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Literally undeserved. Forza 7 is garbage compared to pc2 and gts.
IMHO FM7 is the most complete game out of the 3 with physics that are easy to pick up and play while still requiring plenty of practice to master while also having the biggest, most varied, car list and the best career mode out of the 3.Literally undeserved. Forza 7 is garbage compared to pc2 and gts.
Why is adding new content to a successful series a bad thing? I'd rather have the "more is the same" concept of Forza than to have GT Sport which just abandons all of the great content added in the previous game.Yeah same old game. Why should I buy forza 7 when i would just stick with 6. Forza 7 offers nothing new to be honest. Also has lootboxes.
having the best career mode out of the 3. and I find PC2 has some of the worst physics
Literally undeserved. Forza 7 is garbage compared to pc2 and gts.
or making something that players want.
I played the PC2 demo that came out after release and even after 2-3 hours of driving all 3 cars I couldn't get to grips with the physics. The fact that you have to spend an hour tweaking the controller setup just to make the game driveable shows just how bad the physics are.We can all deduce fm7 would clearly win. It has the most value of the three, bang for your buck. Gt needs to TAKE NOTES.
however saying fm..
I'm not sure if you played it. Pc2 is literally a race car driver simulator. There is no other game on console that stimulates the life of a race car driver, to that degree(except f1, I'm told). The dig at their physics on the other hand was revealing, and with that I bid you farewell
Eh, not really, to be honest. Pad optimization can go a long way, and doesn't really relate to the physics. I'm wondering if its just the pad settings, rather than the physics, that you cant come to grip with. That was my issue with PC1.I played the PC2 demo that came out after release and even after 2-3 hours of driving all 3 cars I couldn't get to grips with the physics. The fact that you have to spend an hour tweaking the controller setup just to make the game driveable shows just how bad the physics are.
Only track racer I've played that had worse physics is PC1.
So... the developers will care even less for their players. Forza devs are the most lazy devs when coming to improving their game. I can't image how long we will wait for proper FFB in their games or making something that players want.
I want to be able to customize, test, and tune my cars, and have a wide selection to be able to do that. I'm sure many other Forza fans want something like that too!I want an open world Forza. I'm sure many other Forza fans want something like that too!
That's probably what it was, but even still they should really prioritize pad optimization over anything else. I was actually really looking forward to PC2 and its brilliant car and track lineup but when I got into the demo and everything had awful handling, it just completely ruined my expectations for the game.Eh, not really, to be honest. Pad optimization can go a long way, and doesn't really relate to the physics. I'm wondering if its just the pad settings, rather than the physics, that you cant come to grip with. That was my issue with PC1.
I'm pretty sure Microsoft paid for this award "marketing" I wouldn't read too much into this.
Saying rain has no affect on handling in FM7 is just a straight up lie. I've done dozens, if not hundreds, of dynamic weather races in FM7 and there is a clear and very noticeable difference between dry and wet resulting in less grip, slower lap times and increased tyre wear.Forza 7 is definitely the best "game" but it is the worst motorsport simulator out of all of the recent sims/semi-sims.
I haven't bought Forza since 4 so I'm not burnt out on it at the moment but I don't really understand why people love the grind of unlocking cars game after game, it's nice just to jump into whatever you're in the mood for without being locked behind artificial progression systems. Forza 7 at least having the option to rent any car is a good improvement (although not earning credits/experience to force the grind sucks) as is the fact you get DLC cars without needing to buy them again with in-game credits.
The irony in people calling out PC2 for having issues is Forza 7 is almost as bad, drivatars have been terrible ever since they introduced cloud learning nonsense so they just learnt how to drive like the idiots online along with giving them impossible performance relative to the car because the P.I system is broken. Rewind always makes one car swerve widely across the track. They focus on pad players over wheel users and sure most people who play use a pad but that doesn't make it any better, if anything it's worse than PCars since you actually drive cars with a wheel.
Doesn't have a lot of basic features you'd expect from the genre like automatic DOR for wheel users. Rain is basically just a graphical effect with no major handling differences or the need to pit (good for a game built around short races but highly unrealistic for a sim!).
Forza gets away with these things because most of its demographic don't care but go look at a PCars 2 thread and every little detail is picked apart acting like it's complete rubbish when it does far more than Forza, GTS, AC etc.
It's the equivalent of GTA it might not be perfect and individual things have been bettered but everything as a whole makes it pretty great. It's just funny how GTA gets a free pass because it includes so much but PC2 gets panned.
Anyway I game on PC now so don't have a PS4 to play GTSotherwise I'm sure I'd enjoy that too.
Agreed, and this is what I also feared would happened in the future of Forza after it took the crown from a "certain franchise" that decided to go hardcore for whatever reason. It looks like T10 are falling into the same fate as PD did, such as lacking in competition and being over-confident on their product to sell copies.I think Forza flat out won because there simply wasn't much of a competition to begin with. In my very honest and humble opinion, FM7 has shining potential, but it is the worst version on the current gen Xbox due to its bugs and lack of polish. Even after 2 months, it left me frustrated as the developers just refused to roll out audio and visual fixes, not to mention the other bugs people had reported on the T10 forum. Had it refunded. That was a first for me in 10+ years.
If only there was better competition, I'm sure the fellas at T10 would up their game. But since, nothing better out there that has the "whole package", it had to win.
I didn't say it had no effect on handling now did I...Saying rain has no affect on handling in FM7 is just a straight up lie. I've done dozens, if not hundreds, of dynamic weather races in FM7 and there is a clear and very noticeable difference between dry and wet resulting in less grip, slower lap times and increased tyre wear.
And why is focusing on pad users a bad thing? Like you say, most players play with a pad so surely a game that plays great with a pad and decently with a wheel is going to be better received than a game that plays great with a wheel but terribly with a pad.
Except race cars dont use slicks in the rain in FM7. Drive any open wheel car in the wet and you can clearly see intermediate tyres are fitted automatically.I said it doesn't have a major impact on handling because it doesn't, when was the last time you saw an F1 car driving on slicks in the rain or any race car for that matter, they don't because it would be impossible at racing speeds. Road cars with road tyres sure but slicks just no. If PCars 2 had the same rain physics and lack of tyre changes it would have been absolutely slaughtered by hardcore sim racers. My only point was that crowd are far more unforgiving and nitpicky than your general car game fan and I could pick just as many holes in Forza 7 using those standards, I however choose to enjoy both.