GT Sport Impressions

  • Thread starter Corsa
GTS is surprising me. After the lack of worthwhile information and then the title being sidelined at E3 I was starting to get worried. Even the gameplay that was being shown just looked like the usual GT.

After playing the finished article and not a beta though - that's exactly what is pulling me in.

I still think Project CARS 2's physics are a lot more intricate and driving those cars require a lot more attention. I think GT isn't trying to be like SMS' effort though. Sport's physics have this wicked sweet spot where I can keep the car on the road and focus on improving my driving lines and learning how to actually race. I can lose so much time just shaving some milliseconds off each run and having to restart the driving missions over and over quite a few times isn't frustrating. I don't think I've ever played a demo for 6 hours. Hell, I only played GT6 for 32 hours in total. :lol:

The presentation is surreal good and after playing a lot of racing games with questionable design philosophies GT Sport feels like a therapeutic bath. Washing away any doubts I had that a totally polished realistic (ish) racer can exist. The livery editor is so well implemented that I actually care about it as someone who can't design 🤬. More than happy to just muck around because of how quick the system is.

The staying power of GTS will be the true question and I hope the only answer isn't premium DLC. The base game needs to have enough content to justify its price tag. The decision to focus on online racing makes sense with today's industry but Polyphony has to keep it's side of the deal and make us want to keep playing.

Rally is very disappointing. Especially after just playing the ridiculously fun WRC7.

TL;Dr - Amazing consistency throughout the game, incredible presentation and fun gameplay.

Day One Baby!
I seriously don't understand the complaints. this is the single best racing game I have ever played on console... and I play them all.

I have no doubt in my mind this game will be even better in the next upcoming year! I'm having a blast

What's so great about it then?
I'm not understanding the hype or praise many people are talking about on here. Let me be as unbiased as possible.

-Slick, quick menus
-Nostalgia vibes
-Looks pretty
-Livery editor is good

-Terrible car list. So many cars are just GT6 cars. Many car models are fictional race cars based off outdated road cars. And waaaaaaay too many fantasy GT Vision cars. Lame.
-A.I. is still laughable
-Too many fictional tracks, not enough real world tracks.
-Can't FULLY customize controller. Wasn't a problem in GT5/6, so why now?
-Physics are fine for the GT series, but not compared to P Cars or other sims
-Engine sounds are hardly improved
-Nothing feels evolved. It's largely just a rebooted name with nothing actually rebooted lol. If you like GT as it's always been, you will ADORE GT Sport. If you expected the series to expand and mature over the years, then this game will disappoint, as it has for me.
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If I could actually get a connection to the servers on a regular basis, I could form an opinion. At this point it is hit or miss whether you can connect. It won't connect at all tonight, last night was connected one minute, & disconnected the next. Isn't this always connected issue what shot the xbox1 in the foot? Seems like it could be a good time killer, but if I can't play without connecting to the substandard server farm they employ it really isn't worth it. They have always had substandard connection problems, you would expect them to have them ironed out by now. Color me not impressed...
For the last 10 or 15 minutes I have tried to connect to the servers so I could play this game, I can connect to the play station store, the network connection test runs fine. Trying to connect to connect for game fails instantly. I have no clue why.

Okay, finally connected. Trying to play with a controller is awful, the lag from lock to lock just kills me. If it starts sideways there isn't anyway to catch it. That isn't the way it is in real life, & shouldn't work that way here. Can't seem to find a balance with the controller settings. Can't justify buying a new wheel to play this game either. Not to say I won't buy it, as I buy a lot of useless garbage. I won't buy this with a lot of confidence that it will get better with age. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Graphics are better, menu & interface seems cleaner. The machine head still seems brain dead, although they seem to get in the way more often. That doesn't mean the rubber band effect has went away. I will try some more tomorrow, I will keep an open mind. It is putting a sour taste in my mouth though, I had higher hopes for this.
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From reviews i read for this last demo in all over the internet, youtube, and gtplanet... the most of this reviews, 90% maybe, is heavily positive in most areas of GTS gaming, and the physics of course, and this is only a demo......... so for sure GRAN TURISMO IS BACK.... so now needed more world circuits quickly with dlc after launch, like Tsukuba, Silverstone and more... dlc cars is welcome but not so important as some legendary world circuits for me, because already from game launch, heave lots of good and lovely cars. (sorry fo bad english)
I gave the demo a fair go and.... I was fairly disappointed.

