Gt planet's 1/4 mile data base COMING BACK SOON

  • Thread starter mazdaman
Honda Accord Coupe EX '03


Audi Lemans Quattro '03

Dammit stop matching my times. I don't like sharing spots lol. ;)

I see we have very different tunes on our accords, would be interesting to run them sometime.
Dammit stop matching my times. I don't like sharing spots lol. ;)

I see we have very different tunes on our accords, would be interesting to run them sometime.

haha me either:sly: and we definitly should run them 👍
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Still work to be done, but i took hos 'advice & took a break from Sexual Chocolate.... Avoiding a relapse, I took a crack at a ZR1 6am this morning & stumbled on this time for another project...Im calling it The Dark Knight ;) Here ya go!
[/url] IMAG0134 by datboygotchops, on Flickr[/IMG]
JTH used to be on Hydro before he got himself kicked out, agreed though he's fast.
So my friend has a zo6 that runs at the 1/4 9.305 and my zr1 runs 9.261. We ran and we got an even launch and he still beat me can any of u explain me why ?
And still the GT-R '09 is such a popular car for noobs. But bettering my 9:022's to me is like hitting a serious brick wall. I consider the deep black operation tuning on this car is no longer a viable entity!
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wraith of horus
And still the GT-R '09 is such a popular car for noobs. But bettering my 9:022's to me is like hitting a serious brick wall. I consider the deep black operation tuning on this car is no longer a viable entity! :lol:

lol, i can't get mine much better. I've tried everything i can think of.
So my friend has a zo6 that runs at the 1/4 9.305 and my zr1 runs 9.261. We ran and we got an even launch and he still beat me can any of u explain me why ?

Most'll probably give the simple asnwer for lack of a real explanantion: you got tree'd, when in fact it is probably the difference in connection speed of your internet. More likely you have experienced what's called latency, welcome to the world of online gaming.👍