GT Sport big disappointment

  • Thread starter Brriskk
Game updates will be available in the near future. I don't mean patches for bugs, I mean new content including additional tracks and other features. Everyone just hold onto your britches and enjoy the current content offerings.
As for Kaz treating GT Sport like an online championship simulator and not a game... how many times can it be said... this is the beginning of a new era for Gran Turismo. Like it or leave it. I just hope we don't see too many people jumping ship prematurely, before the entire content is revealed - I'm pretty sure this game will take years to fully play out. Who knows... after all is said and done, GT Sport may be remembered as a lousy entry in the series. If this is the case, *maybe* PD will go back to the previous tried and true formula including a proper career mode and massive car collections. Maybe now. At this point it is far too early and we need to give it some time.
No one knows when the DLC will come so saying "near future" is pure speculation. These day's games need to get your attention quickly and hold it. People aren't so inclined to wait for things to an out over MO the
Open arcade mode and create whatever single player race you want. This arcade mode isn't the same arcade mode from the other GT titles. I think a fair few people are missing that.
Pretty much every game on this system let's you set up one off races. What's really needed for longevity is being able to set up offline championships. Single races are pretty boring, pretty quickly.
No one knows when the DLC will come so saying "near future" is pure speculation. These day's games need to get your attention quickly and hold it. People aren't so inclined to wait for things to an out over MO the

Pretty much every game on this system let's you set up one off races. What's really needed for longevity is being able to set up offline championships. Single races are pretty boring, pretty quickly.

If I said I know these are coming I would be lying, but I do think they will come.
My friend just bought the game we were playing arcade mode it was fun but no 90s jdm cars no buick grand national wheres the nurburg ring wheres autum ring. I havent played since gt5 i bought a playstation 4 because i assumed gt6 would be ps4. waited so many years to play a new gran turismo then sport comes out with a trash car list and barely any tracks. i only wanted it for drifting i was so hyped i was already planning to go buy it this morning. but i cant give them money for what seems like 15% on a game really wishing i went xbox for forza horizon i waited this long to get a middle finger. Playstation is pretty bare bones on exclusives its the better system and the competetive scene on ps4 is much better for shooters but jesus how do they let me down like this on gran turismo sport.
Its pretty much an awful GT game, a decent game on its own that Sport.

No mods and legends like 3000gt Supra exetera is really killing it for me. I freaking found it boring after half hour.
do you know that they will be no supra on racing games? toyota said that because of game they selling less cars so they took out all the old school cars out of the game
I decided today to cancel my order of the collectors edition and instead buy the standard version. I figured I could spend the £60 left over on an extra HDD for my computer (on to which I intend to install the likes of Forza 7, Project Cars 2 etc).

An odd move, considering I've been hyping over the collectors edition over the past two weeks or so. However, the reviews speak very valid points. The game to me just isn't worth a £100 investment. I feel like I've become too engrossed in a combination of franchise nostalgia and graphical fanciness. The 'power of the brand' as it were. No doubt that the game is impressive in many areas, but it just isn't enough.

The betas were great, and Sport is certainly the most polished GT experience in recent memory, but a £100 game it is not, in my mind at least.
I was fully tuned in on the game and I knew the single player content would be lacking and that it was more online focused but even being that prepared didn't help. I'm so disappointed with the game, I'm pretty much done with the laughable 'single player' part of the game and I have every car I'd want now. I remember playing GT4 for MONTHS, collecting cars and tuning them and running races.. now it's just. Eh..

