GT Racing - GT1, GT3, Blancpain Endurance Series & National GT SeriesSports Cars 

Yeah, big hit.
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Sturm off at Blanchimont from P2 overall - car wrecked, and damage to the tyre barrier, so a long FCY in store. Luckily Sturm walked away.

The rain had just restarted, and the cars were struggling to get temp back into their slicks, so it was very challenging conditions - someone having a big off, esp. at Blanchimont, was not a surprise.
Unbelievable - horrendous luck for Ferrari #51 :(

The only place that a car can break down and not trigger a yellow, or for anyone to get past - and their last stop of the race, from the race lead... - you couldn't make it up. Feel very sorry for AF Corse.
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That's a beautiful victory! Overall, a good but frustrative race at the same time, just like Le Mans.

Just a question though.. Where was the "GiveMeMyUpdatedGT3GridNowPolyphonyDigital!!!" team during the most important GT3 race worldwide?
Just a question though.. Where was the "GiveMeMyUpdatedGT3GridNowPolyphonyDigital!!!" team during the most important GT3 race worldwide?
I was sorely tempted, believe me! 😅 I'd love the 296 GT3, that's the only big omission for me; the M4 GT3 would also be great, as would the KTM X-Bow and the Maserati MC20 GT2 as well. That said, it is already possible to create a great GT3 race in GT7, but the 296 GT3 would make it near perfect IMO.


Great and deserved win for Comtoyou and Aston Martin :bowdown: Chuffed for Nicki Thiim too... he's always been impressive when I watched him, and I was also lucky enough to meet him last year in a restaurant in Spa just before last year's race; I asked him if it was OK if I took a picture of him and his teammates and he laughed, pointed at Kelvin van der Linde, and said something along the lines of "Don't ask me, he's the star..." :P


Rowe were unlucky to have to pit with 2.5 minutes left, and lost P2 as a result - but that pitlane incident that cost AF Corse the overall win will be hard to beat in terms of sheer bad luck, and P2 for them must feel like a pyrrhic victory.

I was also delighted to see that #5 finished the race (I think in P23, 8th in Class, but ahead of the WRT M4 of Marciello, Rossi and Martin), so a massive achievement - not least as Sam Neary only drove that car for the first time a couple of weeks ago, or so his Mum told me 😅
If you want all the GT2 and GT3 cars, you can find them in ACC. They even gave us a free update of the Mustang GT3 recently.

The only Spa 24h car they are missing is the new Vantage. Every other model is in the game (base game or DLC).
Bro..... that SUCKS
Yeh, that's almost as bad luck as the Ferrari had.


On a lighter note, I'm getting a pit lane pass to join Team Abba Racing at the British GT race at Donington :D

They sent me one last year as well but I couldn't go due to flooding knocking out the trainlines in the entire North of England the day I was supposed to travel, but hopefully I will have better luck this time. Hell, I'll bloody walk (or swim) there if I have to!
Yeh, that's almost as bad luck as the Ferrari had.


On a lighter note, I'm getting a pit lane pass to join Team Abba Racing at the British GT race at Donington :D

They sent me one last year as well but I couldn't go due to flooding knocking out the trainlines in the entire North of England the day I was supposed to travel, but hopefully I will have better luck this time. Hell, I'll bloody walk (or swim) there if I have to!
That's awesome, how did you swing that??
I'll be there too cheering Abba and 2 Seas on! ☺️
I was planning to go see the GT World Challenge at Road America tomorrow as it's less than an hour up the road from me but now I'm wondering if I'll be bored. I'm really not one to watch any kind of sport - I pretty much gave up watching motorsports years ago - as I'd rather do the sport than watch it. I don't know any of the teams or the drivers and would be going alone so I don't even have a fellow car nerd to talk to, unlike the last time I went to a RA event.

Seems like a shame to not go to one as I am a huge GT (sim) fan but just wandering around and watching. Not sure. Otherwise I'll probably got to an Irish Festival with my wife and daughter..

