As I see it, we aren't the main cause of it, but we sure are not helping.
But, to make this post worthwhile, I'd like to say that people know that cars aren't too good for the environment. But that's a scary facet of real life. People play video games to get away from real life. When they ply games, they want to remember all of the good things of life, not the bad. They play CoD to shoot at something, not to hear about the moral principals of killing another human being. Likewise, they play GT and Forza, to enjoy the engineering marvels of humanity, not to hear about how that engineering is doing damage to the planet.
I hope GT game will make us aware of climate change and also driving safe. I agree with having more electric cars and I hope there are biogas, hydrogen cars in the future in GT and also some message for all gamers to support environmentaly friendly cars.
And also endorsing proper driving techniques and safety. Seeing some safety tips or message or a track course on how to drive safely. Or safe racing maneuvers should be given as tip and training mode. GT or any games are great mediums to spread ideas to everyone and to influence a lot of people. I hope GT will be like that
@ Yogaflame
Dude im all for having a diverse selection of car types in game, but i deffinately dont want to see GT turned into a political billboard for the climate change movement, and their carbon tax lovin masters.
If you want car safty and environment awareness as part of the game experience then drive a prius and keep a copy of the highway code at hand.
...........or if KY's sweat can be used as petrol.
Save the planet?? It was here long before we were, and it'll still be there long after we're gone
How about a Grreenpeace and PETA decals and design for the cars in GT5 and posters and people in the field rallying carrying placards , LOL ( but i admit i hate PETA, they are so selfish and eccentric, they rather see people die of hunger than eat meat )
how is this thread is 13 pages long ?
If there is a livery editor, I'm making a Green Peace sponsored muscle car.![]()
Playing GT5 is good for the climate change since technically you aren't making any greenhouse gas, maybe KY should encourage people to play GT5 instead of driving in real life![]()
Actually it does since the PS3, TV and wheel(if using one) all use electricity which is normally produced by plants that produce greenhouse gasses.
Just recently the university of east anglia's climate change unit, have come under investigation for both suppressing and manipulating data, data which is reported to the UN,
"Hundreds of private emails and documents allegedly exchanged between some of the world's leading climate scientists during the past 13 years have been stolen by hackers and leaked online, it emerged today.
A series of leaked e mails from the British university appeared to refer to scientists trying to keep some research out of UN reports" - The Guardian
The more i have looked into the argument that humans are responsible for climate change, the more i smell a rat, theres just too much money to be made from this scam.
If there is a livery editor, I'm making a Green Peace sponsored muscle car.![]()
The more i have looked into the argument that humans are responsible for climate change, the more i smell a rat, theres just too much money to be made from this scam.