Gt planet's 1/4 mile data base COMING BACK SOON

  • Thread starter mazdaman
It was different then mate, you didn't have to deal with a bunch of so called pros jumping on his back saying 'race me, race me!' like racing online proves anything about times on speed test. These are the dumbest people that have no knowledge of lag, latency, spiking etc. You also didn't have to worry that if you gave someone your tune that some day some guy would join your room talk a load of bull only to find out he is using your tune too, or that he by way of other people learnt your skills and using that as a means to put others down in order to make them feel better. I want everyone to have equal opportunity. Just too many people out there take advantage of peoples' kindness sometimes and you get burnt. This would not be the first time I have had to keep secrets on games for the sake of our own enjoyment.

Everyone here was quick to jump on my case and accuse me of cheating just because I wouldn't hand out what I had or show them. Now it's been proven somewhat that I don't cheat they deserve to be put in their place for treating a normal member just like them, just like you, like garbage and basically trying to shun him away because they did not understand. That sounds similar to a saying, you fear what you don't understand. Just like Slash is showing, he's going to do evrything and anything he can to figure out my cars and says I shouldn't be on the board until he knows how to do it, yeah right that makes a whole lot of sense.

I don't know why you tune if you don't race online though.

Seems like a,waste of time, can't use em on a track
I don't know why you tune if you don't race online though.

Seems like a,waste of time, can't use em on a track

It's about learning every discipline, I want to learn to drift after I get over drag tuning, but I need to know how to tune for drift, drag will help me with gears that's for sure and give me a headstart.

Back on topic, so something this miniscule warrants a video aswell?


It's a 10.763. Boy is it blurry though.
That is completely contradictory.....You hide your methods to keep a level playing field? O_o if you were truthful and informative with your "methods", you wouldn't be that guy that no one likes. You also came in here boastful and disrespected A LOT of people as tuners.....basically every dragger here. How could you expect anything different? The same exact thing happened over at when you strolled into my welcome thread with that mess. Only there, The ADMIN told you about yourself.That is why you decided to come back here a bit more humble. As Ive said before we keep a level playing field here by not by witholding information, but sharing insight. Times are verified not only by pictures, but by applied techniques shared by fellow draggers. You apparently dont understand that and will get no respect here until you either play nice and contribute, and/or admit your alternative means of time shaving. Whichever one.
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That is completely contradictory.....You hide your methods to keep a level playing field? O_o if you were truthful and informative with your "methods", you wouldn't be that guy that no one likes. You also came in here boastful and disrespected A LOT of people as tuners.....basically every dragger here. How could you expect anything different? The same exact thing happened over at when you strolled into my welcome thread with that mess. only there, The ADMIN told you about yourself.That is why you decided to come back here a bit more humble. As Ive said before we keep a level playing field here by not by witholding information, but sharing insight, times are verified not only by pictures, but by applied techniques shared by fellow draggers. You apparently dont understand that and will get no respect here until you either play nice and contribute and/or admit your alternative means of time shaving. Whichever one.

That is completely contradictory.....You hide your methods to keep a level playing field? O_o if you were truthful and informative with your "methods", you wouldn't be that guy that no one likes. You also came in here boastful and disrespected A LOT of people as tuners.....basically every dragger here. How could you expect anything different? The same exact thing happened over at when you strolled into my welcome thread with that mess. only there, The ADMIN told you about yourself.That is why you decided to come back here a bit more humble. As Ive said before we keep a level playing field here by not by witholding information, but sharing insight, times are verified not only by pictures, but by applied techniques shared by fellow draggers. You apparently dont understand that and will get no respect here until you either play nice and contribute and/or admit your alternative means of time shaving. Whichever one.

Well said man. You seem like a great public speech speaker ;)
As a solo tuner the entire gtplanet community is like a team to me, I've run with guys from evey team, helped a couple of them here and there and also recieved help via pm without even asking. Never had any problem with a single guy ever. Not saying we give each other tunes but little tips here and there. It's what gtplanet is all about. It works both ways...but I guess us "poofs" have nothing to offer.
Hey T51R,

Got some questions

1. Why this video you muted the game volume?
2. Why in car view now showing your ebrake indicator?
3. Why is there no display to after the run ???

