Ok... I'm the one (!) guy who picked option one.
For starters I like it when people throw things at me...
Mission Accomplished! (ducks)
But seriously, I think it will be fun to start out with nothing and gradually build up a garage. I like collecting things... and I'll drive the hell out of every car I get. I just don't care if I spend $5.00 a week on cars from now to armagedon. It's really not that much.
I know that one of the strengths of GT2 and GT4 was the depth of car selection, but this is a different game... with different strengths.
As far a pleading poverty, if you can afford a PS3 and a HDTV to use it, you can probably afford my weekly car budget, especially if the game is only $5 or $10 to start out with.
Worried about losing online races to someone who bought a better car? Spend your first $.50 on something like the Sauber Mercedes or the F1 car... Problem Solved!
As far as the marketing wisdom of this choice goes, the Famine brings up some strong points, but only time and the market will really tell...
Consider, though, that Parents will be thrilled to find a game for under 10 bucks... which might lead to massive initial sales... and they'll probably be willing to ante up the credit card for 10-15 cars a week, which will probably keep junior happy.
Also, don't discount the aquisitive nature of kids... look how crazy they got about Pokemon cards... parents were driving all over to find the one card thier kid was hysterical for because nobody else at school had it.
If pokemon had come with all the cards initially, It would have made a lot less money... it was the drive to "get them all" the got people hooked and drove profits...
So maybe microtransactions are marketing suicide... but this could be marketing genius...
Finally, regarding the whole "wahh, I'm being ripped off/Raped/Bentover/ life is so unfair to me!!!" type posts, read my post from the GTHD thread, reproduced below.
Waitaminute... did someone bring up principle? are you kidding?
You're invoking Principle because a business that has developed a product wants to sell it to you at a profit?
Do you complainers think you are entitled to set Sony and PD's prices for them? If you don't think the product is worth the price, don't buy it! Problem solved!
Want to hear about principles? In a couple of months you'll be sitting in your safe homes playing GTHD on a thousand+ dollar gaming system (PS3 + HDTV) moaning about "having" to pay $.50 for each virtual car you want to drive...
Meanwhile all over the world men, women, and children are dying because they can't get $.50 worth of clean water.
I hate to sound melodramatic, but it's true...
It's pathetic that some of you think you have it rough in life because you have to pay for your entertainment.
I'm really losing respect for many of the posters on this board.