Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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I posted my impression to GT Facebook :)

Oh, that's great that a member thinks the same thing as me. It proves that I'm not crazy :lol:

Seriously, I hope that those who will test GTS at Tokyo Game Show (@nasanu ?) or Paris Games Week will notice the improvement :)

Yes, I saw your feedback. I totally agree with you and I played with a steering wheel :)

AI of GT6 was very very slow. It was easy to win. PoDi wanted this game to be accessible to all. But this time, they finally put a difficulty level. GTS should suit all types of players ! I hope you will have another opportunity to test GTS before its release :)

The environment doesn't seem interesting because it's a ranch. This is a desert.

But the track itself is really nice. The length is good, and as you say, there are hairpins, jumps, sweepers, etc. For me, the challenge was there, much more than in Tahiti Maze for example (by the way, I compared with the GT4 Version).

As I already said, I noticed the fences issue. But it wasn't as pronounced as on this video.

On build of E3, this problem has disappeared, effectively. But it came back, I think PoDi are optimizing the game.

I confirm, on this video, player choose easy mode. I'm disappointed that they didn't choose professional mode :(

It's something I forgot to mention in my impressions. Cockpit view is there, of course ! :)

And I find movements, more natural, less jerky than GT6 version. I'm curious how it will go with the VR

BTW you quoted the wrong post of me replying you, i did praise your review was very objective :3
I wonder with all these recent improvements and developments if people are still gonna hate.

Then again, hate comes standard.
Well I found myself presently surprised when I checked the youtube comments of a couple of recent GTS videos and they were filled with optimism for once.
Well, try looking - on this same page you can see someone quoting me and posting rl video as if that video is directly relevant - and if needed i will find and quote a member (not just me) who has prior to that pointed out that games have specific (non rl) assist as well as trying to simulate those that exist.

If a person claims that using assists in game doesn't obscure our (or at least his) capability to evaluate games physics - and tries to prove that by linking a rl video as proof - than first he is forgeting or ignoring that games have other then rl assists. and at the same time he obviously asumes that this build of GT Sport simulates those assists perfectly acurately as in real life! Otherwise he would not use rl video as reference.
Because if GT Sport does not simulatest rl assists perfectly then he (or anyone) cannot judge anything without intimate knowledge of how inacurate/acurate it does simulate it.
Real Life is 100% relevant, its the benchmark by which the accuracy or the physics in a sim should always be judged. Regardless of if the assists are real or not they will be having an affect on the physics and the physics can be evaluatioed for how well they simulate the real world or not.

Now in the case of GTS (which didn't have any 'non-real' assists when I played it) the comparison to that part if the 'ring is valid. Its a section in which every guide tells you not to brake, ever. If you do the compression will unsettle the car and it will result in oversteer. Now assist should try and reduce that or even in extereme cases remove it, but to result in the exact opposite is an indication that something is not working with the physics engine correctly (of which the assists are a part of).

And as i have said, all this after it was more then once pointed out that besides rl assists, games have other much more obstructive ones.
No one has said that other titles don't have assists (and if they did they would be wrong); that those assists are more obtrusive? Well that's quite debatable as it would depend on which other title and which GT title.

(I clearly was not shouting - shouting with capital letters would be if I "capitalised" plenty of words one after another or whole sentence. What I mean to say, in context of my post I was only using it rarely instead of bolding letters... Typing on mobile. But, ok, I never really find it difficult to apologise, so i will. I apologise to everyone who felt in the smalest way as if i was shouting at them)
Then please use either bold or italics in future to emphasis a word, as UPPER CASE is taken as shouting on the 'net, regardless of if its a single word or multiple words.

I don't think so and I am pretty sure that will not affect the release date either. If all of a sudden they delay the game for next year then may be they will release some demo or beta testing in November.
The simple fact is that we don't know, however what we do know is that releasing and supporting a beta does take time, time that PD may have needed to hit the release window and it may have been pulled for that reason.

Could the lack of a beta have an impact on the final product? Yes it could.

If the net-code and servers are not up to scratch (and this is an area that has been an issue in the past for PD) then not running a large scale public beat to ensure they are fixed may have a massive impact on a title that is going to push on-line as a core part of the package.

Take the Titanfall Alpha test that is running right now as an example, they are during the time its running taking on board both game-play balance and server set-up feedback and incorperating it into the test. All of which is noticeable (in a good way) within the test itself. It bodes well for a solid on-line experience when it releases in October.

Otherwise I do not see any challenge in releasing the same version that people got to play at E3 as a download version.
If your after testing the off-line then it wouldn't be an issue (but it would be too late to do much about that for a Nov release).