What do you do at events like this? Talk me into this!
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I was planning to go see the GT World Challenge at Road America tomorrow as it's less than an hour up the road from me but now I'm wondering if I'll be bored. I'm really not one to watch any kind of sport - I pretty much gave up watching motorsports years ago - as I'd rather do the sport than watch it. I don't know any of the teams or the drivers and would be going alone so I don't even have a fellow car nerd to talk to, unlike the last time I went to a RA event.

Seems like a shame to not go to one as I am a huge GT (sim) fan but just wandering around and watching. Not sure. Otherwise I'll probably got to an Irish Festival with my wife and daughter..

What do you do at events like this? Talk me into this!

I've not been to that many events, but I've loved every one that I've been to. The last two - the Nurburgring 24h and the Spa 24h - I went to alone, and some of the best moments involved speaking to complete strangers and just meeting random people. I also don't stay too long in one spot and try and see as much of the circuit from different vantage points as possible, and that can also involve speaking to people, especially at the Nurburgring. I met some great people at these last two events, including a British GT driver and team owner (who has invited me to a race 3 weeks from now), a German guy who races 80's classics with his father (who is also the team owner), as well as bumping into pro drivers themselves, though I usually leave them alone unless there's clearly no harm in saying hello - I've met Tom Coronel (JGTC), Adam Christodoulou, Nicki Thiim, Kelvin van der Linde in the last year, and had breakfast opposite the Iron Dames in Spa. But it's great chatting to folk when you have no clue who they are, and it also makes the interest levels in the race skyrocket if you happen to meet someone who is either racing or who is there to support a family member. Speaking to people in the audience, though, is almost always worthwhile, and the folks I met at the Nurb especially were fantastically friendly, and made an awesome experience even more memorable.

On that note, I received a mysterious 'postage not paid' notice yesterday despite having nothing on order - I'm hoping against all hope that it could be my lost pass for British GT that went missing after being posted about 6 weeks ago. 🤞
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I was planning to go see the GT World Challenge at Road America tomorrow as it's less than an hour up the road from me but now I'm wondering if I'll be bored. I'm really not one to watch any kind of sport - I pretty much gave up watching motorsports years ago - as I'd rather do the sport than watch it. I don't know any of the teams or the drivers and would be going alone so I don't even have a fellow car nerd to talk to, unlike the last time I went to a RA event.

Seems like a shame to not go to one as I am a huge GT (sim) fan but just wandering around and watching. Not sure. Otherwise I'll probably got to an Irish Festival with my wife and daughter..

What do you do at events like this? Talk me into this!

I'd go alone as for me it's all about the experience. You obviously can follow races better from the comfort of your home but in terms of getting close to the cars, the sounds, to the people as @Touring Mars has explained, that's priceless. I was this year at Mid-Ohio for the IMSA weekend (see my report here: and it was great to be trackside again after 20+ years. I'm not sure about the SRO weekends and their paddock access possibilities but the IMSA weekend was excellent, you can go to basically anywhere.

If you like race cars and the atmosphere, I'd say you should go even if the racing itself doesn't interest you that much. I realize that this is after the fact but RA has several events throughout the year and there's always next year :)
What do you do at events like this? Talk me into this!
Depends on the format of the day or weekend, but what I don't generally do is sit on a seat watching the racing for a day. Get around the circuit, figure out what/where all the good views are, get down to the pits/paddock and see as much as you can. Experience the sights, sounds and smells - soak it up. Speak to people. If you can, take a little radio or ear piece for picking up local broadcast of the commentary. Accept that you are not watching racing like you do on the TV/Web.

Then, come back and post about it in this thread.
On that note, I received a mysterious 'postage not paid' notice yesterday despite having nothing on order - I'm hoping against all hope that it could be my lost pass for British GT that went missing after being posted about 6 weeks ago. 🤞
It arrived!

Happy Season 17 GIF by The Simpsons

Turns out the sender only put a 1st class stamp on it, but that wasn't enough to cover the postage, and it has taken 7 weeks to arrive, one day before the cancellation deadline on my hotel near the track (not that I was going to cancel anyway, but still...)
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I was at the British GT race this weekend at Donington Park and had a fantastic weekend as a guest of Team Abba Racing.