So if you want to post another vid aka your neon I want to see all these things, hey your legit you got nothing to hide.

Also fyi lag online means nada you hsve a car that's 2tenths faster you should be able to hunte down. Basic drag racing knowledge.
as a solo tuner the entire gtplanet community is like a team to me, i've run with guys from evey team, helped a couple of them here and there and also recieved help via pm without even asking. Never had any problem with a single guy ever. Not saying we give each other tunes but little tips here and there. It's what gtplanet is all about. It works both ways...but i guess us "poofs" have nothing to offer.

That is completely contradictory.....You hide your methods to keep a level playing field? O_o if you were truthful and informative with your "methods", you wouldn't be that guy that no one likes. You also came in here boastful and disrespected A LOT of people as tuners.....basically every dragger here. How could you expect anything different? The same exact thing happened over at when you strolled into my welcome thread with that mess. Only there, The ADMIN told you about yourself.That is why you decided to come back here a bit more humble. As Ive said before we keep a level playing field here by not by witholding information, but sharing insight. Times are verified not only by pictures, but by applied techniques shared by fellow draggers. You apparently dont understand that and will get no respect here until you either play nice and contribute, and/or admit your alternative means of time shaving. Whichever one.

For the part I bolded, thats a bit of an over exaggeration, I very rarely see actual infomation as to how people get their times shared openly between people in the drag forum, people give subtle hints at best, (except for how to tranny flip people openly share how to do that) even most teams apply a pollicy of "don't share tunes" which I always found odd as surely being a team you would want to work together and share your knowledge etc.. There is probably more misinformation in the drag forum than there is actual infomation that will help. Even a large amount of "base tunes" on here are full of misinformation that are really just bad tunes with nothing to do with drag tuning, yes i'm aware many of them are very out dated but even when they was in date the settings posted were useless for drag racing (With the exception of Trybal and maybe a few others too their base tunes are actually very good)

This situation is kind of similar to when Retromaniax first posted some record breaking times, except Aussie banter isn't as charming or friendly as broken english from a Japanese guy :lol: People were scratching their heads wondering how he got those times, people even went as far as accusing him of being a member of Polyphony Digital Staff :lol:! Then after being pretty much bullied and pressured from the community he revealed his launch technique and within days (probably hours) people were matching and beating his times. Doesn't really seem fair to me looking back at that time that he should have had to give out his technique just so everyone else could be as fast as him.

If T51R is using a new technique or an existing technique applied differently from the norm and choses to reveal it I'd consider it to be a very lucky day for the GTP drag community as it will give everyone here a huge boost in times.
If he get's his times using conventual methods with perfect gear and suspension placement then expecting him to reveal his tune it isn't fair to ask at all as I doubt any of you would just fully reveal your tunes.
For the part I bolded, thats a bit of an over exaggeration, I very rarely see actual infomation as to how people get their times shared openly between people in the drag forum, people give subtle hints at best, (except for how to tranny flip people openly share how to do that) even most teams apply a pollicy of "don't share tunes" which I always found odd as surely being a team you would want to work together and share your knowledge etc.. There is probably more misinformation in the drag forum than there is actual infomation that will help. Even a large amount of "base tunes" on here are full of misinformation that are really just bad tunes with nothing to do with drag tuning, yes i'm aware many of them are very out dated but even when they was in date the settings posted were useless for drag racing (With the exception of Trybal and maybe a few others too their base tunes are actually very good)

This situation is kind of similar to when Retromaniax first posted some record breaking times, except Aussie banter isn't as charming or friendly as broken english from a Japanese guy :lol: People were scratching their heads wondering how he got those times, people even went as far as accusing him of being a member of Polyphony Digital Staff :lol:! Then after being pretty much bullied and pressured from the community he revealed his launch technique and within days (probably hours) people were matching and beating his times. Doesn't really seem fair to me looking back at that time that he should have had to give out his technique just so everyone else could be as fast as him.