If you are testing the on-line then it may well be a challenge depending on exactly where they are with that, however that it was pulled doesn't fill me with confidence.

On an unreleased note I have spent some time having a good think about the inclusion of rally in GTS and have to say that despite looking for the positives I'm at a loss.

Quite frankly it looks bloody awful in implementation to me. The track is dull, generic and far too wide. Its a rally cross track that has too few cars on it. It doesn't seem to either know what it wants to be or what rally actually is (or rallycross for that matter).

While I'm not always a big fan of physics from a video (and as such this does carry that caveat) the action of the suspension on landing looks like it still has the issues that GT5 and 6 had (perfect damping no matter the size of the jump or the attitude of the car on landing), the track surface appears to not have an significant effect on the tyres past a simple change in mU value and as a result simply looks dull.

In terms of what can be done with physics on loose and mixed surfaces both Dirt and SLRE have shown that the PS4 is more than capable of dealing with these areas well, and PD look to have missed a massive opportunity with this.
Valid criticism is all well and good. Key word being valid.

99.9% of GTPers don't have any hands-on experience with GTS, and obviously nobody except for maybe a couple time-traveling GTPers have any experience with the finished product. It's like people are reviewing a movie based on leaked photographs from the set...
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Valid criticism (and pr is all well and good. Key word being valid.

99.9% of GTPers don't have any hands-on experience with GTS, and obviously nobody except for maybe a couple time-traveling GTPers have any experience with the finished product. It's like people are reviewing a movie based on leaked photographs from the set...

We can only comment on what we know and see. I don't see anyone criticising the game as if it's final and released.
We can only comment on what we know and see. I don't see anyone criticising the game as if it's final and released.

Yes, and you can judge a book by its cover. It just needs to be understood that such a judgment doesn't hold anywhere near as much weight as the judgment of someone who's actually read it in its entirety.

Whether anyone's criticizing what they're seeing/hearing of GTS as if it's their own first-hand experience with the finished product, I don't know... I tend to ignore GT speculation. I was just saying.
Yes, and you can judge a book by its cover. It just needs to be understood that such a judgment doesn't hold anywhere near as much weight as the judgment of someone who's actually read it in its entirety.

Whether anyone's criticizing what they're seeing/hearing of GTS as if it's their own first-hand experience with finished product, I don't know... I tend to ignore the GTS speculation. I was just saying.
You are aware that the exact same argument can be applied to those who are positive about GTS and have not played it?

On that basis shall we ban all comments from the 99.9%?

Wouldn't bother me as I'm in the 0.1%.
Valid criticism is all well and good. Key word being valid.

99.9% of GTPers don't have any hands-on experience with GTS, and obviously nobody except for maybe a couple time-traveling GTPers have any experience with the finished product. It's like people are reviewing a movie based on leaked photographs from the set...

You cant judge the graphics, the car list, the sound, the track list, the quality of the track and cars models without having the game?
We can only comment on what we know and see. I don't see anyone criticising the game as if it's final and released.

I have.

It'd be nice to see it all calm down a bit after release, but I'm not sure how that works here on GTP historically. I joined quite recently...

I'm guessing it just gets worse though, haha
You are aware that the exact same argument can be applied to those who are positive about GTS and have not played it?

On that basis shall we ban all comments from the 99.9%?

Wouldn't bother me as I'm in the 0.1%.

Yep, I'm aware. In fact, examining Samus's quote of my post, there's an interesting typo of mine.... a random "(and pr", which was going to be "(and praise)"... but I decided to cut it for simplicity's sake. Except I forgot to delete it because I'm half-asleep over here.

You cant judge the graphics, the car list, the sound, the track list, the quality of the track and cars models without having the game?

Graphics/Sound? Sure. It helps if you've got high-quality direct feed footage of the game (which we do), but you still need to be aware that the game is still in development and the graphics are subject to refinement.

Car/Track lists? Sure, and having complete car or track lists makes those criticisms fairly solid. I don't believe we have those for GTS yet though... but maybe I just haven't been following it as closely
I have.

It'd be nice to see it all calm down a bit after release, but I'm not sure how that works here on GTP historically. I joined quite recently...

I'm guessing it just gets worse though, haha
That depends totally on what the final released product is like.
I honestly feel that GT Sport is starting to feel more like a GT Concept rather than a beefed up Prologue. IIRC GT Concept had a good number of tracks and a nice roster selection of cars compared to a Prologue.
Aye of course, but this title seems particularly divisive (by design to a certain extent). Could be a rough ride.
That I would agree with, but perhaps not for the same reason.

