GT Sport Impressions

  • Thread starter Corsa
I stopped sim racing for like 2.5 years. I'll go give AC and RRRE a shot before voicing my impression. But after playing the demo with DS4, I wished I could refund my FM7.

Speaking of sound department, the 'used-to-be' weakest part of Gran Turismo, the Golf GTI sounds very accurate to the real life version.
this is the single best racing game I have ever played on console... and I play them all.
I'm curious what you think it does better than GT6.

I miss the career already. Whats the point of locking away the cars now? Its basically a PC sim now which is lame. The missions and driving tests feel like busy work.
I don't know of a single PC sim that locks cars away. I also don't see how GTS is locking them away any different than they have in the past, aside from the few unique models you can buy with mileage points. But even those can be bought whenever you have the currency.

The driving tests are largely unchanged from previous entries and I don't really mind the missions. Sprint races in Gran Turismo have always felt counterproductive in that they often encourage you to drive like a maniac to win so presenting those as challenges instead- where you have to balance fuel consumption and tire wear for example, is a good thing, IMO.

I wish the gift cars from the missions were more frequent but I feel that's more a side-effect of the small roster than anything else. Unless you are buying the million dollar exotics, I don't see money being much of an issue though, especially since upgrades are no longer a thing (for better or worse).

Of all the games out there where you need to earn in-game currency to unlock stuff, I've never found Gran Turismo to feel like any kind of grind. It practically throws money at you.
1st it is very fair from PD to launch the demo. GTS is great ( but for kid"s nor for me) Brilliant graphics, and game concept. But poor physic, track roaster and finally racing expirience. You can still hit the wall with 200 KM/h and win the race. From this angle it is not even to compare with racing sims ( P. Cars or Assetto corsa) But GTS still have some charm how to impress huge fun number. The livery editor is fantastic thing but in demo crashed lot time when i want to upload the new livery. Some of them impossible. Well in the end is not a game that i would buy for a full price because is not worth it at all. Maybe someday when it will be on the sail.
Any driving game that didn't model weight transfer 'in some way' wouldn't be much use, would it?

Never played Project Cars, but I have been playing AC exclusively this year (last time I looked I was one of only 7 people to have Platinum). I never really clicked with it. Some of the race cars are good to drive (991GT3 Cup car is pretty awesome), but the road cars are all pretty rubbish. None of the cars really have any feeling of rotation in to the corners, no matter what you do with brakes, steering or throttle... I never felt weight transfer was modeled correctly in AC. Plus the game suffers massively from brake release oversteer if you trail brake. Overall, the word I would use to describe the way the cars feel to drive is 'dead'.

And that's without starting on the tyre model, which is a complete joke... slide a car even slightly, and the tyres immediately overheat, with a corresponding huge grip drop off. Or the massive steering deadzone that makes placing a car in to high speed corners, or catching small slides overly difficult. Or the on-line where races never start since private lobbies were launched.

Might be the game is brilliant on a PC, but it's not all that on a PS4. I just never got the hype with AC. Simulator? Well it has plenty of adjustments... unfortunately they don't add up to a good to drive feeling.

As for GTS... yes, you can choose to slam down the gears if you like, but it is a choice... it's not how i play, and you don't need to drive like that to be fast. You can brake just the same in AC as you can in GTS with ABS on, so not sure why that's a criticism?

If you think GTS is understeery you're trying to carry to much entry speed. It's not underseery at all IME. The cars I've driven so far have a lovely feeling of wanting to rotate in to the corner if you get your entry speed right.

Hey Jerome 👍

Try trail braking in the RSR... kills all the entry understeer. You can use any tyre compound - softs easily last the 6 laps between fuel stops.