Let's start with the good stuff:

  • It's gorgeous. There is no denying it is probably the best looking car game I've seen, and will end up being the best looking game of this console generation.
  • The polish. The look and feel of everything is great. It's like living inside a car brochure.
  • The UI is simple, clean, effective. I really like it.
  • The load times aren't terrible. Of course coming from PC2, that's not a hard thing to improve on.
  • The livery editor. It's not perfect, but I was able to put together a decent custom livery in a matter of minutes (actually, I probably spent more time here than anywhere else)
  • Replays. They do a good job of showcasing the visuals and the drama of the race.
The so-so stuff:

  • The sound. It's the best sounding GT game ever.... and that isn't a complement. It's a step in the right direction, but it isn't anywhere close to the levels of the other games.
  • Stablity. I know it's a demo, but I crashed the game in 3 minutes and managed to crash it 3 more times the rest of the night. I suspect this will be fixed.
  • Grinding. It seems improved, you can earn more based on how hard of a race you want to run, but you still have to earn to get the things you want. I used to not care because I had all the time in the world, but with kids my time needs to be maximized. Just let me do what I want to do.
  • Photos / Scapes. If this is your thing, it's there.
The not so good:

  • Physics. They are terrible. More on this in my wrap up, but I drove 3 different cars, they all felt the same. I never felt any drama or angst about over driving the cars. It's an arcade game.
  • Damage. Hit the wall at 150 mph? Bounce off, receive a small scrap on the paint, continue driving at 85 mph.
  • The AI. Ready to battle the GT AI train some more? Yea, they drive the exact same line.
  • Rubber banding. It makes the races more competitive... also know as cheating.

My final thoughts on this game are that it is not a Sim-Racer. It is in fact a Super Hero game. It lets you pick your costume and then run off and go be a hero. The game goes out of its way to make you look good in the process. It's beautiful, but flawed under the surface. I'm not going back. I'll see you guys in Project Cars 2.
Here are my quick impressions after about 5 hours if gameplay.

- the graphics are great, amazing lighting, very sharp with very little aliasing on my PS4 pro

- i love the sound, such an improvement and not behind the competition at all, to me personally being even better because its not overdone (like 3rd person AC for example)

- the physics are wonderful, the cars feel weighty, enjoyed every car i drove so far

- the offline mode is perfectly fine to me and better than career modes of previous GTs - mission challenges contains of great races and are very challenging plus you can set every race you want in custom race with very competitive AI (though it has to be seen if they are that good on other tracks like nürburgring too) and choose the start method etc
To me the custom race mode replaces the career mode as you progress in winning money, mileage etc for the races you personally want to do and i dont miss a classic career at all

- the menus and music are very very fibe

- i love the 3rd person cam once configured to my taste (near and disconnected)

- FFB - though you cant feel many of the bumps it just feels great to drive otherwise

- the tire physics at lower speeds, from a standing start or while drifting dont seem right as the car wont move forward enough when it looses traction and the tires dont gain traction soon enough

- i‘ve even a harder time to shift properly from 1st to 2nd gear with my G29 than i had in GT6 - the car shouldnt move to neutral but damage the transmission in my opinion - like its in AC

I am very surprised of how much the demo impressed me, i would give it a 9.5/10 at the moment, even though it lacks in content
My only real complaint is the incredibly disappointing track list. That, and the online community's collective tendency to not know how to drive.
To me the custom race mode replaces the career mode as you progress in winning money, mileage etc for the races you personally want to do and i dont miss a classic career at all

When you put it like that, I see it in a new light. It'll keep me out of the way of anything like GT6's karts, which I absolutely hated.
It all sounds pretty much as expected; a very polished game with the traditional Gran Turismo feel, that will ultimately suffer for the lack of meaningful content (and it's decision to spread what little it had across road racing, ovals and dirt).

