GT Sport to not feature single player 'career' events/races?

  • Thread starter Samus

How would you feel if there was no traditional single player 'career' in GT Sport?

  • Not happy and I won't buy a GT game without one

    Votes: 199 43.7%
  • Not happy but i'll still buy a GT game without one

    Votes: 181 39.8%
  • I don't mind, if one is there I'll play it but prefer online

    Votes: 50 11.0%
  • I don't care at all, I don't want/need a single player career, will play online

    Votes: 25 5.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'd be perfectly happy with the current career and arcade modes in GT6 only if arcade mode actually contributed to your stats, car mileage and deterioration. Call me 'one of those' but that's what I want. Give me a quick career to gain credits for cars and then an offline arcade event creator to run these cars. Because yes, after completing the career mode winning peanuts via novice events is nearly pointless, and finding just the perfect online room is almost impossible (for me, at least).

I agree with most of this point of view, but the career as we know it can die.
And with the technology progression since GT6's release, whether we like it or not, being online is what we have to deal with.
The current Online Seasonal events and Quick-Match races provide more than enough credits to buy anything you want,
They provide different skill levels required to achieve each goal, and a variety of different events.

I totally agree with fleshing out Arcade mode to include all the nice extras that are available in the game
Tyre Wear, fuel depletion, damage, etc.

I also find myself creating my own Ideal online rooms.
PP limits, Tyre limits, NO SRF, AS, or driving line. Then leave the room open and sit in the pits while I go off and have dinner or something for a while.
More often than not I come back to a room with at least a few other racers and have some good racing.
I agree with most of this point of view, but the career as we know it can die.
And with the technology progression since GT6's release, whether we like it or not, being online is what we have to deal with.
So it's technology progression that leads us to a game being mostly online? Why couldn't that same technology progression be used to create better AI algorithms?
The current Online Seasonal events and Quick-Match races provide more than enough credits to buy anything you want,
They provide different skill levels required to achieve each goal, and a variety of different events.
QM is also quite often a crash fest against rude and uncivilized drivers. Seasonals only change every couple of weeks and are very limited in scope most of the time. Neither one is an adequate substitute for an offline career mode.
So it's technology progression that leads us to a game being mostly online? Why couldn't that same technology progression be used to create better AI algorithms?
No Idea. You'd have to ask one of those genius mathematicians who write the algorithms.
Whereas, since the release of GT6, Online Connectivity, Stability and Speed has "Generally" increased across most regions of the planet.
More and more of our services are IP connected and use Cloud Storage/ Virtual Servers, etc.
Whether we, as end users, agree with the direction, those are the cards we have been dealt, so we either strap in for the ride, or get off the roller-coaster

QM is also quite often a crash fest against rude and uncivilized drivers. Seasonals only change every couple of weeks and are very limited in scope most of the time. Neither one is an adequate substitute for an offline career mode.

I've never had any huge issues with QM races from Connection dropouts, bugs, or a crash-fest.
I'm not sure how the matching is done, whether it's regional, connection type or speed related.
I do find that I'm often racing against European and Oceanian opponents, as opposed to the Americas.

From reading between the lines, and the surveys we completed with mentions of Daily races, Weekly races, and Race Series, etc
I see the basic structure of the Seasonal events along with an evolution of the QM and Lobby system being used as the conduit for your daily races.
i.e Practice/ Race or Practice/ Qualify/ Race on a given track in a given class, with races held every X minutes.

I could be wrong with that system, But to jump on the PS4 each night and have a new Daily Race, across say 3 or 4 classes i.e Street, GR.N, GT3, LMP, plus any "weekly" races, or other Series that may evolve. Is going to fill my time easily.

I know it's not for everyone, but I've done the same old grind-fest in 4 other GT titles and don't have the time for it anymore. I just want my half a dozen favourite cars (STi Impreza, BRZ, F430, SLS AMG, and R10 TDi) and race the things.
Maybe I am jaded, I usually make Golding B and A a priority on GT3 then run with it. Minimal buy play style is something that breathed new life into the old games for me.

I was gonna do that, but then I opened up the licenses and remembered that the first two tests are braking challenges.


Whereas, since the release of GT6, Online Connectivity, Stability and Speed has "Generally" increased across most regions of the planet.
More and more of our services are IP connected and use Cloud Storage/ Virtual Servers, etc.
Whether we, as end users, agree with the direction, those are the cards we have been dealt, so we either strap in for the ride, or get off the roller-coaster

Not at all. While networking technology is increasing, there's no reason that it has to be incorporated into any given game. Some games are improved by it, others not, and others only want some parts connected. In much the same way that it can be useful to connect many home appliances, but not all.

There's nothing about Gran Turismo that says it all has to be online, no matter how connected the world is.
Not at all. While networking technology is increasing, there's no reason that it has to be incorporated into any given game. Some games are improved by it, others not, and others only want some parts connected. In much the same way that it can be useful to connect many home appliances, but not all.

