- 4,391
@TokoTurismo @Speedster911 -- Reading that from you guys makes me feel a little more validated in turning my back on the franchise. All the cool cars aren't worth that much without better physics, or at least a better lineup of tracks and racing options/features, but progress is slow or nonexistent. If I had other reasons to choose an Xbox over the PS4 I have now, I'd surely have FH3 and FM6/FM7 just because I can. Too late now.
Was just thinking about getting a PS4 the other day. There really wasn't anything this year that got me excited TBH - including CARS2 and Dirt 4. But then again, are the exclusives on Sony enough to keep one nicely satiated? Dunno, but real shame about neither F7 nor Cars2 living up to the hype.
@TokoTurismo I was pretty angry myself after hearing cars in 7, I mean they were nearly spot on in H3 and FM6, but utterly ruined in the latest game. I will now be keeping a close eye on how GT evolves. I think I might give in at some point, because I sure miss the GT3 and 4 days... (5 wasn't as much fun, neither was 6). The thing that irks me however, is T10's indifference toward fixing issues. Just check out the official forum man, live flame war between those speaking out and those actually defending the game... !