GT game must make us aware of climate change and also driving safely.

  • Thread starter yogaflame
I think GT5 is going to make us aware of climate change and safe driving to some extent. There's liscence tests and penalties for safe driving and PD have taken the time to fatihfully reproduce hybrids and electric cars.
The title of this tread is just funny. The poster is an un-informed young teen? If anyone knows the facts, cars contribute little to climate change (90% is actually caused by water-vapor). This environmental sham should hopefully die soon (pending resilience to reason).

Anyways, about safety. The inclusion of licence test and gymkhana courses for the development of car control highlights the very real need for driver training in the real-world (for youth particularly).

Moreover, most of the race-cars will be able to be seen with proper-fitting race seats (with wrap-around head restraints) and harnesses, as well as roll-cage (this combination being far safer than any number of airbags could ever hope to achieve).

Better yet, GT5's inclusion of damage will at last convince the remaining gamers out there that you can't use rails or buildings as curves to ride your car around, and that shunting cars from behind or in a head-on collision will most certainly incur an aversive penalty or worse yet serious vehicular damage.
lol, climate changes are not the same as weather changes. Weather can change in an instant whereas climate refers to at least 10 years of seasonal analysis.

But sure, GT can be a method for learning.


If you want to be "environmentally friendly" to the extent that you want GT to tell you about climate change, then the most environmentally friendly thing you can do is this.

Go to your PS3, and press the OFF button ;)

Climate change is a myth anyway. The world has always heated up and got colder, even before us humans were burning stuff, causing CO2 build up etc etc. The only thing we will gain from using less energy is our energy bills will go down.
As I see it, we aren't the main cause of it, but we sure are not helping.

But, to make this post worthwhile, I'd like to say that people know that cars aren't too good for the environment. But that's a scary facet of real life. People play video games to get away from real life. When they ply games, they want to remember all of the good things of life, not the bad. They play CoD to shoot at something, not to hear about the moral principals of killing another human being. Likewise, they play GT and Forza, to enjoy the engineering marvels of humanity, not to hear about how that engineering is doing damage to the planet.
As I see it, we aren't the main cause of it, but we sure are not helping.

But, to make this post worthwhile, I'd like to say that people know that cars aren't too good for the environment. But that's a scary facet of real life. People play video games to get away from real life. When they ply games, they want to remember all of the good things of life, not the bad. They play CoD to shoot at something, not to hear about the moral principals of killing another human being. Likewise, they play GT and Forza, to enjoy the engineering marvels of humanity, not to hear about how that engineering is doing damage to the planet.

for me i just want too see next gen cars, but i think PD will pretty much cover all types of car and im happy about that
@ Yogaflame

Dude im all for having a diverse selection of car types in game, but i deffinately dont want to see GT turned into a political billboard for the climate change movement, and their carbon tax lovin masters.

If you want car safty and environment awareness as part of the game experience then drive a prius and keep a copy of the highway code at hand.
I hope GT game will make us aware of climate change and also driving safe. I agree with having more electric cars and I hope there are biogas, hydrogen cars in the future in GT and also some message for all gamers to support environmentaly friendly cars.

And also endorsing proper driving techniques and safety. Seeing some safety tips or message or a track course on how to drive safely. Or safe racing maneuvers should be given as tip and training mode. GT or any games are great mediums to spread ideas to everyone and to influence a lot of people. I hope GT will be like that

Dude, it's a video game, not a safety course. :)
OP of this thread may be the most successful troll I've ever seen. C'mon, seriously. It's a racing game, with a forum full of racing fans, and someone comes up with this sort of nice little flamebait in regards to climate change?

and with a screen name that includes "Flame" in it?

mmmmhm. :3

In closing:

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If you believe in global warming, then by all means, do anything you can to make our world greener (suicide works quite well if you ask me)

If you think global warming was invented to give the government yet another reason to TAX you, then go buy a super car and live life to the fullest.
@ Yogaflame

Dude im all for having a diverse selection of car types in game, but i deffinately dont want to see GT turned into a political billboard for the climate change movement, and their carbon tax lovin masters.

If you want car safty and environment awareness as part of the game experience then drive a prius and keep a copy of the highway code at hand.

