GT Sport big disappointment

  • Thread starter Brriskk
I feel like no matter what type of game came out y'all would have found something to complain about. It's the way of this sick world that everyone feels like their opinion on something should be forced on another. If you don't like GTS. Cool story bro. Don't play it, but please don't tell me how bad it is, I'll judge for myself.
So many people just like to bitching about games all day instead of playing them. I guess some people buy game and then spend more time in forums talking then playing actual game.
Its best gt so far
Its best racing so far compare to assetto project cars and forza
Its best for how cars are driven.
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Granted that I'm only paid $40 for my copy of standard edition, so I feel that GTS's irritating flaws are much more bearable.
So many ppl just like to bitching about games all day instead of playing them. I guess some ppl buy game and then spend more time in forums talking then playing actual game.
Its best gt so far
Its best racing so far compare to assetto project cars and forza
Its best for how cars are driven.
Kaz said they just put all whats need for fia for start . and later they will add more cars and stuff.. So yh i would say its some Fia fault. But its fine if they will give us more content later. I paid for GT game not for FIA game
yea. I like it. but could have been better. I mean, damn. AI sucks. online racers cutting corners bumping you off and then going on to win really chaps my hide.
Really? The lack of cars, tracks and GT-Mode not a little bit of a problem? What is it the FIA has done to cause that?
Based on my own interpretation, the cars were selected to satisfy FIA so they can consider this a official FIA championship.

The lack of a proper GT mode I think is also because of FIA. PD knows that if they implemented a GT mode then many people would not even bother go online because they already experienced the game in the solo campaign, this way people are "forced" to go online to find some competition and then more people are willing to participate in more serious online championships AKA FIA championships, this a my understading of all this.

The track list I don't actually have an explanation, maybe they didn't want to spend more money on licensed tracks, I don't know.
Based on my own interpretation, the cars were selected to satisfy FIA so they can consider this a official FIA championship.

The lack of a proper GT mode I think is also because of FIA. PD knows that if they implemented a GT mode then many people would not even bother go online because they already experienced the game in the solo campaign, this way people are "forced" to go online to find some competition and then more people are willing to participate in more serious online championships AKA FIA championships, this a my understading of all this.
The current number one racing esports title across all platforms had a massive off-line side, didn't hurt that.

How you manage the championship, how you promote it and how you get people involved and rewarded is the key factor, removing a large elemnet of gameplay is just as likely to stop people buying it in the first place.

The track list I don't actually have an explanation, maybe they didn't want to spend more money on licensed tracks, I don't know.
Well they have the licence for the single most expensive track around (Suzuka), and the backing of Sony, so I suspect that money wasn't the issue.
The only problem for me is the lack of tracks. But really, I only wanted Nordschleife deep in my heart and the single thing I wanted, VR timetrial, is not there. This is the only thing I am a bit disappointed for.

I like the car count. Each car is made with absolute stellar LOD. EACH SINGLE ONE. None is recycled from anywhere, and they all represent their characteristics. It is excellent.

The offline side, what could I say? Forza's career mode is just as boring as it is: A bunch of pictures could represent all the races, and all you do is racing with different cars on different tracks (some of them are just ridiculously frustrating and non-skippable), earn money, buy cars, and race more cars on those tracks. GT lacks nothing compared to it, the only thing it doesn't have is a list of pre-defined events and that it requires you to generate the races. I am not even mentioning online, where you have a REAL career and work for your reputation and skills, instead of having a bunch of cheesy actors complimenting your driving all the time.

And yes. iRacing and car-collecting is mutual exclusive. That's why GT6's online was not as good as iRacing's. When you make a proper online mode, you don't have man-power to work on the car collection. That's exactly the reason why there is no game that has the map and freedom of GTA5, career mode of TDU2, physics and online of iRacing, graphics and modelling of GTS, sound effects of RRRE and car count of Forza 7. It is SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE for $60, unless you want to spend $300 for a game, which you won't.
The only problem for me is the lack of tracks. But really, I only wanted Nordschleife deep in my heart and the single thing I wanted, VR timetrial, is not there. This is the only thing I am a bit disappointed for.

I like the car count. Each car is made with absolute stellar LOD. EACH SINGLE ONE. None is recycled from anywhere, and they all represent their characteristics. It is excellent.

The offline side, what could I say? Forza's career mode is just as boring as it is: A bunch of pictures could represent all the races, and all you do is racing with different cars on different tracks (some of them are just ridiculously frustrating and non-skippable), earn money, buy cars, and race more cars on those tracks. GT lacks nothing compared to it, the only thing it doesn't have is a list of pre-defined events and that it requires you to generate the races. I am not even mentioning online, where you have a REAL career and work for your reputation and skills, instead of having a bunch of cheesy actors complimenting your driving all the time.

And yes. iRacing and car-collecting is mutual exclusive. That's why GT6's online was not as good as iRacing's. When you make a proper online mode, you don't have man-power to work on the car collection. That's exactly the reason why there is no game that has the map and freedom of GTA5, career mode of TDU2, physics and online of iRacing, graphics and modelling of GTS, sound effects of RRRE and car count of Forza 7. It is SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE for $60, unless you want to spend $300 for a game, which you won't.

