a bit odd for them to add this track when there's no NASCAR. Track count is pegged at 19. I counted all the real life tracks from GT6 and it's at 17 (minus Goodwood and the doubled up Suzuka). Add Tokyo + Oval and you have 19. Then we have the rally track +/- Seattle. Looks like fans of original GT tracks are out of luck this time

Also no dynamic weather? With all that PS4 power you'd think all tracks will have dynamic time and weather, no question
Physics - from gameplay videos it still looks same old GT physics. High slip angles are faster, cars bounce over kerbs without repercussions, overdamped suspension...However after reading
@Scaff comments I'm inclined to give this the benefit of doubt for now. Judging physics without actually holding a wheel in your hands is hit and miss I find. I'm still not expecting this to be better than AC though (or PCARS for that matter).
Sounds - sigh...still no significant improvement. Even if they bring it up to the level of late VGTs it's still a far cry from other racing games in the market. I have given up hope in this department a long time ago. Next.
Collisions - still same old GT bumper cars. Even if damage is disabled, I doubt the final version will be anything groundbreaking. Totally takes away from the realism.
HUD - a change that doesn't need to happen IMO. Surprised to see so many people liking this actually. It looks modern, but that's about the only good part. I absolutely hate using a line for speedo/tach as it makes it hard to read. Also there are 2 lines for tach (the round one on the right and the strip on top middle)? Missing throttle/brake position. Don't like the map as well (I always drive with it off). Also it's too big and too high up on the screen, which covers up the road ahead. Not liking this one bit.
Always Online - no explanation needed here. I know it's primarily an e-sport game, but there's still an offline career mode and we don't need online for that. I really hope this is just a misinformation.
Matchmaking/Netcode - from playing GT6 Quick Match, GT's matching system is absolutely atrocious. Takes too long, clunky, multiple loading screens and fails far too often. If we end up getting matched based on player stats that will make the process even longer and convoluted. You might end up not having anyone to match with

Learn from Codemasters PD. Also the netcode I hope is a lot more stable and fluid. No more jumping/accelerating/invisible cars please.
Pre-order/Limited/Collectors Editions - if this is a spin off, there's no need for all these extra stuff. Save it for the full GT7. The fact that PD does put out special editions tells me they want to treat this as a full game, but so far I'm not seeing a full GT experience in GTS. More like GT6.5 Lite: Online Edition.
Besides scapes and livery editor, I am not really seeing anything groundbreaking for PD. I mean a car racing game is always going to be limited in creativity, but watching all these announcements and trailers (reusing the same song again? They don't even try do they) doesn't give me the "wow" factor like the jump from PS1 to PS2, or PS2 to PS3. Even if PD managed to sort out all the neutral/bad stuff above, that just means they have caught up with other games. I miss the good old innovative PD that pushes the genre forward back in PS1/2 days. Kaz says GTS is only 50% done. Well they have a ton of work to do in just 6 months.
Am I still going to buy GTS? Probably yes.
Is it going to be fun? Maybe, for a few months or so.
Is it going to be my primary racing sim? A resounding no.