If T51R is using a new technique or an existing technique applied differently from the norm and choses to reveal it I'd consider it to be a very lucky day for the GTP drag community as it will give everyone here a huge boost in times.
If he get's his times using conventual methods with perfect gear and suspension placement then expecting him to reveal his tune it isn't fair to ask at all as I doubt any of you would just fully reveal your tunes.

There has been people tuning for years and have tried every single way to tune. Wouldnt people find out about the different ways like thay did with retrolaunching? I'm wondering does this technique work online? Also it may be extremely different that no one thought would work.
There has been people tuning for years and have tried every single way to tune. Wouldnt people find out about the different ways like thay did with retrolaunching? I'm wondering does this technique work online? Also it may be extremely different that no one thought would work.

I totally agreed with you! I spend hours at the X track and I know when a car can go a bit faster! There is a lot of people out there that they really think they are faster just because they got a better reaction time or ghost lagg or even tree! Is very but very hard for me to lose when I get a perfect reaction time or even launch on some of my cars! That’s why I told this fake guy to race me with his DC5 on even launch! I done this before and it take time but you can do it!

T51R just stop your fake movie!
There has been people tuning for years and have tried every single way to tune. Wouldnt people find out about the different ways like thay did with retrolaunching? I'm wondering does this technique work online? Also it may be extremely different that no one thought would work.

Hmm maybe, maybe not, from what I remember at the time no one knew what retromanix was doing untill he revealed it, then of course some people went on to claim to have known about this technique all along but just never posted it or made it public as they chose to deem it to be cheating as retro launching doesn't work online, I think that was the excuse given at the time, maybe they did but more likely they didn't but the fact some people claimed to know about after it was revealed holds very little weight in my opinion and seeing as this is a "sharing and caring" community you would think they would have made it public the minute they discovered it to let the community together decide on it.

I know if I ever discover any unusual technique to get faster times I would make it public not deem it to be cheating myself and never tell anyone about it, but then again I don't drag online like most of you which is why I think a lot of people chose to withheld new discoverys to keep an edge when online.
We all like to think (Me included) that we all know so much about this game some people even go as far as consider them selfs "pros" when in reality I think most of us don't know as much as we pretend we do, I thought I knew enough about this game to accuse Janco of Retro launching his Supra, turns out I was wrong I made a mistake and it was just a very unusual coincidence that our numbers matched so closely and is something i've never seen happen before.
For the part I bolded, thats a bit of an over exaggeration, I very rarely see actual infomation as to how people get their times shared openly between people in the drag forum, people give subtle hints at best, (except for how to tranny flip people openly share how to do that) even most teams apply a pollicy of "don't share tunes" which I always found odd as surely being a team you would want to work together and share your knowledge etc.. There is probably more misinformation in the drag forum than there is actual infomation that will help. Even a large amount of "base tunes" on here are full of misinformation that are really just bad tunes with nothing to do with drag tuning, yes i'm aware many of them are very out dated but even when they was in date the settings posted were useless for drag racing (With the exception of Trybal and maybe a few others too their base tunes are actually very good)

This situation is kind of similar to when Retromaniax first posted some record breaking times, except Aussie banter isn't as charming or friendly as broken english from a Japanese guy :lol: People were scratching their heads wondering how he got those times, people even went as far as accusing him of being a member of Polyphony Digital Staff :lol:! Then after being pretty much bullied and pressured from the community he revealed his launch technique and within days (probably hours) people were matching and beating his times. Doesn't really seem fair to me looking back at that time that he should have had to give out his technique just so everyone else could be as fast as him.

