Porsche got fatThis is what happens when you follow through on a silly ideas that you thought would be funny
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You’ll find with this search results that a lot of tribute liveries have already been made for him. Whether it be a replica, a personal tribute or just a decal, hopefully you’ll find something that fits you, and moreover, you’ll see that the community has done something for him.I know this isn't going to be liked, but I would like to request someone either do the helmet or a tribute livery to Anthoine Hubert. I know I'm probably going to have some people mad at me, but at this time I really don't care. The motorsport world lost one of its future stars over the weekend. And I think he should never be forgotten. If anyone even takes the time to read this message I say thank you. If anyone decides to take this request I also say thank you.
R.I.P Anthoine
Ah man, beat me to it. I just prepped the decals for this yesterday. May throw mine on the NA TC.