It's so frustrating, this GT has all of the same frustrations I had with the older games (lack of in-depth race/tournament creation) and adds on top of that the unexplainable lack of tracks (when PD has a huge backlog of their very own fantasy tracks that shouldn't require any licensing yet they refuse to put them in the game), the understandable yet still annoying lack of cars.. esp domestic every day cars. The one thing that brought me into GT in the first place.. almost all gone. Plus the axed single player content along with forced online where if you lose internet during a race you lose everything that wasn't saved (could be you worked on some liveries or scapes.. all gone). It makes the game frustrating to play and I'm losing my enjoyment rather quickly with it. Just having the game playable offline would improve my enjoyment immensely with it, just that one single thing. :indiff:
The game is fun and has a lot of potential I'm still a little dissapointed with it it's definitely missing something and I think it has to do with the lack of content and more real life tracks !!! Hopefully it will get better after some time and some dlcs smh
I've been thinking about your reply to my posts while I got ready for work today and I don't agree with the 'It's not' but given that you chose not to elaborate I can't really assume why you think that, so I'll elaborate as to why I think it is pretty well featured;
It has most of the races and challenges of the previous numbered game, only instead of them being gated behind owning certain cars and or licences, they are pretty much only locked behind linear progression though the game. You have the races with arcade mode (which nets you rewards) and circuit challenges. You have licence stuff and time trails mixed in too (I forget all the names).
The basics are there, I think what is lacking, is the number of tracks.
I think it should be said though, that the GT mode staples had worn thin on me; 'racing' from last to first over a handful of laps around cars that have little to no AI and that acted as a mere mobile chicane... I don't really morn that loss

The single player racing stuff still exists, although it's unquestionably toned down from previous games. And realistically, I think most people would have expected at least a small single player championship for each class, but Polyphony chose not to do that. While GTS has single player races, I think a championship mode is something that is missing and is something that is present in some form in all the other competitors that I can think of.

But "features" is not just about races. GTS has a small car and track list, no dynamic time, basically no accessible weather at all (dynamic or otherwise), no course creator, no modifications, no photo locations. These are legitimate design choices, but compared to previous Gran Turismos GTS offers quite a narrow feature set. I think that's intentional, clearly Polyphony understands that eSports games live and die on the size of their online player base and so they've done everything possible to encourage people to play online. Unfortunately that seems to include removing gameplay that isn't online, and I don't think it's unfair to point out that it's a double edged sword.

Regarding the name, Kaz could have called it (assuming he got the licence) Sponge Bob's Wacky Adventures Under the Sea Vol.1. Clearly, it is not GT7, in either name, concept or goals. If you look at all of the numbered Gran Turismo games, they all follow pretty much the same formula... loads of cars, from race cars to road cars to concept cars to cars that are designed for the Moon.
It's about collecting cars and giving you lots of tracks to drive them around on. GT Sport isn't about that, really at all. That was something that, like I said, was clearly obvious, at least to me, from the early parts of GT Sports unveiling.

Correct. But even considering it as a focused motorsports game, in many ways it's still a very limited experience. I think a lot of people that are voicing disappointment weren't expecting GT7, but they were expecting a little more given what we knew that GTS was going to contain. You can do a lot with 150 cars and 17 tracks, if you choose them well and put thought into how and where you use them. GT3 had 150 cars and 19 tracks and is considered one of the greatest games of all time (along with continually competing for the spot of best Gran Turismo ever).

Honestly, what content is there is more than enough to make an incredible game. Polyphony just haven't done a particularly good job of choosing that content to make the most of limited resources, and then crafting that into a cohesive and engaging experience. Three single track races for a week? There should be a weekly race for every single class, and they should probably rotate through at least two or three tracks (either hourly or daily).

Seriously, there was more variation available in GT5P online than in the GTS races. That was nearly ten years ago. It's one thing to try and make sure that the races are well populated enough for the matchmaker to create good races, it's another to cripple the variation in the game to do so.
if you lose internet during a race you lose everything that wasn't saved (could be you worked on some liveries or scapes.. all gone). It makes the game frustrating to play :indiff:

I would recommend that anyone doing anything, liveries, scapes, challenges that were difficult to gold to immediately go into the menu on the left side of the screen and there is a button you can click that forces a save right then.

As long as the servers are up and running when you click that button you should never lose progress on anything you have done up to that point.If the servers go down before you can click that button just do not cut the game off before the servers come back up and initiates the save.