GT diehards are (and this is in comparison to the other titles discussed here at FTP) not always open to perfectly valid criticism of GT titles. To the point of simply making things up.
That I would agree with, but perhaps not for the same reason.

GT diehards are (and this is in comparison to the other titles discussed here at FTP) not always open to perfectly valid criticism of GT titles. To the point of simply making things up.

But because of the changes, huge in some cases, is this not going to precisely annoy these diehards more than most...?

Also, it slightly irks me that being vaguely optimistic about something, as in my case, means that you're randomly labelled a blind fanboy by certain anti-gt (it seems) diehards.

Diehards both sides of the fence eh :)
I think Gran Turismo Sport is divisive, because Polyphony rather than announcing a regular Gran Turismo, everyone was expecting. They announced something very different.

Gran Turismo Sport is like Windows 8. When Microsoft announced that, it really divided the Microsoft community. Some people loved the new tile interface, and some people hated it.
But because of the changes, huge in some cases, is this not going to precisely annoy these diehards more than most...?

Also, it slightly irks me that being vaguely optimistic about something, as in my case, means that you're randomly labelled a blind fanboy by certain anti-gt (it seems) diehards.

Diehards both sides of the fence eh :)
Oh they exist on both sides, but having to deal with them from a moderation point of view one side outnumbers the other by a big margin.

Now the point about GTS itself putting some GT diehards off simply because of what it is, is very valid and certainly will make the post launch interesting.
Yes, and you can judge a book by its cover. It just needs to be understood that such a judgment doesn't hold anywhere near as much weight as the judgment of someone who's actually read it in its entirety.

Whether anyone's criticizing what they're seeing/hearing of GTS as if it's their own first-hand experience with the finished product, I don't know... I tend to ignore GT speculation. I was just saying.

I definitely say that as this franchise moves to the PS4, the "optimism" if you will is important to have since GT is moving in a different direction as compared to the past. I personally believe the game is moving closer to the community that ever before. Will just have to wait and see until the final product is out.
I have.

It'd be nice to see it all calm down a bit after release, but I'm not sure how that works here on GTP historically. I joined quite recently...

I'm guessing it just gets worse though, haha
No, actually it's always been really good on here when games release. It's normally pretty crazy for a good while! The landscape is very different now though. People certainly don't need to buy this. There are/will be plenty of really good titles knocking about. Also criticism of any bugs or glitches shouldn't be so fierce as its been demonstrated by virtually all games being released time and again. I hope the game releases in a "quality" state, due to its focused approach. If it does and the servers for FIA races are excellent, I'll be delighted
Fuchsrohre,the last left turn.He brakes during cornering which in real world would lead to monstrous oversteer but his car is doing exactly the opposite of the real world,understeer.

It looked quite realistic to me in context. The way driving aids was heavily in use through that corner, the kind of car it was, the racing line and the way car started turning left when coming out of corner.

That part of track seems quite punishing in GT SPORT:

If I get a chance to drive track at EGX next month, I will let you know how I find it.
Real Life is 100% relevant, its the benchmark by which the accuracy or the physics in a sim should always be judged. Regardless of if the assists are real or not they will be having an affect on the physics and the physics can be evaluatioed for how well they simulate the real world or not.

Now in the case of GTS (which didn't have any 'non-real' assists when I played it) the comparison to that part if the 'ring is valid. Its a section in which every guide tells you not to brake, ever. If you do the compression will unsettle the car and it will result in oversteer. Now assist should try and reduce that or even in extereme cases remove it, but to result in the exact opposite is an indication that something is not working with the physics engine correctly (of which the assists are a part of).

No one has said that other titles don't have assists (and if they did they would be wrong); that those assists are more obtrusive? Well that's quite debatable as it would depend on which other title and which GT title.

Then please use either bold or italics in future to emphasis a word, as UPPER CASE is taken as shouting on the 'net, regardless of if its a single word or multiple words.

The simple fact is that we don't know, however what we do know is that releas

You either misunderstand or pretend to misunderstand... Well, that's just human, i'm sure it happens to me also, so alright

Example - i did not speak of other games having other assists, like separating them form GTS. I said "games have other assist" not "OtHeR games have other assists" - but you jump on that.

And if you cannot verify has rl driver turned of his rl assists, and then in a video of a simulation you can't verify which assists are of and which on - how can one judge anything anything... On top of that what kinds of assists GTS even has? On top on the of the top, it can't be verified how close or far are they from rl counterparts.

SRF is one of GT's very powerful assists that don't exist.
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