GT Sport SVG request thread (Please read 1st post)

  • Thread starter daan
Can someone help me with this?? :)




Thank you. :)
While my cat food livery is in the planning phase, I've currently run into a roadblock on the latest PC2 replica I've been working on. I need these logos SVG'd in order to finish my work.



Many thanks again you talented folks.
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Hi, I have been working on a piece of artwork, however I have no idea how to convert it into .svg (or at least small enough to be uploaded). I would like to request help to turn this into an . svg. I still have the .psd files if you'd like.

Thank you in-advance :)
Hi, I have been working on a piece of artwork, however I have no idea how to convert it into .svg (or at least small enough to be uploaded). I would like to request help to turn this into an . svg. I still have the .psd files if you'd like.
View attachment 711695

Thank you in-advance :)
Very nice drawing. Seeing the curves and the stuff other people upload, I think it can be done under the 15 kB limit, maybe by deleting a grey line or two. I'm sure the artists here could achieve that :)
Hi, I have been working on a piece of artwork, however I have no idea how to convert it into .svg (or at least small enough to be uploaded). I would like to request help to turn this into an . svg. I still have the .psd files if you'd like.
View attachment 711695

Thank you in-advance :)

Load up or PM me the .psd file. I'll have a crack at it.
I've got a ton of stuff going on at the moment, most of it not good! Struggling to do much in the way of SVG work at the moment.
Okay artists, I have a challenge this time. I am looking for a custom decal in which the artist has lots of free creativity.

When I paint up my Gr3/Gr4 cars, I always make a specific livery for specific events. For example, I have races I only use for Daily races, for the Nations races and for the Manufactures cup.

I then tend ID these cars with a logo as seen below. So for the Nations Cup, I'll put decals down that say FiA GT Nations Cup


So I'm looking for several logos which look nearly identical and using the FiA and Gran Turismo GT logo. Don't just use text as I have, spice something up nice! I am very much looking forward to what you talented people can come up with

Logo 1: FiA GT Manufacturer Series
Logo 2: FiA GT Nations Cup
Logo 3: FiA GT Daily Race Series

No worries - hit up the Gran Turismo website and then log in using your Sony PS account id & password.
Then go Community > Decal uploader & upload from computer.
Once successful, fire up the PS4 and head into the livery editor. your decal should then appear and be able to select in add decal > user decals within the

Someone know the names of the first logo (J8, JIB or something similar) and the third (Atack?). The car is the p1motorsport chupacabras. Maybe @Cytoria or @MMX, you are expert with Imsa

Damned... I've just mailed P1 directly for the exact same question !!
I'm working on it at the same time of my Michael Shank Racing NSX