Maybe not the best system but there is no reason to lose any progress if you force saves after completions of a task or challenge.
At least nobody can be overwhelmed with too much content to run through xD. By the time new tracks and content come out, we will all be masters of our current tracks and everybody will be pro online. #superfastlaptimes :cheers:
I would recommend that anyone doing anything, liveries, scapes, challenges that were difficult to gold to immediately go into the menu on the left side of the screen and there is a button you can click that forces a save right then.

As long as the servers are up and running when you click that button you should never lose progress on anything you have done up to that point.If the servers go down before you can click that button just do not cut the game off before the servers come back up and initiates the save.

Maybe not the best system but there is no reason to lose any progress if you force saves after completions of a task or challenge.

There are ways to work with the system to try and minimise the chance that you'll be negatively impacted. But arguably there's no real reason for the system to exist at all outside of the online racing aspects, and there's certainly no need to restrict the player from using photo mode, liveries or the single player content while not connected. I assume that this is them trying to avoid the types of credit glitches that have been common in past games, but there are better ways to achieve that.

Cloud saves have been reasonably practical for probably near on a decade now, but games still tend to have local saves for non-online content because it's so much more convenient. And always online in anything that isn't an MMO is still pretty solidly derided, because it tends to be either a cash grab or just horrific game design.

Every online game has downtime for maintenance and updates at the very least. Not allowing the player to use the "offline" content during that time shows a pretty significant lack of ability to identify with how a "real" player might want to use their game.
im suprised theres so few comments regarding driving physics which for me is pretty high on the priority list. if your coming from assetto corsa you'll know what im talking about.

just a quick comparison i dont believe any 2 cars feel the same on AC, on GT6 its difficult to differentiate.
Where is the option to buy stuff for your car and tune it like in GT 6. Where are the A-spec and B-spec. and what i missed for a long time is the second hand car dealer, and the option to give away a car. Why do they do that?.
The single player racing stuff still exists, although it's unquestionably toned down from previous games. And realistically, I think most people would have expected at least a small single player championship for each class, but Polyphony chose not to do that. While GTS has single player races, I think a championship mode is something that is missing and is something that is present in some form in all the other competitors that I can think of.

But "features" is not just about races. GTS has a small car and track list, no dynamic time, basically no accessible weather at all (dynamic or otherwise), no course creator, no modifications, no photo locations. These are legitimate design choices, but compared to previous Gran Turismos GTS offers quite a narrow feature set. I think that's intentional, clearly Polyphony understands that eSports games live and die on the size of their online player base and so they've done everything possible to encourage people to play online. Unfortunately that seems to include removing gameplay that isn't online, and I don't think it's unfair to point out that it's a double edged sword.

Correct. But even considering it as a focused motorsports game, in many ways it's still a very limited experience. I think a lot of people that are voicing disappointment weren't expecting GT7, but they were expecting a little more given what we knew that GTS was going to contain. You can do a lot with 150 cars and 17 tracks, if you choose them well and put thought into how and where you use them. GT3 had 150 cars and 19 tracks and is considered one of the greatest games of all time (along with continually competing for the spot of best Gran Turismo ever).

Honestly, what content is there is more than enough to make an incredible game. Polyphony just haven't done a particularly good job of choosing that content to make the most of limited resources, and then crafting that into a cohesive and engaging experience. Three single track races for a week? There should be a weekly race for every single class, and they should probably rotate through at least two or three tracks (either hourly or daily).

Seriously, there was more variation available in GT5P online than in the GTS races. That was nearly ten years ago. It's one thing to try and make sure that the races are well populated enough for the matchmaker to create good races, it's another to cripple the variation in the game to do so.

I can agree with most of that.
That said, there is a championship mode in the game, it's just online and time locked. Honestly that could be the best feature of the game. Coming into GTS from F1 2017, GT Sport feels like I'm alone, I have no team, no engineer, it's just me. A 'championship' mode against any of the AI in that environment would have merely severed to highlight just how shallow GT Sport is in terms of replicating motorsport.
I am by no means a Forza fanboi however FM7 is way better than GT sport. No I am not going to argue the point, you guys have your opinions and I respect that.