It sounds nice. But like GT5P before it, it doesn't sound like a full priced game. I remember buying GT5P for $10 second hand, and for the price I thought it was probably the best value I'd ever got from a GT game. Had I bought it for $50 I'd likely have been furious. I'd happily pay $20, maybe even $30 for what GTS offers. But a full $60 just seems like too much compared to what else I could get for that money.

If that changes in the future because they add a lot of free DLC then so much the better, but after the last couple of games I'm waiting for Polyphony to show me the value in their game instead of taking their word. I'm still salty that I only got half my VGTs in GT6, and that the course maker was two years late and for hardware that I don't own. But GTS certainly sounds like a game I'd like to buy one day, the only question is how much I'll pay when I do.
The thing is, when I'm out on the dirt course, sideways into each corner in the Evo 10 rally car, there is no other game I'd rather be playing. GT Sport has a 'fizz' which you just can't put your finger on. When I'm in the zone, nothing else matters. Gran Turismo is the Lancia of racing games. It has many faults, but you can't help but love it anyway. Agree or disagree with me, I really couldn't care less. It entertains me, and that's an end of it.

As a Fulvia owner, I can say with confidence that my diva will behave much better while rallying than any of those figure skating Groub B ballerinas in GTS. Unfortunately I cant prove it since I dont know of any dirt racetracks being wide as an Autobahn with "insta-spin on even the slightest contact" fences around here.

PS: I did my first online race last night with some Daihatsu contraption on Tokio Expressway. I was too late to put in a qualifying time. Went from P22 to P23 during warm up for whatever reason. Sailed through the field somewhat smoothly (except for when I almost stuffed the car into the wall from laughing so hard after I tapped a guys rear bumper that was about 5 kph slower and he either found a secret nitro bottle or the collision physics are even worse than I thought because he insta-gained about 30 kph from that), until I was stuffed into the wall 3 times in one lap. Every time, my car came almost to a standstill, while the guy putting me into the wall carried on like trollololololololololo. Finished 11th anyway.
Tonight I tried the demo with my T300RS and the FFB feels terrible.
The tracks feel so smooth, no bumps and no feeling at all of tyre scrubbing.
Locking up under braking makes a helluva noise but again no feeling in the wheel.
The only time I feel anything but resistance is when the backend steps out and I countersteer to correct it.
I might just continue playing with the DS4.
Tonight I tried the demo with my T300RS and the FFB feels terrible.
The tracks feel so smooth, no bumps and no feeling at all of tyre scrubbing.
Locking up under braking makes a helluva noise but again no feeling in the wheel.
The only time I feel anything but resistance is when the backend steps out and I countersteer to correct it.
I might just continue playing with the DS4.

TBH (and in reflection to my earlier post) I noticed the same with some cars such as the 911RSR in the 30lap race, FFB is very saturated (even though the car physics don't feel that far off). There certainly is an issue - hope it's resolved.

Edit: lower sensitivity (=1) does seem to help somewhat. I'm guessing this is just some type of linearity setting? FFB detail still leaves a lot to be desired.
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That´s an interesting take. Ever since GT5 they´ve always simulated weight transfer in some way, but giving you a floaty feeling like Magdelayna just mentioned, but none of this had much impact performance wise, so i´m curious to know if you have tried games like AC or Pcars, who also simulate this but with huge consequences on the driving itself.

All of the cars i´ve tried yesterday felt about the same - understeer, you can slam the brakes any way you want, you can machine gun downshift without consequences and you have to apply the same principles you did in GT5-6 to go fast.