How about a Grreenpeace and PETA decals and design for the cars in GT5 and posters and people in the field rallying carrying placards , LOL ( but i admit i hate PETA, they are so selfish and eccentric, they rather see people die of hunger than eat meat )

You're thoughts aren't all wrong and the environment should be taken care of, but you're expressing them at the wrong place. This is a game that oozes automotive passion, the love for cars and everything about them.

Since when was the Gran Turismo series involved in politics and one-sided views on current events. GT is a get-away from all that and lets you enjoy the thrill and the experiences of driving, fast cars or otherwise. Greenpeace and PETA decals? Please, spare me. I've shown far more restraint than usual in wording this little piece.

Take your ideals elsewhere, you're flame suit is running thin. I just can't see you winning here bud.

I would love to see this thread shutdown, amongst all the other ones asking if Porsche will be in the game or if KY's sweat can be used as petrol.
It's funny that people beat on about Climate change. Yet ignore the fact that the Ozone is healing itself, and the world has progressively cooled since 2001.

Do people realize just how much of a hypocrite Al Gore is, and just how much money he is making off this climate change ********. The man is laughing his way to the bank 'as are Toyota' while idiots believe the ****e thats being sprout.
I give this thead a 👎

It's a racing game for christ sake! Give it a break! It's enough hearing about this effin' climate change/global warming on the news every day! :scared:
How about a Grreenpeace and PETA decals and design for the cars in GT5 and posters and people in the field rallying carrying placards , LOL ( but i admit i hate PETA, they are so selfish and eccentric, they rather see people die of hunger than eat meat )

If there is a livery editor, I'm making a Green Peace sponsored muscle car.:sly:
Playing GT5 is good for the climate change since technically you aren't making any greenhouse gas, maybe KY should encourage people to play GT5 instead of driving in real life :lol:
Playing GT5 is good for the climate change since technically you aren't making any greenhouse gas, maybe KY should encourage people to play GT5 instead of driving in real life :lol:

Actually it does since the PS3, TV and wheel(if using one) all use electricity which is normally produced by plants that produce greenhouse gasses.
Actually it does since the PS3, TV and wheel(if using one) all use electricity which is normally produced by plants that produce greenhouse gasses.

It's true, but at least it is equivalent to electric vehicles, even better than any diesel car in environmental point of view.
Just recently the university of east anglia's climate change unit, have come under investigation for both suppressing and manipulating data, data which is reported to the UN,

"Hundreds of private emails and documents allegedly exchanged between some of the world's leading climate scientists during the past 13 years have been stolen by hackers and leaked online, it emerged today.
A series of leaked e mails from the British university appeared to refer to scientists trying to keep some research out of UN reports
" - The Guardian

The more i have looked into the argument that humans are responsible for climate change, the more i smell a rat, theres just too much money to be made from this scam.
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Just recently the university of east anglia's climate change unit, have come under investigation for both suppressing and manipulating data, data which is reported to the UN,

"Hundreds of private emails and documents allegedly exchanged between some of the world's leading climate scientists during the past 13 years have been stolen by hackers and leaked online, it emerged today.
A series of leaked e mails from the British university appeared to refer to scientists trying to keep some research out of UN reports
" - The Guardian

The more i have looked into the argument that humans are responsible for climate change, the more i smell a rat, theres just too much money to be made from this scam.

EXACTLY! which is also why these scientist's won't let their work be pier-reviewed by real scientists. Because their data (the real data that is) shows the earth is actually cooling, but these scientists tell us they exact opposite. This is called political science, and its business with the slogan "follow the money".
If there is a livery editor, I'm making a Green Peace sponsored muscle car.:sly:

Excellent. What car did you have in mind?
Me? I'd make a whole team of PETA/Green Peace/ACORN cars, headlined by my Ferrari Enzo, Koeingsegg CCX, and Bugatti Veyron.
Maybe if I get a PS3 and GT5 within a reasonable time after it's release, we could have a race with our cars?
The more i have looked into the argument that humans are responsible for climate change, the more i smell a rat, theres just too much money to be made from this scam.

...and we have a winrAr! i myself was skeptical, but i didn't actually believe that scientists/politicians were providing false data and skewing records. i am amazed that some people would go this far to make money... just terrible.

yea yea yea, its 'faux news' but he is just reporting facts... and its a good video describing what has been discovered recently.
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