Am I the only one who thinks you should't review a game by what you hoped it would include? You wouldn't give Overwatch bad score because it doesn't have singleplayer, right, or because it has less heroes than LoL, DotA? The game should be reviewed for what it is, not what you expected it to be, even though you were told it's gonna be online focused racer. I understand that die hard fans of previous games might not like it, but as a reviewer, you shouldn't compare it that way. I have a feeling if the game was done by another studio under a different name, it would have much better score, because people wouldn't compare its quantity directly to past games. They would probably even say how is it a great first entry in new series, you know, like first Project cars got good scores. And in a way, it is new series. If Project Cars was called Gran Turismo 7, it would have gotten much worse ratings.