I've read a bunch of good impressions regarding the handling of the cars, some even saying that it felt better than AC or Pcars, but i genuinely don´t understand what people are seeing in this game that i´m not seeing, in terms of complex and intricate driving physics.

Any driving game that didn't model weight transfer 'in some way' wouldn't be much use, would it?

Never played Project Cars, but I have been playing AC exclusively this year (last time I looked I was one of only 7 people to have Platinum). I never really clicked with it. Some of the race cars are good to drive (991GT3 Cup car is pretty awesome), but the road cars are all pretty rubbish. None of the cars really have any feeling of rotation in to the corners, no matter what you do with brakes, steering or throttle... I never felt weight transfer was modeled correctly in AC. Plus the game suffers massively from brake release oversteer if you trail brake. Overall, the word I would use to describe the way the cars feel to drive is 'dead'.

And that's without starting on the tyre model, which is a complete joke... slide a car even slightly, and the tyres immediately overheat, with a corresponding huge grip drop off. Or the massive steering deadzone that makes placing a car in to high speed corners, or catching small slides overly difficult. Or the on-line where races never start since private lobbies were launched.

Might be the game is brilliant on a PC, but it's not all that on a PS4. I just never got the hype with AC. Simulator? Well it has plenty of adjustments... unfortunately they don't add up to a good to drive feeling.

As for GTS... yes, you can choose to slam down the gears if you like, but it is a choice... it's not how i play, and you don't need to drive like that to be fast. You can brake just the same in AC as you can in GTS with ABS on, so not sure why that's a criticism?

If you think GTS is understeery you're trying to carry to much entry speed. It's not underseery at all IME. The cars I've driven so far have a lovely feeling of wanting to rotate in to the corner if you get your entry speed right.

I did the 30 lap enduro last night and the tire wear feels good, causing me to turn in more to counter understeering. However I did think it happened a bit too quickly, or it could've been the 911 I was driving. I think I will do some practice laps and emulate more tire wear with RM and RS tires too. While I didn't have to change tires during the pit stop I chose to do so cause I was afraid to do more laps as it was my first real race with pit stops.

Hey Jerome 👍

Try trail braking in the RSR... kills all the entry understeer. You can use any tyre compound - softs easily last the 6 laps between fuel stops.
Its kind of what I thought it would be, which is just OK. Definitely not worth a 4 year wait and full price.

The driving physics feel numb. After spending time with Project CARS 1 last year GTS feels like several steps backwards. Not a real deal breaker because I dont really expect realistic physics from a GT game, but the physics in GTS felt only a couple steps better then whats in Driveclub. The cars in Project CARS 1 felt alive and active (too much at times), but in GTS the cars feel like they've all been injected with some sort of numbing agent. The behavior of the cars still doesnt feel right. Transitions between oversteer and understeer feel awkward and unrealistic. Again I dont expect GT to have realistic physics, but the cars I drove were a bad combination of feeling too easy but at the same time too awkward to have fun driving.

I miss the career already. Whats the point of locking away the cars now? Its basically a PC sim now which is lame. The missions and driving tests feel like busy work. I'd much rather grind the Clubman Cup which gives a minimal sense of being in a racing championship where you earn points toward a championship then random 'missions' and license tests.

Carlist and tracklist is positively awful. If I were to get the game I know I would be spending 90%+ of my time online racing GR.3 cars at the Nurburgring. Thats going to get old eventually. GR.1 is infested by cringy Vision GT cars and theres no LeMans to race them on. Tokyo Expressway is every bit as awful as it looks. The rally tracks should have never existed, neither the rally cars or anything to do with rally in this game. That manpower should have been put toward road racing cars and tracks first.

Livery editor is great, and theres plenty of options to setup your races online and offline. Sound has been upgraded, and surprise, even the crash physics have gone from atrocious to just bad.