Good tip buddy I'll try that, thanks! Now I'm wondering if it was a close race cause the AI were on softs :lol: I'm gonna do it again tonight and see how it goes on RS. Hope all is well my man :)

Good tip buddy I'll try that, thanks! Now I'm wondering if it was a close race cause the AI were on softs :lol: I'm gonna do it again tonight and see how it goes on RS. Hope all is well my man :)


All good thanks :)

Softs give you loads of speed - help you get past the lower class cars. AI still use hards, but doesn't really seem to matter as the rubber banding means they can cut seconds off their lap times soon as you get any sort of a lead... some things in GT never change :lol:
I don't see money being much of an issue though, especially since upgrades are no longer a thing (for better or worse).
I'm pretty sure last night when I was browsing around my car collection in the garage I saw a section that let you spend points on upgrading the car level or something. I've had a sleep between then and now so it's all hazy, lol, but will take a look later. Granted it's not full on customisation like it was, even if it's a thing at all and I never dreamed it up!
I'm pretty sure last night when I was browsing around my car collection in the garage I saw a section that let you spend points on upgrading the car level or something. I've had a sleep between then and now so it's all hazy, lol, but will take a look later. Granted it's not full on customisation like it was, even if it's a thing at all and I never dreamed it up!
That just lets you expand the BoP envelope of the car so it can participate in more races. It uses mileage points instead of money.
I stopped sim racing for like 2.5 years. I'll go give AC and RRRE a shot before voicing my impression. But after playing the demo with DS4, I wished I could refund my FM7.

Speaking of sound department, the 'used-to-be' weakest part of Gran Turismo, the Golf GTI sounds very accurate to the real life version.
It was genuinely shocking how good the Aston V8 sounded in one of the early oval mission races. So often you can hear the individual samples, but sounded funny rounded.

I've put in around 10hrs into the demo and yet to even try online, scapes, photomode or livery creator. The missions are seriously addictive, tough, but achievable. The custom race have great, comprehensive options, I can see me putting plenty of time into that. The handling model is pure Gran Turismo but far more nuanced. The weight transfer has always been one of GT's strengths and it feels even better here.

Finally a word for the menu's and UI. Very classy and quick, though that should be expected from the guy who did them in Driveclub. Really does encourage you to dive in, seek out all the information on offer, and interact with other users by checking out what they've uploaded in the community area.
I'm astonished with every single detail in GT Sport. Excellent menu/user interface experience, scapes and dynamic scapes, sounds, graphics, presentations, ... GT Sport is Passion for detail and car love in every single area of the game.

And the mental conection with cars is amazing since I set the FFB to 2/10 and 2/10 (using a T500RS). At the begining I felt all was too much like in GT6, but deep details and subtle perceptions come once and in every single lap I make in the game.

Throwing the car into high speed corners, feeling the weight transition, feeling the aero, feeling lots of mechanicals sound details from the car ... and boosted in detail with headphones... WHAT AN EXPERIENCE !

I Never felt anything like that, how natural and real it feels, driving from little road cars to the gorgeous 911 RSR in the last 30 laps mission, HARDPORN for an one hour race ! With weak ABS setup and no TCS.

Only PCARS2 with road cars is near to this (not with racing cars). Goodbye Assetto, sensationalist FFB didn't work for me to feel a real physic simulation. In real life, all is smoother and subtle than heavier-car-feelings, exagerated bouncing cars, unstable cornering, unstable straight driving, wheel vibrations and long slides.
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All good thanks :)

Softs give you loads of speed - help you get past the lower class cars. AI still use hards, but doesn't really seem to matter as the rubber banding means they can cut seconds off their lap times soon as you get any sort of a lead... some things in GT never change :lol:


Disappointed, looks the same as the previous games and the ai is still non existent, they keep crashing into me

I'll admit that in the little bit of driving I've done so far (which is not a lot considering), they can be really annoying just for the simple fact that I've had quite a few run ins where they spun me out of corners as if they were trying to PIT maneuver my car off the racing line. Other times though, they were pretty challenging and quite fun to race against. One of the arcade race I did last night, I was battling 1 car for almost 2 laps. On the straights we would be drafting each other and be neck and neck. I would overtake in a corner and the AI would get me on the next no bumping, no silliness, just full on racing. Wish I had kept the clip to post it....and and I've noticed them making mistakes as well

Point is, IMO, they seem to be much better than they were in GT6 where they were either too slow or so fast that no matter what you do you cannot get to them...and don't get me started on the fact that they would always be on that racing line as if they were trains on rails :banghead:
Disappointed, looks the same as the previous games and the ai is still non existent, they keep crashing into me

Drive and finish the last Mission, 30 laps with the 911 RSR, you will see a pretty competitive AI :) (At least for the first or second try... I didn't drive at that track before, after memorise the track the AI is not hard enough).