Forza 7 is the best GT ever made...Think about that for a second.

I think it's fine with PD wants to do an title but we should pay a online only price. The game should have been 39.99 instead of a full price game. I haven't jump on online yet but I might tonight. The "campaign" mode will done very quickly. it's only an appetizer size. The fact the game has one of the most intrusive DRM in recent history (online only save), should be mention has a huge warning on the game. I didn't play last night because of the none announced server maintenance. I hate to be at the mercy of PD server to be operation for me to save any type of progress. I know this is GT planet. I've been a member since 2007. I love the GT series but we have to stop defending some of the poor decision they have made. There is a lot of pros to be excited for this game also has a lot of cons. If you compare to other product on the market (Pcars2 and Forza 7), GT:S is behind it's competitor on many aspect.
My opinions here.
Campaign mode, unexpectedly, has improved my knowledge with a few aspects of driving.
Scapes is sweet.
Livery Editor works.
Grading system makes it easier to know who the heck your racing with.
Online play .... for me at least ... has been clean and fun.

Track List is a bit weak, but that will change
Car list is surprisingly lackluster. I really hope that changes.
Stats (unless I'm missing something) are pretty much non existent. (online wins, podiums, races entered, laptimes, etc)

all in all, really enjoying it.
Imagine pokemon game without catching them, or 75% of the pokemon missing.

AKA it's not a GT game anymore, its Academy.

What if said pokemon game did the same thing for 20 years? it would still get stale.

This is not GT as we know it, this is a new breed of GT.
What if said pokemon game did the same thing for 20 years? it would still get stale.

This is not GT as we know it, this is a new breed of GT.
That's a strawman position. No one expects the exact same game for 20 years or even from game to game. Some people are happy with this reboot of the franchise but others would rather the whole eSport thing be an additional feature to an ever expanding list of features rather than the focus of the game, while, at the same time, removing the core of the game that made it so successful for so long.
Game updates will be available in the near future. I don't mean patches for bugs, I mean new content including additional tracks and other features. Everyone just hold onto your britches and enjoy the current content offerings.
As for Kaz treating GT Sport like an online championship simulator and not a game... how many times can it be said... this is the beginning of a new era for Gran Turismo. Like it or leave it. I just hope we don't see too many people jumping ship prematurely, before the entire content is revealed - I'm pretty sure this game will take years to fully play out. Who knows... after all is said and done, GT Sport may be remembered as a lousy entry in the series. If this is the case, *maybe* PD will go back to the previous tried and true formula including a proper career mode and massive car collections. Maybe now. At this point it is far too early and we need to give it some time.
Game updates will be available in the near future. I don't mean patches for bugs, I mean new content including additional tracks and other features. Everyone just hold onto your britches and enjoy the current content offerings.
As for Kaz treating GT Sport like an online championship simulator and not a game... how many times can it be said... this is the beginning of a new era for Gran Turismo. Like it or leave it. I just hope we don't see too many people jumping ship prematurely, before the entire content is revealed - I'm pretty sure this game will take years to fully play out. Who knows... after all is said and done, GT Sport may be remembered as a lousy entry in the series. If this is the case, *maybe* PD will go back to the previous tried and true formula including a proper career mode and massive car collections. Maybe now. At this point it is far too early and we need to give it some time.
Thats great news, How soon is the near future though and how many and what tracks are coming? PDs soon tends to be like Soony's soon which tends to be not very soon :D
My guess is you probably don’t track the car in real life. Modifying cars is a big huge thing in world of racing. Last time I was on the track only stock cars was Focus Rs(which is a huge disappointment that they don’t have one of the most wanted hot hatches on the market now) and civic tybe r, and that’s because the cars are still pretty new. Every car is modified pretty much. It’s 2017 if I was able to put a suspension 20 years ago on Gran turismo I expect to pick and a brand of the suspension, 2way 3way coilovers..... and much more. My worst disappointment is the modification, who ever thinks that modification is not part of true racing experience well than my guess you most likely never raced anywhere except games.

I feel the point of my post was lost on you, and you just wanted to talk about modifying cars.. Which is fine, but it doesn't really have a lot to do with what I was talking about, so I don't have much to say.

Maybe read post twice so you understand what is being said, rather than jumping the first opportunity to vent your frustrations, because as I said there is very little here that relates to what I was saying or aiming at.
Well, what a total shambles.

I’ve just spent 30 minutes of playing on PS4pro & T300 having a blast. Then I take the game to my own PS4 (OG) with Pad.

I start my own progression and 3 tests in the beginner and server error. No matter that I was connected to PSN (no longer a PS+ subscriber) and I tried everything I could think of... but nope.