The UI is a mess. Why is 90% of the home screen dedicated to random facts about who invented the internet and discovered neutrinos? Graphics are blah. Maybe its just diminishing returns, but I didnt get any 'wow' factor like I did when playing GT5P or GT5 for the first time.

This feels like a launch game. Worse yet its not a big step forward for the series. It's not a complete makeover for the franchise like MGS V was for Metal Gear. Outside of the livery editor, its pretty much the same thing minus a bunch of stuff. As I thought they've 'burned' the career mode and replaced it with absolutely nothing of substance.

I'll buy the game, but only because of the community on this forum (championships etc) and I have a G29 that was collecting dust for almost a year.

It's not bad, just thoroughly average.
Never played Project Cars, but I have been playing AC exclusively this year (last time I looked I was one of only 7 people to have Platinum). I never really clicked with it. Some of the race cars are good to drive (991GT3 Cup car is pretty awesome), but the road cars are all pretty rubbish. None of the cars really have any feeling of rotation in to the corners, no matter what you do with brakes, steering or throttle... I never felt weight transfer was modeled correctly in AC. Plus the game suffers massively from brake release oversteer if you trail brake. Overall, the word I would use to describe the way the cars feel to drive is 'dead'.

And that's without starting on the tyre model, which is a complete joke... slide a car even slightly, and the tyres immediately overheat, with a corresponding huge grip drop off. Or the massive steering deadzone that makes placing a car in to high speed corners, or catching small slides overly difficult. Or the on-line where races never start since private lobbies were launched.

Might be the game is brilliant on a PC, but it's not all that on a PS4. I just never got the hype with AC. Simulator? Well it has plenty of adjustments... unfortunately they don't add up to a good to drive feeling.

You played the game enough to get the platinum, but you don't like it? Why subject yourself to working through that much of a game you dislike? That seems...masochistic.

Someone who has played the PC and PS4 versions for comparison can tell you whether they're the same, but on PC it's one of the most capable simulations available to your average Joe consumer. It's basically between AC, iRacing and rF2 for top dog. They each have areas in which they excel, but they're all considered generally to be very high quality simulations.

If you're not getting on with it, then there's either something in your setup which is wonky and spoiling your experience (always a consideration with PC sims, and possibly with a PC sim on a console) or you just don't enjoy pure simulation style driving. That's not something to be ashamed of, it's a very niche hobby and many people prefer to remain with the GT/Forza types that are simulation-lite. Same skills but less nuance required, because at the end of the day the point is to have fun. If you're not having fun, why play at all?
You played the game enough to get the platinum, but you don't like it? Why subject yourself to working through that much of a game you dislike? That seems...masochistic.

Someone who has played the PC and PS4 versions for comparison can tell you whether they're the same, but on PC it's one of the most capable simulations available to your average Joe consumer. It's basically between AC, iRacing and rF2 for top dog. They each have areas in which they excel, but they're all considered generally to be very high quality simulations.

If you're not getting on with it, then there's either something in your setup which is wonky and spoiling your experience (always a consideration with PC sims, and possibly with a PC sim on a console) or you just don't enjoy pure simulation style driving. That's not something to be ashamed of, it's a very niche hobby and many people prefer to remain with the GT/Forza types that are simulation-lite. Same skills but less nuance required, because at the end of the day the point is to have fun. If you're not having fun, why play at all?

PMSL. Did you intend to be patronising, or was that accidental? If it was intentional, you know what you can do ;)

AC on a PS4 is no 'simulation'. Might be different on a PC, but we're talking PS4 here.

And I didn't say I didn't like it, I said 'I never really clicked with it'... It never blew me away... I seldom had the desire to just choose a random car and go for a drive... in other words, it did indeed, 'lack the fun element'.
PMSL. Did you intend to be patronising, or was that accidental? If it was intentional, you know what you can do ;)

AC on a PS4 is no 'simulation'. Might be different on a PC, but we're talking PS4 here.

I'm pretty sure Kunos have said that the physics are the same between the two.

