GT Sport Plates - Create Own Custom Plates

  • Thread starter pioSko
They actually turned out pretty convincingly :embarrassed:
Yeah, mate. I'm gonna start on US plates real soon. Maybe even tonight depending on how many penalties I get in GT :P
*cough* Norwegian first *cough* :lol: nah it’s all good. But I’ll add this:


As many ‘sporty car owners’ or guys who are proud of their vehicles are now beginning to swap their blue N stickers with black ones.
Always good to have that option.
What's the diff between blue and black?
The blue is blue and the black is black. :lol: Seriously though there’s no difference. It’s just more common to see the black on higher end cars. The thing is. All plates have blue from factory. But a company now sells the black, so you just stick it over the original blue.

My original post shows more relevant stuff, but I know for a fact most Norwegians who use your service will use that black N sticker more, as it’s "unique" :lol:
Thanks. Yes, at the moment that's the only way.
Once I've done more templates I'll try to fix this.
I'm was actually close to doing a direct upload to gt.
I’m not sure a direct upload to GT is a save thing to do... If someone were to figure out how to make plates with unwanted/obscene text and upload them to someone elses GT account, that could get that other person in trouble... or am I overthinking it?
I’m not sure a direct upload to GT is a save thing to do... If someone were to figure out how to make plates with unwanted/obscene text and upload them to someone elses GT account, that could get that other person in trouble... or am I overthinking it?
That's the uploaders responsibility, not anybody elses... They'd still need to log in to the gt website as themselves. I wouldn't use my account ;)
You can upload any svg with any context right now. Same thing.

The problem that I do have with the "direct upload" approach is using gt's service/site in a way that was not intended. 1) They have their rules (Terms of Service or whatever) and 2) have not exposed a public API for this kind of service ... as a developer myself, I understand why they would not want to, just like I could have made text input easier by putting the context in the address .. example:
Would have been easy for people to share the whole template+text, but would also allow other devs to use this site to fetch batch/multiple plates and bottle neck my bandwidth...

I stopped doing the direct upload, more for technical reasons but that too...
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Hi Everyone/Anyone waiting for new templates...
I've been extremely busy with work (the real one) and sick at home, too. My apologies that new templates aren't being made available.
Good news is, a friend has found a website with "available" fonts for almost EVERY plate I need atm.. so things will start moving really fast really soon! :D
Let me chime in with infos on french plates.

- FONT : there is actually no specific font for french license plates. It just has to respect a few dimensions and be sans serif. License plate manufacturers have usually their own font. This one is fairly common for both old and new types of plates, sadly it is not free :

- DIMENSIONS : for cars, we have two main formats, a long one (which can be slightly smaller for the front), and a square one (which is only legal for the rear). Height x Width, in mm (with +/- 2mm tolerance), and there's a 5mm margin on each side where there shouldn't be any text or symbol, just background colors :
*smaller long (front only) : 100x455
*larger long (front and rear) : 110x520
*squared (rear only) : 200x275

* FNI (before 2009) : 0000 XX 00 (the figures before the letters can be less than four, the last two figures representing french department where the owner lives, if you moved to another region or sold the car to someone living elsewhere, the car would be issued a new plate number and new registration). Some characters and combinations of characters and numbers were taken out of the system, but it's too complicated to write them all there, as it can vary through time and regions.
* SIV (after 2009) : XX-000-XX (nothing here is related to the region, a car will keep the same plate number through its whole lifespan. FNI cars will receive a new SIV registration when sold or if the owner changes adress, even if it's still in the same region - although for a bit of time, only). WW-000-XX are temporary plates (generally used for cars going through importation process), and garages have W-000-XX plates they can put on any unregistered vehicle (only plates without four letters). I, O and U are forbidden because they look too much like 1, 0 and V, and SS series are out of the system as well, both at the begining or the end. Numbers start from 001, and there's always 3 figures.

* 1950 to 1992 : silver text on black background,older license plates from 1950 to 1992 were black with silver letters and lining around the plate. You can still have those for 30+ years old cars with a SIV number if they have a classic car registration (but police won't bother you if you have an old car with black plates with a regular registration).
* 1963 to 2004 : black letters, white background on front, yellow background on rear. Euroband (the blue part with the stars and country letter on the left side of many european plates) possible, but not mandatory (can have it on either none, just rear, or both plates). Very uncommon before the very late 80s / early 90s though.
* 2004 to 2007 : black letters, white background on front, yellow background on rear. Eurobands mandatory on both plates.
* 2007 to 2009 : black letters, white background on front, white or yellow background on rear. Eurobands mandatory on both plates.
* 2009 - today (SIV) : black letters, white background. Euroband on the left, similar band on the right with region logo on top and department number below (you can have whichever department you want, the logo being tied to it, and you can change whenever you want as it is not part of the registration. But you have to get the same on both front and rear plates, and are not allowed to put a sticker over it, be it custom or not. The number of regions have changed in 2016 though, so the logos you can order on your plates have changed, but the old ones are still legal)

- Official regulations about plate and font dimensions :
- Right hand bands for regular SIV plates (pre 2016) : https://quirouleenancienne.files.wo...ologuc3a9s-plaque-dimmatriculation.jpg?w=1400
- New region logos from 2016 (with all coresponding department numbers - some older ones are reused) :

If you need more infos or want to know about special plates, let me know, I have to leave now so posting this as it is. I'll add some pictures later.
Any chance you want some help @pioSko?

I see little progress have been made, and I’d love to help you get more plates online, this should be a feature many people would use - if it was updated :D

Just to inspire: if it kicks up some serious interest I would concider to pin this thread. In the current state no; but there’s a good chance I will when more countries are offered :)
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Yeah, ok. I'll try and resurrect this project.
Had a huge backlog at work and issues at home.
I'll remove the plates border from the older ones, which should also speed up the process of creating new ones
It's probably a mean move to bump this thread, but I FEEL THE URGE TO SEE GREEK PLATES
I see so many UK and imaginary plates, but me and some more Greeks would like to represent their country with the plate, at least...

I found some info which should be helpful;

Post-2004 Greek Font (plates with Blue EU band on the left):

A website with every Greek plate (I don't care about state vehicles and the such, more for post-2004 Plates for new cars and 1990ish-2004 plates for older cars):

There are some pictures for the plates I'm mostly interested in:

•ZMI-1308 is the plate issued from 1990ish up to 2004, when it was replaced by a new type (I have no idea about this font, unfortunately :( )

•IBH-9920 is the plate issued from 2004 and is still being issued. The differences are the new font (listed above-wikimedia) and the insertion of the EU band:

It'd be so cool to see them added into the game! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!!!

Edit: Greek plates use letters mutual to Latin and Greek alphabet, namely (in Greek alphabetical order): A, B, E, Z, H, I, K, M, N, O, P, T, Y, X.

Apart from that, LLL-NNNN format is being used, with a hyphen separating the Letters from the Numbers. Over the hyphen is the stamp of the Ministry of Transportation, under the hyphen is an inspection sticker, just like German plates.
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I can't believe I missed this thread when was first posted. :eek: :rolleyes: Thanks to those that posted recently to bring it onto the first page.

Thanks to pioSko though for having the idea and creating the site. All very well done. Great quality, and all very well done. 👍

I just have the problem that redhed17 doesn't fit on some of the plates. :( :rolleyes: :lol: Thankfully it is not too hard to put what I want onto the already saved plate decal. :)