The AI braking point is a lot better than in GT6. I'm happy to see some AI cars passing me at braking but GTS needs a Hardcore or Alien difficult in other to challenge hardcore gamers or good enough gamers levels.

IMO It will be good to add that hardcore/alien difficult option, one harder than "Professional". AI is better and harder than GT6 but many people need more that that.
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Overall, I'm positively surprised with the offline modes. Don't listen to the people saying it's an online-only game. It's not.
But you've mentioned your enjoyment with missions-stage 6 endurance which at this point still won't save if you're not online...It is not online only-thank god but you'll need a connection for most actual gameplay modes.
But you've mentioned your enjoyment with missions-stage 6 endurance which at this point still won't save if you're not online...It is not online only-thank god but you'll need a connection for most actual gameplay modes.

That's for the beta. The full game will allow full offline gameplay.
As a Fulvia owner, I can say with confidence that my diva will behave much better while rallying than any of those figure skating Groub B ballerinas in GTS. Unfortunately I cant prove it since I dont know of any dirt racetracks being wide as an Autobahn with "insta-spin on even the slightest contact" fences around here.

PS: I did my first online race last night with some Daihatsu contraption on Tokio Expressway. I was too late to put in a qualifying time. Went from P22 to P23 during warm up for whatever reason. Sailed through the field somewhat smoothly (except for when I almost stuffed the car into the wall from laughing so hard after I tapped a guys rear bumper that was about 5 kph slower and he either found a secret nitro bottle or the collision physics are even worse than I thought because he insta-gained about 30 kph from that), until I was stuffed into the wall 3 times in one lap. Every time, my car came almost to a standstill, while the guy putting me into the wall carried on like trollololololololololo. Finished 11th anyway.
The rally driving certainly is floaty. I'm only playing with a controller, but even with the cars sliding that much, it's a laugh and it's fun. What I find amusing is the fact that rally driving in GT is fairly unchanged since it was originally introduced. One would assume they'd go for some more realistic point to point rallying with pacenotes and all, but if I want that, I just go and play Dirt Rally. It just makes me really happy because when GT Sport was first announced, I was honestly expecting them to drop rallying altogether, considering that the attention given to it in GT6 was so poor. Alongside the introduction of the 2017 World Rally Cars, these fictional Group B cars in Gran Turismo are an amazing creative effort. Just seeing the Evo 10 and WRX Group B cars makes me yearn all the more for the two manufacturers to return to rallying....

I think the rallying in GT Sport is another reason why I'm getting a Gran Turismo 3 vibe with the game overall. It's familiar turf. Track racing met with dirt racing on the side.

Rally driving in Gran Turismo is not realistic. That much is apparent. But is it fun? Oh yeah....

Although, I could really do with seeing a snow course.... I dread to think how many sets of snow tyres will be collecting dust in people's garages xD

As for collision physics, I've yet to play an online race in this build of the game (I tried joining one, only for the clock to go down to 0 and do nothing afterwards). Suppose all I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best....
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Maybe? How do I know what server I'm on?
Where do you live? :-) I'm in Colorado in the mountains and I can usually download around 3 megabytes per second and this seems to work fine
I woulnd't be so sure about that. I mean you could be right of course but there was some info bit about that few weeks ago. Dumb decision if true.

They posted about it on the information thing on the demo stating that you will be able to play offline when the game comes out. I'm assuming they don't want people to find a way to be able to play the demo forever and want you to buy the game.
It's a bit underwhelming and feels lifeless for me after trying all the modes and most of the cars over the past 2 days. Feels like it could have been the sequel to Driving Club. Have been playing racing games/sims for nearly 30 years. Don't feel any of the satisfaction when racing like when I first did a race in project cars 1 or even F1 2016. I havent tried pcars 2 or F1 2017, but currently I'd prefer last year's versions over GTS. Presentation is very slick, but the driving feeling seems off somehow. Missing many of the classic tracks like Grand Valley, trial mountain, High speed ring, deep forest, midfield, etc. AI is mwoah (they keep bumping into me a lot). Why are most races still about "start in the middle and then try to win", where are the lap long battles for position like in racing simulators? No quali in offline? (I really dont bhave the patience for online, too much waiting around).