After just a few laps it's easy to workout why Assetto Corsa has such a following on the PC, and the good news for console owners is that the physics models are identical on the PS4 and Xbox One versions.

"The first thing we wrote on console was the physics, in order to be 100 per cent sure that we've been able to create the same feeling that we have on PC," Marco Massarutto, co-founder and executive manager of Kunos Simulazioni, tells Red Bull. "We had to completely rebuild the graphics engine and also the physics engine to have it working in multi-thread, in order to use all the cores of the two consoles."

I'm pretty sure you know this already. I'm also pretty sure you know that Assetto Corsa is one of the best simulations available right now. Like all simulations it has it's faults, but like I said, the only games that are even close are iRacing and rF2. Maybe pC2 if you want to be super generous. Care to name anything else that you might consider at the top of the racing simulation genre?

So if you seriously don't like it, which I find really, really hard to believe after you put enough effort in to gold every single challenge, then you almost certainly just don't like sims. I don't think you don't like sims, but I also don't think anyone is stupid enough to play a game that they're not having fun with for that length of time. Whatever your objections, and I have my own when it comes to AC, clearly it's good enough and fun enough to get you playing for what must have been at the very least dozens of hours.

That seems pretty decent to me.

And I didn't say I didn't like it, I said 'I never really clicked with it'... It never blew me away... I seldom had the desire to just choose a random car and go for a drive... in other words, it did indeed, 'lack the fun element'.

So the question remains, why play it if it's not fun?
I'm pretty sure you know this already. I'm also pretty sure you know that Assetto Corsa is one of the best simulations available right now. Like all simulations it has it's faults, but like I said, the only games that are even close are iRacing and rF2. Maybe pC2 if you want to be super generous. Care to name anything else that you might consider at the top of the racing simulation genre?

So if you seriously don't like it, which I find really, really hard to believe after you put enough effort in to gold every single challenge, then you almost certainly just don't like sims. I don't think you don't like sims, but I also don't think anyone is stupid enough to play a game that they're not having fun with for that length of time. Whatever your objections, and I have my own when it comes to AC, clearly it's good enough and fun enough to get you playing for what must have been at the very least dozens of hours.

That seems pretty decent to me.

So the question remains, why play it if it's not fun?

To avoid circular references and taking this thread off track, I'll not comment further on AC.

The reason I 'completed' the game was because I found enjoyment from the challenge itself. The cars/physics themselves, less so.
Can't wait to download the demo but I'm a bit apprehensive about the physics from the comments.

Does anyone have some impressions with the CSL Elite?
It sounds nice. But like GT5P before it, it doesn't sound like a full priced game.

This statement sounds like the demo isn’t free.

EDIT: Well, at least to PS Plus members.
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This statement sounds like the demo isn’t free.

EDIT: Well, at least to PS Plus members.
He's obviously projecting the demo experience into a full game purchase, but I think you know that already..
He's obviously projecting the demo experience into a full game purchase, but I think you know that already..

This part made it less obvious but oh well.

"I remember buying GT5P for $10 second hand, and for the price I thought it was probably the best value I'd ever got from a GT game. Had I bought it (GT5P?) for $50 I'd likely have been furious. I'd happily pay $20, maybe even $30 for what GTS offers. But a full $60 just seems like too much compared to what else I could get for that money."
I seriously don't understand the complaints. this is the single best racing game I have ever played on console... and I play them all.

I have no doubt in my mind this game will be even better in the next upcoming year! I'm having a blast
I totally agree with you ! 👍👍👍
I love the game but the AI is OP! On stage 6 last race with Porsche, I did a full 30 laps perfect, the got wiped by a car that was maybe in last place. Which dropped me from 1st to 6th just before the finish line. A few times I got to the 12th lap and got rammed by AI. The last race I did was so perfect yet the AI still managed to screw me. After 1+ hour of driving it was HELL! They stick to the racing line and are like a train if you get in there way!

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