GT Photomode 2.0 Competition - Week 94- CLOSED


Welcome to...

Week 94
This week’s theme will be
"Huzzah For Honda"

as chosen by Week 92 Winner
Tangled Web.

Further explanation of theme:

In the words of
Tangled Web:
"I am a big fan of Honda, especially the S2000. :D
I wanna see just Honda's this week, but everyone try not to use the S2000, there are a lot of other nice models to pick from. ;)"

Cars: ANY Honda including race and tuned versions
Tracks: ANY
Phototravel: YES


  • Winner will pick the theme for the following week.
  • Post your final entry in red letters. Such as “Final Entry”.

  • A preview image may be used, but it may be no bigger than 300*400 pixels by either photo orientation.
  • You may have two honorable mentions if a preview image is not used.
  • You may change your Final Entry once. If if you do so, please edit your original entry make a new post linking to it.
  • Do not use an entry from a previous competition.
  • Do not post more than three photos in this thread.
  • Only one entry may be submitted.

Photoshop adjustments, and filters list:

  • Crop
  • Resize
  • Levels
  • Brightness/Contrast
  • Hue/Saturation
  • Blur filters
  • Noise filters
  • Sharpen filters

Photoshop Tools List:

  • Type tool
  • Sharpen tool
  • Burn tool
  • Dodge Tool
  • Blur tool
  • Smudge tool
  • Clone Stamp Tool (for removing watermark)

[Note:No plug-ins for any of the above adjustments or filters are to be used]
You can use layers for overlay and layer adjustments, but not to alter the geometry and original
subject matter of the picture: like adding stickers and body kits, and objects that are not in the original image.

Deadline for Week 94 is the 16th of January.
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This comes along nicely. I was just about to try some new techniques on an NSX shot I had. This is going to be exiting! 👍
I know it says we shouldn't use the S2000, but can we? Because I'm not sure I can take pictures for a while, but I have some pics of an Opera S2000 on my USB drive.
I'm in on this one, I may even try my hand at a fancy blur... Famous last words! :lol:
i guess i'll start this off with an old shot. i dont think i ever used this for a comp. pretty sure i didn't.

final entry

click preview for fullsize

hope the license plate's okay. if not i'll just change my entry.​
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I know it says we shouldn't use the S2000, but can we? Because I'm not sure I can take pictures for a while, but I have some pics of an Opera S2000 on my USB drive.

Of course you can use the S2000 if you want, It's up to you guy's what Honda you use.
I was just saying I didn't want to see everyone using the S2000, wouldn't be as interesting.

Look forward to seeing what you all come up with, great start jgda9rs. 👍
thanks ! i challenge someone to use the 3rd generation accord coupe, the one with the pop up headlights 👍
i don't know, it's from the classics 2nd hand lot, so pretty old, and definitely not an '03

bramturismo: thanks
Lovin' that picture jgda9rs! it looks like you've used Turtle Wax 2.0 on it! :lol: Very clean and very shiny - superb! 👍
Some errors here and there, but oh well...


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~Final Entry~


Thanks for the tut, Mag :cheers:

And O_O to jg. That's simply amazing 👍
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thanks 👍 but what's with the forest pics u guys? i hope we get more entries. where's beerzy these days ?

bramturismo: i'm pretty sure you can do much, much better than that. it's just not up to your usual standards.
I bet it's the blur you're missing Adrian :lol:

After all, I haven't done a photomode session in a looooong time now, but you have to have some different things to do, right? I added the carbon fiber, yes. I also added some texture to the road. I know it's not any good, but I can't get my main idea to work, yet, so this will have to do it :)
Bram! I love your NSX!

Did you add the carbon fibre?

I noticed that too! The carbon fibre effect is extremely well done, with the reflections on it and that! 👍 great stuff! 👍
the blur i do miss a lot!! don't get me wrong, the entry looks great. just not the same without it, specially coming from u :D
Meh, I liked the original shot better. The front looks overdone here.

Can't say I miss the blur because it's cleaned up great, as expected. It gives off a nice vibe.

Also, I chose the forest because the lighting and atmosphere fitted the '88 well (told ya I'd use it!)
^^ Superb! You've got some awesome reflections going on there on that Civic pal! Fantastic shot NTX! 👍