Gran Turismo Sport's Next Update Arrives Next Week, With New Cars

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nope... sport races NEED more tracks, limiting the added tracks just for the people that can afford to buy them so they can custom race them, or race them in a lobby is pointless...
Not saying game doesn't need tracks, problem is development needs resources, and we are the ones... I still hate GT Sport for excluding so many tracks that previous games had, especially those that made GT what it is...

I've seen this idea floated around a lot. IMO, it's a little backwards; kicking off paid DLC six months after release (and after a few months of free stuff) doesn't make much sense. Big exclusive titles are typically pretty front-loaded in terms of sales: the number of people interested in and playing the game is at its highest near the beginning. GT usually has longer sales legs than most titles, so that's less applicable, but still relevant.

I'm not saying it can't happen. I'm just saying it'd be a very strange approach. Though with the FIA championship starting in earnest in April, maybe it wouldn't be that far-fetched...

If somebody can't afford a track, which probably wouldn't run more than a few dollars, they probably can't afford a PS4/GT Sport combo, either. Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone (kids, people that received it as a gift), but still.

Also, easy solution: new tracks can be part of the daily Sport Mode shuffle, but unavailable in any other game mode for those that don't buy it. They can experience the new hotness, and be tempted to buy it so they can actually practice on it.

Win-win. I know I personally wouldn't be that opposed to paid-for track DLC; I know how much work is required for tracks! :eek:
Noone knows, but I am sure that some tracks and cars will be paid content... Especially considering this is how GT will be, and looking at many reviews that it is more similar to iRacing now... Also considering that probably PS5 (or whatever it will be) will be upgraded PS4, GT Sport will progress to that platform just with updated graphics, but same content (I say probably, since it makes sence what Kaz has said)

So... I like it on one side, but don't like it on other, still missing those days when I was grinding credits in SP to buy car parts, tires, aero... and newer cars...

I somehow doubt they‘ll add any racecars for gr1, 3 and 4 in the near future but I hope I‘m wrong :D

Well, Ferrari 330p4 and Jag 13 are basically Gr.1... probbably...
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Forgot about that one but I honestly expected to get a X-Box Gr.4 or others with the most recent update.

We didn't get any insight what will be in this update other than cars ? it would be a surprise if we will get any new track.
would have been fun to get someone standing behind the curtain for that pic.

If you look closely you can catch a glimpse of my phone. Sadly my face is pay per view tho. Sorry. Although nothing much to see. Unless you prefer ugly mirages of yourself. I'd prefer not to be reminded myself everytime I look at this thread at that stranger behind the curtain.
If you look closely you can catch a glimpse of my phone. Sadly my face is pay per view tho. Sorry. Although nothing much to see. Unless you prefer ugly mirages of yourself. I'd prefer not to be reminded myself everyone I look at this thread at that stranger behind the curtain.
I would pay to see a face wide enough to be in that reflection, unless you have a really long arm/selfy stick :P
I'm guessing the Ferrari 330 will be the most expensive. What is the in game credit limit. Does anyone know. I never went over 10m.
Who else is grinding away for all the credits they can scrape up before Friday?

I'm currently doing the Nurb 24hr pit glitch.

That glitch doesn't work for me anymore for some reason. Every time I get in the correct position the car pulls the highest uturn I've ever seen.
I can't do the pit glitch. I start in 4th place and squeeze between the pit barrier and last cone until auto-drive kicks in. Less than a minute and around 120k.
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