GT Planet Member Time Attack Challenge

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
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we have no restrictions on tuning... so tune all you want :-)

Well that sound great, but what I meant is that Power & Weight tuning aren't available. They both have this red line across and reads "Available for Drift Trial mode only". Thing is, you can't really drift with an FF car or an LM race car..I like drifting, but I like road racing and TA much better. Increasing the power on the cars and lowering the weight will definately give you a better time in TA, hence I'm wondering if these two options will become available later on in the game??

Niigaki! wake up!!! lol
This lap makes me angry. I could've gone nearly 4 tenths faster than this, but I got nervous after the corkscrew and screwed up a couple braking points and exits... much worse than it probably looks. That always happens... I get ahead of my ghost, get near the end of the lap, adrenaline kicks in and I invariably fail one way or another under pressure.

Anyway, enough babbling, here's the lap:


Could've been a 1'34.4-1'34.5 easily. :grumpy:

The crap bits start when I miss my turn-in point through Rainey curve, so I totally missed the last apex, which set me up too far to the right, so I had to quickly scramble back to the left side of the track for turn 10, missed my braking and turn-in, slid and ran just wide enough to dip my outside wheels off the curb for a split second. That entire course of events allowed my old ghost to gain several car lengths on me... luckily the last turn went somewhat well and I got a stronger exit than my old ghost, and was able to recover a small amount of time (probably around a tenth). A 1'34.3 should be possible.

Whats your car setup?
I'm wake sheesh :P Okay points have been given out and everything has been updated.

Congrats to Genesisfury for winning C-10. It current looks like Glubags will be Season 1's winner due to an almost 30 point lead against psp88, so an early congrats go out to him. C-11's course will be Apricot Hill Raceway / Forward. Enjoy!
I am addicted to DJ Hero haha. I am surprised though with your settings.

I was using
-15 Front -16 Rear Ride Height
7 Front 7 Rear Spring Rate
7 Front 7 Rear Damper
0.00 Front +0.10 Rear Toe
2.0 Front 1.0 Rear Camber Angle
tried the glubags settings and pulled out a 1:35.8 on laguna seca :)
guess i must work on my setup and stop being lazy
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Alright, tried a few laps on Apricot and after learning the track a bit and guessing the truns, I'm pulling a 1'38.850 so far.. Can get much better I'm sure, I'll try to shave off at least 2-3 secs off that..

Happy Racing!
Alright, tried a few laps on Apricot and after learning the track a bit and guessing the truns, I'm pulling a 1'38.850 so far.. Can get much better I'm sure, I'll try to shave off at least 2-3 secs off that..

Happy Racing!

I'm gonna run a few laps in just a moment, but I wanted to address your power/weight adjustment question. Those options are only available for tuning within the Drift Trial mode. 👍

Edit: Wait, nevermind, I see that you already saw that in a later post. :dunce: Sadly, they aren't available for Time Trial mode at all. Maybe we can hope for them to be unlocked in a game update/patch.

1'35.496 for C11 so far. This is a VERY easy car to drive on this track... or at least it seems to be after the Elise and RX-7. Easy, but very fun. I'm thinking a 1'34 will definitely be possible here as well.
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1'35.496? dand mang, you CAN drive! lol

Yeah, that really sucks that the power & weight tuning options aren't available except for drifitng..who drifts here anyways? Oh well..

I'm gonna hit a few more laps with the GXN
1'35.496? dand mang, you CAN drive! lol
Haha, thanks. Evidently, I was taking a somewhat slower line through the esses than I could've, so it's possible to go a lot faster. I've got all the parts of the track dialed as best I can now... it's just a matter of putting it all together in one lap. I messed up my best lap so far on the hairpin... braked a split-second too late and took it much wider than normal, so my ghost went from 4 tenths behind to right on my bumper. If I can put it all together the way I'm running it now, I'll be satisfied and should break 1'32.9XX. 1'33.328 is my time with the flubbed hairpin.

Edit: Arrgh. Nailed the hairpin but took the last chicane too slowly. 1'33.177. 1'32 is just within reach.
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damm currently at 1'35.118 after a few tries without tuning the suspension. it looks like its possible to shave another second without tuning anything. but glubags, you started tuning your setup right?
I'm going to be back in this one. Currently at 1:34.472 after a few laps. I'll try tweaking a bit more but it seems like it would be easy to get < 1:34
Yeah I've adjusted the suspension. If I get the first entry right, I can take the whole section of esses flat out... Much better than the stock settings.
Holy crap... I haven't even tested out the Grand National yet and you guys are already hitting 1:35, 1:34, and 1:33!

I've got a Detroit/Toronto hockey game to watch, then I'm flipping over to CBS to see 'Fedor vs. Rogers'. I hope to get some time to do a few laps before falling asleep. I'll be busy all day tomorrow raking and bagging leaves, so I'll get some more time that evening. I can't wait to try out this car!
^ oh when Justin starts up the league, ill pm you Detroitbb and Sato as well so we can start tuning for exhibition. I need to figure out how to tune this car without ruining how it drives already which I like but when I brake, its horrible. Hmm, i'll try to break into the 1'34s soon enough
Glubags, I'm guessing that's your yellow AP1 right? You ever take it to the track yourself? My dream is to swap a k20/24 on an EK in the near future, or else, I'll stick with an AP1 or AP2, love that car mang!
Yep, that's my baby... bought it March '07. It's undergoing some extensive modification at the moment, and I'm dying to have it finished... I've been riding my motorcycle since July of this year, and I'm ready to have 4 wheels under me again.

The nearest track is Barber Motorsports Park, though I was never able to take it. I'm hoping to enroll in some HPDEs in late 2010 after it's running again. The next track day at Road Atlanta would be fun as well, and it's only a couple hours away.

Anyway, as for C11, I FINALLY put it all together. I don't think I'm going to go any faster, so this will more than likely stand as my submission for the challenge.


WTF!!!!!!!!! 1'33.7xx, I think I can break 1'32 because I on the following lap in section one I was already .200 ahead of my ghost. I am coming for you Glu haha
ive been out all day and arrived at home now 6 am in the morning :)
but was able to do a few laps here and there and i think my time is pretty competitive
sending the pics and ghost after i wake up

sure pm me and i'll try make the ad-hoc party on ps3 work properly this time since the first time didn't go well

sorry I can do ad-hoc party because my house is setup for wireless networking.
I love this car on this track! I got to play it for about 40 minutes last night/early this morning... and though it has a slightly boat-like handling, it is way more fun than fighting to keep the rear of the car from sliding out (like in the Elise or RX-7).
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