The team had a difficult weekend that very nearly ended in triumph, but sadly wasn't to be. Free Practice saw them pit after just 20 mins on track, due to a suspension issue (I think), and Richard Neary hit the tire wall in Pre-Qualifying which saw them lose more practice time. Qualifying wasn't great either - Richard Neary could only get around 10th place, but Sam Neary managed P2 on his last lap, only for it to be scrubbed for a track limits violation, so they ended up way down in P14 (out of 16). The race, however, was incredible - Richard (as per usual) drove like a man possessed, and got them up to a fantastic 3rd spot, which Sam was able to hold. With about 30 mins to go, there was a prolonged FCY/SC as they had to fix some armco barriers, and it was looking like the race might end under SC conditions, and hand the Nearys a very well deserved podium spot, but it wasn't to be... the SC came in with just over 90s left on the clock, enough for two more laps, and half way through the first lap, with only a minute left on the clock, their front left brake disc exploded and sent Sam careering into the gravel/barriers, and it was game over. I was in the garage when that happened and it was pretty devastating. However, it turns out that the car was actually disqualified after the race for a pitlane infringement that the team were unaware of, so perhaps it was lucky that they didn't celebrate a podium only for it to be taken off them.

I had an amazing time and got some great access to the garages, although Barwell kicked me out 😅 I was a bit cheesed off at that, though, because I actually had permission from someone in the team (I asked if it was OK for me to be there, and they said yes, as long as I stayed to the side, which I did... but someone else kicked me out anyway...). The other garages were fine, though I was mindful of not getting in the way and didn't overstay my welcome anywhere other than Barwell!

I didn't see much of Richard and Sam after the race - I handed my pass back to a mechanic and thanked him and the team for letting me join them, but added that I thought it would be wise if I made myself scarce - he chuckled and agreed, so I left them to it.

Team Abba Racing AMG GT3 - Richard and Sam Neary


AMG GT3 engine


The eventual winners, Rob and Ricky Collard's Barwell Lamborghini Huracan GT3


Finally got a pic with Max Götz after meeting him briefly at the Nürburgring 24h earlier this year too


Wet conditions for Free Practice


My signed Spark model #18 2 Seas Motorsport AMG GT3 of Max Götz and Kevin Tse in the gravel at Turn 1, while their real car was about 50 feet away, also in the gravel at Turn 1...


John Ferguson's SF90 Stradale

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I was at the British GT race this weekend at Donington Park and had a fantastic weekend as a guest of Team Abba Racing.

The team had a difficult weekend that very nearly ended in triumph, but sadly wasn't to be. Free Practice saw them pit after just 20 mins on track, due to a suspension issue (I think), and Richard Neary hit the tire wall in Pre-Qualifying which saw them lose more practice time. Qualifying wasn't great either - Richard Neary could only get around 10th place, but Sam Neary managed P2 on his last lap, only for it to be scrubbed for a track limits violation, so they ended up way down in P14 (out of 16). The race, however, was incredible - Richard (as per usual) drove like a man possessed, and got them up to a fantastic 3rd spot, which Sam was able to hold. With about 30 mins to go, there was a prolonged FCY/SC as they had to fix some armco barriers, and it was looking like the race might end under SC conditions, and hand the Nearys a very well deserved podium spot, but it wasn't to be... the SC came in with just over 90s left on the clock, enough for two more laps, and half way through the first lap, with only a minute left on the clock, their front left brake disc exploded and sent Sam careering into the gravel/barriers, and it was game over. I was in the garage when that happened and it was pretty devastating. However, it turns out that the car was actually disqualified after the race for a pitlane infringement that the team were unaware of, so perhaps it was lucky that they didn't celebrate a podium only for it to be taken off them.

I had an amazing time and got some great access to the garages, although Barwell kicked me out 😅 I was a bit cheesed off at that, though, because I actually had permission from someone in the team (I asked if it was OK for me to be there, and they said yes, as long as I stayed to the side, which I did... but someone else kicked me out anyway...). The other garages were fine, though I was mindful of not getting in the way and didn't overstay my welcome anywhere other than Barwell!