Take away Sport Mode and really what is left, a bunch of boring outdated driving tests, some fairly dull single player races etc But wait you can spend hours taking awesome photos of cars that pretty much all look the same.

Vision cars are dull as a dog turd.

Sound is hmmmm I’m thinking hairdryer on steroids.

I am going to head over to FM forum where I can do more than bitch and moan.
No one knows when the DLC will come so saying "near future" is pure speculation. These day's games need to get your attention quickly and hold it. People aren't so inclined to wait for things to an out over MO the

Noone knows, but surprise release is much better than "soon™" or "few days™" announcements.
GTS at least seems to run in robust way, if not taking count their few first day server side updates (downtime), it delivers working online races and that working online platform is huge advantage for future improvements.
It's easy to get people interested i.e. Releasing few real-life tracks and and WTCC/BTCC car roster, which I'm believing at they are doing. Pushing few full series out on DLC and boom title jumps and on this point that is easy to do on over working online platform.
This can be excellent base installation for upcoming updates, but of course disappointed because there's no clear announcement what exactly we're waiting, but big names as FIA is promising for expectation of quality on updates.

I don't doubt it'll come either but saying near future in the absence of a definite announcement is wishful thinking.

Yes, true, comparing to rival title on PS4 there's nothing to shame on GTS, it's working and waiting for bugs to be fixed isn't on list, just waiting for more content (which are promised appearing.

Disappointed, bit yes, but it delivers pretty much as promised, waiting with working playable platform is not a big thing, other title players are still waiting for working game..

Personally keeping this and rival on shopping list until there's clarity of upcoming stuff considering this title and clarity of working product on other, so big disappointment if thinking at currently I don't have either of these, this title is much more ready currently and probably buying it on next week, other title may wait "few days™" for fixes before getting it.
Noone knows, but surprise release is much better than "soon™" or "few days™" announcements.
GTS at least seems to run in robust way, if not taking count their few first day server side updates (downtime), it delivers working online races and that working online platform is huge advantage for future improvements.
It's easy to get people interested i.e. Releasing few real-life tracks and and WTCC/BTCC car roster, which I'm believing at they are doing. Pushing few full series out on DLC and boom title jumps and on this point that is easy to do on over working online platform.
This can be excellent base installation for upcoming updates, but of course disappointed because there's no clear announcement what exactly we're waiting, but big names as FIA is promising for expectation of quality on updates.

Yes, true, comparing to rival title on PS4 there's nothing to shame on GTS, it's working and waiting for bugs to be fixed isn't on list, just waiting for more content (which are promised appearing.

Disappointed, bit yes, but it delivers pretty much as promised, waiting with working playable platform is not a big thing, other title players are still waiting for working game..

Personally keeping this and rival on shopping list until there's clarity of upcoming stuff considering this title and clarity of working product on other, so big disappointment if thinking at currently I don't have either of these, this title is much more ready currently and probably buying it on next week, other title may wait "few days™" for fixes before getting it.


It has one rather obvious and astoundingly frustrating issue that is far from robust.

The servers in combination with the requirement for always on-line.

I have now lost count of the number of times I have completed an event and its failed to save as the server was down, either for the rather frequent maintenance, or just because its down (with no warning).

GT Planet is not alone in being host to a lot of people having the exact same issues, reviewers were not able to fully test the on-line side for the same reason, gaming sites and forums are full of people having the exact same issues.

Now getting server load balanced at first can always be an issue, but when you then tie it to an always online requirement, it not being robust is a major issue.
We have had six or more instalments of the same old format. Do you really want to the same old GT over and over again? I don't. I got bored of GT6 very quickly. Times change. Online gaming is the present and future. People would complain if GT didn't change. You can't win. Keep it up PD.