So the only thing I can think of to fix the whole problem is back to PCars and delete GTS and return the disc. So glad I didn’t pay for the game. It’s beautiful to look at and plays pretty well but whoever thought online only saves etc. is an absolute numpty.
Thats great news, How soon is the near future though and how many and what tracks are coming? PDs soon tends to be like Soony's soon which tends to be not very soon :D

For me, soon is soon enough. I don't know what tracks or other content will be available next, all I know is that it's coming and that is enough. Gamers tend to get far too involved in the virtual world, and we forget there is a real life to be experienced. (If I'm done playing with the current content, I put down the controller and go do something else -- so what if I'm not getting everything I wanted or expected from a video game.) Do not misunderstand my statement, I am not saying you are not experiencing real life. I'm only stating what I choose to do with my time in these circumstances, and it works great. Having a variety of hobbies makes life fun!
Imo, this is the best GT I have played since gt3/4.

Waisted a day off on the livery editor alone, have like 6% on campaign.

Anybody notice there are hidden missions etc?

A ton of them.
I just want to play. I was very excited about how beta looked and felt. I'm on the road all week so my wife picked my LE copy up until I got home today.
I am a very die hard fan of GT but can't play except arcade on 4 tracks since the game server went down.
I look the game as having infinite possibilities & potential as you can fine tune & control arcade to be an open ended career mode that never ends or runs out of possibilities...
What if said pokemon game did the same thing for 20 years? it would still get stale.

This is not GT as we know it, this is a new breed of GT.

Pokemon games are exactly the same as they were. There's even jokes it's just a new color and a differnt names. And yet still sale +ten million and counting.
Forza 7 is the best GT ever made

The game should have been 39.99 instead of a full price game.

The "campaign" mode will done very quickly. it's only an appetizer size.

If you compare to other product on the market (Pcars2 and Forza 7), GT:S is behind it's competitor on many aspect.

Agree with most of you, except for these.

Forza 7 is not GT at all. NONE of it gives me the GT vibe, whereas GTS gives me a ton of those.

No way is this game a $40 title. Especially if you can live with Forza 7, which is mostly recycled really, being $60 with microtransactions written all over your face. When I play FM7, the feel of cheapness of the developers constantly rub on my face.

The campaign mode in GTS is not the same thing as in FM7, although I don't think FM's campaign need a lot of care either because it is basically random races put together with cards. Hell, it can be generated by a computer. And when it comes to that, it doesn't matter if the races are pre-defined or "defined by you", which, is a function perfectly usable in GTS. If there is one game for which a "campaign mode" takes time to make, it is Need For Speed.

Lastly, again, the amount of polishing of GTS is simply on another level compared to PCARS2. It looks MUCH better than PCARS2 on the same hardware, has way less bugs, doesn't require hours of settings to work well, and looks simply more realistic than PC2 even at max on PC. Surely PC2 looks good, but it is never realistic to me, it only looks good for its own right. I admit Forza 7 is gorgeous looking game as well, but it lacks a lot in the little details graphics-wise which occasionally brings you out of the immersion, such as when your car doesn't cast shadow on AI cars (this has been there since FM5, makes me wonder if there's anybody ever thought about this). GTS represents car handling very well --- on par with PCARS at least, and works much better with a wheel than Forza does. Little things that never before considered by others, such as the motion control with DS4, works amazing. It sure lacks a lot of things, but it also does a lot of things much better. I'd never tone down a game only for its cons and ignore its pros.
Agree with most of you, except for these.

Forza 7 is not GT at all. NONE of it gives me the GT vibe, whereas GTS gives me a ton of those.

No way is this game a $40 title. Especially if you can live with Forza 7, which is mostly recycled really, being $60 with microtransactions written all over your face. When I play FM7, the feel of cheapness of the developers constantly rub on my face.

The campaign mode in GTS is not the same thing as in FM7, although I don't think FM's campaign need a lot of care either because it is basically random races put together with cards. Hell, it can be generated by a computer. And when it comes to that, it doesn't matter if the races are pre-defined or "defined by you", which, is a function perfectly usable in GTS. If there is one game for which a "campaign mode" takes time to make, it is Need For Speed.

Lastly, again, the amount of polishing of GTS is simply on another level compared to PCARS2. It looks MUCH better than PCARS2 on the same hardware, has way less bugs, doesn't require hours of settings to work well, and looks simply more realistic than PC2 even at max on PC. Surely PC2 looks good, but it is never realistic to me, it only looks good for its own right. I admit Forza 7 is gorgeous looking game as well, but it lacks a lot in the little details graphics-wise which occasionally brings you out of the immersion, such as when your car doesn't cast shadow on AI cars (this has been there since FM5, makes me wonder if there's anybody ever thought about this). GTS represents car handling very well --- on par with PCARS at least, and works much better with a wheel than Forza does. Little things that never before considered by others, such as the motion control with DS4, works amazing. It sure lacks a lot of things, but it also does a lot of things much better. I'd never tone down a game only for its cons and ignore its pros.

You have a very biased view toward GT:S. This is Gtplanet after all. There is a lot more content in both Pcars2 and Forza 7 compare to GT:S. When I said that it doesn't mean GT:S is bad. I think it does a lot of thing right but there is quite a few annoyance that I am having a hard time getting around. Just ask yourself, if this title was not called Gran Turismo, would you have the same opinion ? I don't think so. Nostalgia is a huge factor in this.