GT game must make us aware of climate change and also driving safely.

  • Thread starter yogaflame
But it is a simulation of reality and in reality oil will be gone as soon

And when that happens, what will be used to provide power for your beloved electric cars? Fossil fuels are obviously out of the question. Hydrogen has limits in energy potential, as does solar energy. Nuclear power is widely considered to be the cleanest alternative to fossil fuels, but then comes the issue of disposal of spent rods. For now they are just stored in lead-lined rooms or buried until it can be decided what to do with them, which is not very clean. This is Gran Turismo, the Real Driving Simulator. The only time that we have seen a future car like you are talking about was the Nike One 2022 from GT4, and that was only available to do practice laps and you couldn't race it. It is a racing game, after all.
There's money to be made out of climate change? Really?

If climate change really is happening, it could cost the planet as a whole trillions of pounds / dollars / euros / whatever currency...

No-one but renewable energy source providers could make money out of it >.<
There's money to be made out of climate change? Really?

If climate change really is happening, it could cost the planet as a whole trillions of pounds / dollars / euros / whatever currency...

No-one but renewable energy source providers could make money out of it >.<

Ah, but that's where your wrong. As I shall now demonstrate with this list.

1. government want's more money (the #1 saying in business, follow the money)

2. government pays scientists to start reporting that there's a rise in global temperature (global warming).

3. government tells people we need to lower our carbon output due to this global warming.

4. government decides to tax you for any thing that will cause global warming so as to reduce our carbon output. (such as they have in the UK with emission tax, congestion charges, and the dreaded speed camera)

5. So now global warming, a phony government/ political science, has given the government a new way to tax you, there by getting billions in tax money from motorists everywhere in there country.
This thread has to be a joke right? Come on climate change? Safe racing ? I prefer my gaming experience to give me what I cant do in real life,such as driving a gas hogging fire belching V12 at 200mph in an unsafe manner.
Thank you for taking words right out of my mouth. I plan on driving the biggest engine gas-guzzling V12 Ferrari that GT5 has around the Nurburgring at 200+ mph because I can't do that in real life, that's why it's a game! :dopey:

After seeing this thread, I think I've seen it all. Come on, road safety and climate change? What's next, speed cameras and traffic lights?
Actually it does since the PS3, TV and wheel(if using one) all use electricity which is normally produced by plants that produce greenhouse gasses.

Yeah, except the power used by your TV, PS3, lights in your living room, wheel and speakers are still probably less than 1kW of power. ;)

It is easier to argue the climate change in Australia, we've had pretty bad weather in populated areas out here in recent years.
There's money to be made out of climate change? Really?

If climate change really is happening, it could cost the planet as a whole trillions of pounds / dollars / euros / whatever currency...

No-one but renewable energy source providers could make money out of it >.<

There is a myriad of ways governments will use climate change to generate increased tax revenue, not to mention those companys that will be awarded the government contracts to build the new carbon neutral infrastructure, those taxes will find their way into the hands of big business which stands to make trillions.

this is all being justified on the unproven assumption that humans are the prime cause of climate change, though the evidence and the fact the world has being going through heating and cooling cycles for billions of years does not support the allegations put forward by the climate change lobby.
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I think you are shooting above the target; the primary goal for a government is to get reelected. Increased Tax revenues is just a tool for saying "Look at us and how responsible we are". take the COP15 for an example, I live in the city where it takes place and for the last 2-3 years or so, this has become a prestige project of such a magnitude that if they succeed that might just be the decisive factor at the next election. you can compare it to the strategy Bush had after september 11 (my own theory) that had nothing to do with the war against terror, that was just another way to get some more votes, and he got reelected on it.
I'm not so sure what frightens me more: conspiracy theories or scientific knowledge coming from a TV host that runs a car entertainment programme.

What some are basically saying is: I've worn these socks all week. Now they smell. The reason they are smelling is because companies try to sell laundry machines and washing powder to me. The government wants me to buy new socks, so they get more sales taxes. So smelly socks are another way of getting to my money, because the quest for profit and inventing new taxes make my socks smell.
There's money to be made out of climate change? Really?
I'm not so sure what frightens me more: conspiracy theories or scientific knowledge coming from a TV host that runs a car entertainment programme.

What some are basically saying is: I've worn these socks all week. Now they smell. The reason they are smelling is because companies try to sell laundry machines and washing powder to me. The government wants me to buy new socks, so they get more sales taxes. So smelly socks are another way of getting to my money, because the quest for profit and inventing new taxes make my socks smell.

Pointing ones finger and calling someone a conspiracy theorist, is a weak and now over used means to destroy the credibility of anyone who dares to say the emperor has no clothes.

For years the skepitcs (many within the scientific community) have alleged that the pro-climate change lobby have been manipulating and omitting data, such claims were just shrugged off as wild conspiracy theories, however the recent Climategate scandal has brought to light that that was exactly what many of the climate change scientists were doing all along.

As for your "socks" analogy, you automatically assume the argument that humans are the prime contributing cause of climate change is a proven fact, the fact is the planet is has been heating and cooling for millions of years, take the MWP (medieval warm period) back then the human population was a fraction of the size it is now, and was pre-industrial, yet there was global warming back then with higher temps than now lasting for a considerable length of time.

who knows maby aliens were dumping all the co2 on earth during the MWP, maby all the animals on earth decided to fart in unison.....or maby just maby the planet went through one of is heat periods before cooling off and entering into a cool period.

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I dont know if it has been mentioned, but i think it would be cool to have fuel saving races or driving missions where you have to complete a lap of track X with Y litres of gas. 💡

Got a reference for that graph? What is it based on?