I didn't see much of Richard and Sam after the race - I handed my pass back to a mechanic and thanked him and the team for letting me join them, but added that I thought it would be wise if I made myself scarce - he chuckled and agreed, so I left them to it.

Team Abba Racing AMG GT3 - Richard and Sam Neary

View attachment 1388038

AMG GT3 engine


The eventual winners, Rob and Ricky Collard's Barwell Lamborghini Huracan GT3

View attachment 1388039

Finally got a pic with Max Götz after meeting him briefly at the Nürburgring 24h earlier this year too

View attachment 1388041

Wet conditions for Free Practice

View attachment 1388040

My signed Spark model #18 2 Seas Motorsport AMG GT3 of Max Götz and Kevin Tse in the gravel at Turn 1, while their real car was about 50 feet away, also in the gravel at Turn 1...

View attachment 1388043

John Ferguson's SF90 Stradale

View attachment 1388044
When did they install the tire bundles at the chicane? Were they there last year? I saw a Mercedes GT4 take a chunk out of their bumper by whacking the second bundle in the race.
I was at the British GT race this weekend at Donington Park and had a fantastic weekend as a guest of Team Abba Racing.

The team had a difficult weekend that very nearly ended in triumph, but sadly wasn't to be. Free Practice saw them pit after just 20 mins on track, due to a suspension issue (I think), and Richard Neary hit the tire wall in Pre-Qualifying which saw them lose more practice time. Qualifying wasn't great either - Richard Neary could only get around 10th place, but Sam Neary managed P2 on his last lap, only for it to be scrubbed for a track limits violation, so they ended up way down in P14 (out of 16). The race, however, was incredible - Richard (as per usual) drove like a man possessed, and got them up to a fantastic 3rd spot, which Sam was able to hold. With about 30 mins to go, there was a prolonged FCY/SC as they had to fix some armco barriers, and it was looking like the race might end under SC conditions, and hand the Nearys a very well deserved podium spot, but it wasn't to be... the SC came in with just over 90s left on the clock, enough for two more laps, and half way through the first lap, with only a minute left on the clock, their front left brake disc exploded and sent Sam careering into the gravel/barriers, and it was game over. I was in the garage when that happened and it was pretty devastating. However, it turns out that the car was actually disqualified after the race for a pitlane infringement that the team were unaware of, so perhaps it was lucky that they didn't celebrate a podium only for it to be taken off them.

I had an amazing time and got some great access to the garages, although Barwell kicked me out 😅 I was a bit cheesed off at that, though, because I actually had permission from someone in the team (I asked if it was OK for me to be there, and they said yes, as long as I stayed to the side, which I did... but someone else kicked me out anyway...). The other garages were fine, though I was mindful of not getting in the way and didn't overstay my welcome anywhere other than Barwell!

I didn't see much of Richard and Sam after the race - I handed my pass back to a mechanic and thanked him and the team for letting me join them, but added that I thought it would be wise if I made myself scarce - he chuckled and agreed, so I left them to it.

Team Abba Racing AMG GT3 - Richard and Sam Neary

View attachment 1388038

AMG GT3 engine


The eventual winners, Rob and Ricky Collard's Barwell Lamborghini Huracan GT3

View attachment 1388039

Finally got a pic with Max Götz after meeting him briefly at the Nürburgring 24h earlier this year too

View attachment 1388041

Wet conditions for Free Practice

View attachment 1388040

My signed Spark model #18 2 Seas Motorsport AMG GT3 of Max Götz and Kevin Tse in the gravel at Turn 1, while their real car was about 50 feet away, also in the gravel at Turn 1...

View attachment 1388043

John Ferguson's SF90 Stradale

View attachment 1388044
I was also there!
Gutted for Abba, was really rooting for them to get a podium. Especially now Loggie has swapped to a Porsche.
Shame for Kevin Tse too, off on the first corner, ruined his race.

Good day though! Glad the weather was better on the Sunday
When did they install the tire bundles at the chicane? Were they there last year? I saw a Mercedes GT4 take a chunk out of their bumper by whacking the second bundle in the race.
Yes, pretty sure they were there last year. They weren't there in 2021.

They take the inside one away for the GB3 & GB4 support races though, they'd obliterate their car!