If T51R is using a new technique or an existing technique applied differently from the norm and choses to reveal it I'd consider it to be a very lucky day for the GTP drag community as it will give everyone here a huge boost in times.
If he get's his times using conventual methods with perfect gear and suspension placement then expecting him to reveal his tune it isn't fair to ask at all as I doubt any of you would just fully reveal your tunes.

Pure opinion with holes.... You dont see PMs first and foremost. I can go to quite a few leaderboard guys @ any time & get help on a tune im having trouble with, and vice versa. Also if one is even half in tune with the bible (no pun intended), they would be able to identify wrong numbers in base tunes immediately. As i understand it, the guys that are topping the boards these days are an almost TOTALLY different group than the guys of old. In essence you cannot categorize this generation with the ones of previous patches (no disrespect to those that have stuck around, we actually have you guys to thank for showing A LOT of us the ropes.) there is a HUGE difference between BULLYing a guy who happens to be faster and being intolerant of arrongant stranger who pops up talking trash. that is not how things have gone around here in A you can see, the leaderboards as of late have been filled with more comradery and friendly competitivenes than drama filled rivalry or dominance. Notice how no one attacked janco when he started to dominate the 4wd class (& started expanding) or how no one has lashed out at Hos since he has been topping charts. the only variable between those RECENT situations and our current is that those two did not/do not BELITTLE anyone here when they have success. In fact they do quite the opposite. This is another reason why T51 is not respected, because he came in with a negative demeanor that offset everything positive we have going on here. and as stated before he will not get respect until he gets with the program.....Contrary to belief, fast times DO NOT get you a "say whatever I want how i want" ticket. Especially when you constantly leave room for question.

EDIT: Thanks for the kind words, guys. ASU is a great institution lol
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I've just tried what we would class as a number of unconventional methods to try and think out the box. Ive just tried completely indifferent springs, ride, dampers, gear methodology totally revamped in a nmbr of ways and in none of those ways can I make any progress no siree? Tuning for higher max speeds not lower and lower would fail to pull a decent time to the finish line. Just incidentally I remember a few people on gt5drag who pulled 9:007's or less using a cheating method.
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I've just tried what we class as unconventional methods to try and think out the box. Ive just tried completely indifferent springs, ride, dampers, gear methodology totally revamped in a nmbr of ways and in none of those ways can I make any progress by thinking out out of the box?

Check the thread above
...some people went on to claim to have known about this technique all along but just never posted it or made it public.... excuse...... more likely they didn't......

Sums it up perfectly. There are a few here that are actually helpful to others but the majority of the drag community here are condescending elitists that know a lot less than they act like they do and gas themselves and each other up to achieve a sense of accomplishment and rally together against anyone that challenges their supremacy. The term "pro" as it is used here is laughable at best. I don't recall anyone here getting any recognition or compensation for being a "pro" anywhere outside of their own tales shared over the good ol' interwebz.
My Enzo at 8.999 and RS6 Avant '08 at 9.179 got missed. I'd repost pictures but can't now as I'm on the phone.
Sums it up perfectly. There are a few here that are actually helpful to others but the majority of the drag community here are condescending elitists that know a lot less than they act like they do and gas themselves and each other up to achieve a sense of accomplishment and rally together against anyone that challenges their supremacy. The term "pro" as it is used here is laughable at best. I don't recall anyone here getting any recognition or compensation for being a "pro" anywhere outside of their own tales shared over the good ol' interwebz.

No offense, but this offends me.
I spend a great deal of time helping other tuners.
Other tuners have spent a great deal of time helping me.

There is no need for remarks like this. We are a community, and we all have worked together.
No offense, but this offends me.
I spend a great deal of time helping other tuners.
Other tuners have spent a great deal of time helping me.

There is no need for remarks like this. We are a community, and we all have worked together.

+1,000 if anybody needs tips PM MEEEE.
No offense, but this offends me.
I spend a great deal of time helping other tuners.
Other tuners have spent a great deal of time helping me.

There is no need for remarks like this. We are a community, and we all have worked together.

I agree completely.
This is nothing as compared to what he is talking about from over a year ago.