Not everyone plays online, and GT has a huge fan base built up on the strength of the single player "Gran Turismo Mode" campaign. So to just drop that entirely genuinely beggars belief. Also the lack of classic tracks makes no sense (same fans raised on tracks like Midfield, Grand Valley Speedway, High Speed Ring etc).

GT Sport really needs a smattering of classic original tracks and at least a half-hearted GT mode to even be considered Gran Turismo to me and I'm sure plenty of others.
@Scaff I understand your disappointment, real few days from release and that I can understand, real few days more and then it won't be a tolerable thing.
Comparing quality with resent titles on genre and this is still most promising online mp game.

Having high hopes on PD with their server side, base is solid, load balance is increasing and they have all tools for fixing it quickly. Believing at servers are fully stable on next week.
I definitely need a steering wheel, it’s hard especially lot of power rwd with controller can’t get used to giving only a little throttle in the turns. I was thinking t300rs but I see lot of complains about being too heavy and clipping so I’m thinking about going Logitech
Well, on some tests I can do better times with steering wheel, but on others with gamepad only. Quite complicated. I'm using G29. Maybe something wrong with it's settings... Not sure...
I am by no means a Forza fanboi however FM7 is way better than GT sport. No I am not going to argue the point, you guys have your opinions and I respect that.

Take away Sport Mode and really what is left, a bunch of boring outdated driving tests, some fairly dull single player races etc But wait you can spend hours taking awesome photos of cars that pretty much all look the same.

Vision cars are dull as a dog turd.

Sound is hmmmm I’m thinking hairdryer on steroids.

I am going to head over to FM forum where I can do more than bitch and moan.
What about custom races? No one seems to ever mention custom races.
real few days more and then it won't be a tolerable thing.

Imagine the pool of consumers that may never have played a Gran Turismo title, they purchase a game that when they get home they are eager to play, the mandatory download of day 1 patch finally completed, they eagerly load the game to be hit with servers under maintenance notice, and quickly realise thet can do virtually nothing else. This is not tolerable.

Out of two Racers recently released on the PS4 we have one that works but not all the time, and the lottery of which time zone you reside in dictates how much that affects you, and the other will work but its a lottery of which bug will destroy your fun. This is a sorry state of affairs.

Believing at servers are fully stable on next week.

Misguided faith, reminds me of another thread.
Well, if you think it makes much more fun playing with those stupid generated bots like it was on GT5 or GT6, then most probably that's not the game for you.

If you think you have the nerves to participate against real drivers all over the world, then YES, that game makes much more fun in relation to the previous GT ones.

But that's subjective i guess. ;)
But the generated bots dont bash you and drive you off the road. even with the rules in place there are still assholes playing.
Imagine the pool of consumers that may never have played a Gran Turismo title, they purchase a game that when they get home they are eager to play, the mandatory download of day 1 patch finally completed, they eagerly load the game to be hit with servers under maintenance notice, and quickly realise thet can do virtually nothing else. This is not tolerable.

Out of two Racers recently released on the PS4 we have one that works but not all the time, and the lottery of which time zone you reside in dictates how much that affects you, and the other will work but its a lottery of which bug will destroy your fun. This is a sorry state of affairs.

Misguided faith, reminds me of another thread.

You have an extremely low tolerance level.
For me it's the lack of tracks, to me that's the most important part when it comes to the longevity of a racing game. I can forgive the lack cars, mostly because a game could have 1000 cars but I would still only use 20-30 of them. Looking back on FM - which I played for nearly 10 years - hundreds of cars in the game is good on paper and nice to look at but they all feel relatively the same. All those cars coupled with the upgrading system makes them only feel like shells with no individuality other than looks.

As someone who as owned and played GT1-GT6 and FM2-FM6. The old format got pretty stale so I am very happy with the direction this game is going.
The lack of tracks will be, when nobody can beat you on all of them and you constantly on the 1st place, while sipping (non alcoholic) beer.