I'd wish they spent more time on the core physics (tire temps anyone?) and AI, than on pointless (for me) features like photomode, random history facts (1917 russian revolution, or the launch of Windows 10 -- what does that have to do with GT?!), and rallying (network q rally from the 1990s is much more enjoyable). Anyway, as a driving simulator it might be ok (but lacks good fun); it's not a racing sim.
It's a bit underwhelming and feels lifeless for me after trying all the modes and most of the cars over the past 2 days. Feels like it could have been the sequel to Driving Club. Have been playing racing games/sims for nearly 30 years. Don't feel any of the satisfaction when racing like when I first did a race in project cars 1 or even F1 2016. I havent tried pcars 2 or F1 2017, but currently I'd prefer last year's versions over GTS. Presentation is very slick, but the driving feeling seems off somehow. Missing many of the classic tracks like Grand Valley, trial mountain, High speed ring, deep forest, midfield, etc. AI is mwoah (they keep bumping into me a lot). Why are most races still about "start in the middle and then try to win", where are the lap long battles for position like in racing simulators? No quali in offline? (I really dont bhave the patience for online, too much waiting around).

I'd wish they spent more time on the core physics (tire temps anyone?) and AI, than on pointless (for me) features like photomode, random history facts (1917 russian revolution, or the launch of Windows 10 -- what does that have to do with GT?!), and rallying (network q rally from the 1990s is much more enjoyable). Anyway, as a driving simulator it might be ok (but lacks good fun); it's not a racing sim.
Btw, this was the first time in 6 years I was inclined to write something :) maybe the hype around GTS got me, but for me it hasn't really delivered, not sure if I'll buy the full game.
Steering feels numb and slow (even with sensitivity cranked up)
Brakes on all cars are poor. Apparently, the veyron can stop no quicker than a GT86. Righto.
Accelerating from a standstill is laughable. Apparently a Porsche RSR struggles to pull away. Righto.
The text that scrolls across the bottom of the screen moves too quickly and judders.
There’s a strange ghosting around the rear of the cars when you drive them.
Look closely, you’ll see it.

Visuals are generally good but there are still jagged lines on the cars. Even on the cinematic screens. Disappointing for all the hype they created on the visuals.

So far, not impressed enough to rush out and buy it.

You nailed it. Braking with the Veyron? Ah, lol, no. That is complete ****.

My God this game in 4K HDR!! :bowdown::bowdown:

I wish the game was native 4K :(. So glad we are getting the HDR.
I'm curious what you think it does better than GT6.

I don't know of a single PC sim that locks cars away. I also don't see how GTS is locking them away any different than they have in the past, aside from the few unique models you can buy with mileage points. But even those can be bought whenever you have the currency.

The driving tests are largely unchanged from previous entries and I don't really mind the missions. Sprint races in Gran Turismo have always felt counterproductive in that they often encourage you to drive like a maniac to win so presenting those as challenges instead- where you have to balance fuel consumption and tire wear for example, is a good thing, IMO.

I wish the gift cars from the missions were more frequent but I feel that's more a side-effect of the small roster than anything else. Unless you are buying the million dollar exotics, I don't see money being much of an issue though, especially since upgrades are no longer a thing (for better or worse).

Of all the games out there where you need to earn in-game currency to unlock stuff, I've never found Gran Turismo to feel like any kind of grind. It practically throws money at you.

Everything feels refined and better in every way than GT6.
Obviously I don't have access to the full game so I can't tell you everything in detail. But just playing the demo and doing the photoshoots, driving dynamics, graphics, SOUND is a huge thing that's 100x better than GT6....
So yeah I would say this is an upgrade to GT6 in every way possible really. Sure car selection is shorter, but lets be real, did anyone really care about having 50 different Miatas and 100 different GT-R's? Quality > Quantity any day of the week