gt 5 wishes

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would like to see in indurance some parts failure,gear box,engine, electrical and tyre blow outs,makes it more interesting.Much more cars in 24hr races possibly full grid of 50,different catagories too, group c,lmp 1,lmp 2,gt,'d be nice to tip around la sarthe in lets say an dbr9 aston and win that class,real time weather changes and day night ability to save during enduros,14 hrs into 24hr race and having a power cut isn't fun.Also if you could start a team bull racing,have numerous cars in different classes.As well as prize money there should be entrance fees,and at least double the cars on track in sprint races
Yeah, there's a couple dozen threads that already deal with this sort of thing. Next time use the search function to make sure the thread you're looking for doesn't already exist.

P.S.-Welcome to GTP!
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