I really question graphs like that, they always seem to be extrapolating into an unknown based on a theory that can't be proven without hundreds of years more data. Its also based on Europe only, what was happening in the rest of the world at the same time?
Pointing ones finger and calling someone a conspiracy theorist, is a weak and now over used means to destroy the credibility of anyone who dares to say the emperor has no clothes.

For years the skepitcs (many within the scientific community) have alleged that the pro-climate change lobby have been manipulating and omitting data, such claims were just shrugged off as wild conspiracy theories, however the recent Climategate scandal has brought to light that that was exactly what many of the climate change scientists were doing all along.

As for your "socks" analogy, you automatically assume the argument that humans are the prime contributing cause of climate change is a proven fact, the fact is the planet is has been heating and cooling for millions of years, take the MWP (medieval warm period) back then the human population was a fraction of the size it is now, and was pre-industrial, yet there was global warming back then with higher temps than now lasting for a considerable length of time.

who knows maby aliens were dumping all the co2 on earth during the MWP, maby all the animals on earth decided to fart in unison.....or maby just maby the planet went through one of is heat periods before cooling off and entering into a cool period.


The end of the graph may be correct, but we will never know the temperature before 1910. Temperature dating isnt accurate. But if it is correct, then it completely disproves humans are doing anything to create global warming

Eco-Friendly ! use no gas, use no electricity, emits no harmful toxic vapors, rejects no heat, TOTALLY GREEN FOR THE ENVIRONEMENT... and you might get some exercise out of it... (which makes the Wii obsolete as well )

A few parts of the world ALREADY have an advance copy and they are BETA testing:

here are some proofs:

NOTICE THE WHEEL AND THE STICK !!! = Manual transmission!!
Finally That's real simulation!

I bet i am making you drool already, you would pay anything to get your hands on this new game!

Soon to be available ... 👍

ps: notice the leaves on the trees... could not be more realistically reproduced, with real weather change, season and multiple players ... NOT limited to 40 people... and of course damage is fully functional and the best for last... SKID MARKs included! did they forget anything this time?

EDIT: driver shirt and shoes are CUSTOM!! Livery ON baby... and TRACK editor is players accessible.
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Eco-Friendly ! use no gas, use no electricity, emits no harmful toxic vapors, rejects no heat, TOTALLY GREEN FOR THE ENVIRONEMENT... and you might get some exercise out of it... (which makes the Wii obsolete as well )[/COLOR][/SIZE]

A few parts of the world ALREADY have an advance copy and they are BETA testing:

here are some proofs:

NOTICE THE WHEEL AND THE STICK !!! = Manual transmission!!
Finally That's real simulation!

I bet i am making you drool already, you would pay anything to get your hands on this new game!

Soon to be available ... 👍

ps: notice the leaves on the trees... could not be more realistically reproduced, with real weather change, season and multiple players ... NOT limited to 40 people... and of course damage is fully functional and the best for last... SKID MARKs included! did they forget anything this time?

What about backup lights?:dunce::cheers:
I can't agree with Mr Fox enough. The "ozone hole" is another classic example of environmental goofiness. Supposedly it was discovered in the 80s, and yet, Earth scientists had been studying it since the 50s, before we started dumping all our old refrigerators and air conditioners in Antarctica. /sarcasm...

"Military intelligence" has been a worn out cliche for decades, but we have a real one now. "Environmental science." ;)
I would believe in Climate change if the government weren't using it as an excuse to rob Joe Public blind, it's just a big money spinner, why can't "educated" people see this?

I mean, I can no longer buy those "evil" light bulbs, yet all the council's in the land still have just as many street lights burning through the night, and just as many Christmas lights this year as previous years. ( I am not anti christmas by the way )

And what about shops charging you for plastic bags so they can save the planet ! Hello ! Yet another way for companies to make more profit while claiming to "save the planet"

It's so obvious what's going on here, and it isn't even funny.

The media still rattle on about how having an electric car will save the planet, where do these people think electricity comes from? It doesn't magically appear from out of the eather you know, big dirty power stations make it, the same ones I use to light my house with those "evil" light bulbs, idiots.

Simple fact is, there is just too much money involved in Gas and Oil for governments to be serious about reducing carbon emmisions, so what do they do? They try and make the public think they are doing something by taxing the hell out of energy, knowing full well that they haven't provided any alternatives for anyone to use, because that would mean people would use their cars less and the government would loose money.

There are a few scientists who are getting close to creating nuclear fission, actually they have done it but only for a few seconds, once they do then the whole global warming problem is gone, question is, how much research funding from governments does this area recieve? You guessed it..................
Keep in mind that i am in no way related to "Yogaflame", nor am i any where close to him physically...

but i dont like when there are wrong information about another member of GTP.

"Yogaflame" is NOT a troll, he was really serious about this topic 👍
SO please, do not call him a troll when actually most of us posting in this thread are more of a troll than him.

It is the subject of his thread that is unfortunately Troll :dopey: worthy enough... (because of the lack of definition and too broad/general of a issue)
"Yogaflame" didnt think it through enough... just the wrong choice of thread to create :sly:

Better luck next time Yogaflame! No feelings hurt alright... Take it easy.
Coming from where you are, i understand your "worries".
Keep in mind that i am in no way related to "Yogaflame", nor am i any where close to him physically...

but i dont like when there are wrong information about another member of GTP.

"Yogaflame" is NOT a troll, he was really serious about this topic 👍
SO please, do not call him a troll when actually most of us posting in this thread are more of a troll than him.

It is the subject of his thread that is unfortunately Troll :dopey: worthy enough... (because of the lack of definition and too broad/general of a issue)
"Yogaflame" didnt think it through enough... just the wrong choice of thread to create :sly:

Better luck next time Yogaflame! No feelings hurt alright... Take it easy.
Coming from where you are, i understand your "worries".

He has pretty much started another tree thread though, but your right, he isnt a troll.

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