There's nothing about Gran Turismo that says it all has to be online, no matter how connected the world is.
My point exactly:tup:. It's not as if improvements to netcode, connectivity etc. have anything to do with the offline career whatsoever. If PD came up with some fantastic algorithm for the AI so you couldn't distinguish it from real life, would that mean that technology has progressed to the point where we don't need online racing? Of course not, the two things can and do co-exist in many racing games and, in a good simulation, compliment and support each other to produce a game that has more depth and greater replayability. PD has chosen to drop the offline career for their own reasons, it has nothing to do with improvements to the online experience IMO.
If PD came up with some fantastic algorithm for the AI so you couldn't distinguish it from real life,
Based on previous Iterations of the series, they have a LONG way to go. The last update of AI in GT6 wasn't too bad.
I wouldn't be at all suprised if they have made improvements, but they're not ready for the GT Sport Title.

I Keep saying it, but I 100% expect a follow up title to be released with the offline/ traditional "Driving" content.
But due to the sheer volume of cars involved, PD are still modelling and audio sampling each and every one of them to be premium models, as we should expect for the PS4 architecture.

So would we rather have nothing new released, just doing the same old grind-fest and repeated seasonals, until a "Full" GT Title comes out?
Or will we put up with the new installment, in a slightly different format on the newer hardware for 12-18 months, to give us a taste of what's to come and basically be a huge public beta, while they finish putting the next game together?

Personally, I'll take GT Sport for what it is, and play the hell out of it.
Sure I'll probably miss fanging around Sierra in my old '72 Celica, but having the opportunity to race the new MX5, Maybe the M6 GT3 and McLaren 650S GT3 and a Group B Mustang, well I'm sure I'll find some fun in that too.
Pretty much
Beta for the new online structure and Course-Maker,
And a Gap filler after GT5 until the PS4 Title was ready

But this is what we've been going through since GT5P.

GT5P was a placeholder for GT5.
GT5 was the first game on PS3 so it was laying the groundwork for GT6.
GT6 was just testing things for the eventual PS4 game.

And now GTS is just filler until the next game? Please.

By that logic Polyphony haven't made a real game since 2005, they've just been treading water. Which some would agree with anyway, but I think it's dismissive to class all those games as simply filler. They were real releases, as GTS will be, and it's faults if any cannot be waved off by saying "just wait for the next one".
Oh well.
Apparently F1 2016 has an excellent career mode and full realism with manual starts, full control under safety car and pit lane limits.
Can't wait to get a copy of that plus Dirt rally, having Pikes Peak for my solo driving fix to go with GTS and it's online racing.
Exciting year ahead for a couple of hundred dollars outlaid.
Well the last two were unfinished. That's been the trend with them ever since GT5. If you think that trend will be over and they will offer the full GTS game whatever it may be then you have more faith in them than I do at this time. I will wait and see what happens. If it indeed is only an online game then I am definitely out regardless if its finished or unfinished. No problem for them as I'm sure most will still buy it.
I just really miss the progression thing. I played the hell out of GT6 from release till earlier this year when I 1) got a ps4 finally and 2) lost all my data on my old PS3, where i lost over 500 cars in GT6 and was so annoyed I couldnt even go back to the game(especially considering I had 30GB of updates to manually install one by one). And it was awesome - track variety, car variety, just everything was so good about it. And I can see how ESports is the future and PD are trying to make use of this and get in early but look at it this way, GT fans have been waiting YEARS for this game and the fact it has only slightly more cars than Driveclub, and seemingly NO single player progression campaign is just really upsetting, I'll buy it, but i have a feeling its not going to feel like a Gran Turismo game one bit-and not in a good way.
If we can do One Make MX-5 Cup(which I'm sure there will be plenty online MX-5 Cup rooms) for offline, that's a win. At least a # or laps/time slider.

If they care for the big chunk of fans in their 30s or 40s who don't care for competitive, stressful, and most of the time messy online racing (specially when it's not available on your country) and just want to start the long journey to collecting and tuning all types of cars, then yeah, they're definitely working on that, or at least they should be.

If they care for the big chunk of fans in their 30s or 40s who don't care for competitive, stressful, and most of the time messy online racing (specially when it's not available on your country) and just want to start the long journey to collecting and tuning all types of cars, then yeah, they're definitely working on that, or at least they should be.
I'm not even in my 30´s but I wholeheartedly agree.
I may not get many to agree with me here, but I can actually see PDI delaying the game to incorporate some type of offline career mode.
My purchase of GTS, whenever that might be, is entirely dependant on a substantial offline mode. As it stood, before this delay, there was no chance at all if my buying it.

So if this delay is for that sort of reason then I'll be happy. If it's just a big issue they need a lot more time to finish what they started and it's still the GTS we've seen here and there then I won't care in the least bit as there are other games anyway.
Seeing that GTS was not at the Tokyo Game Show (the home country of Sony), this makes me think that PD has noticed all of the backlash and has retracted their game for the time being so they can add a proper career mode if the pole in this thread is anything to go by. If so, I wouldn't expect to see the game until at least the holidays of next year. Until then, a 2TB hard drive is coming in the mail, and Assetto Corsa just came out too.
I only heard they were scheduled for the show.
I didn't watch the press conference.

I see my mistake.
I was looking at Sega's schedule. :lol:
I'll try again.

Just realised what thread I'm in.
Sorry for OT posts.
I have to say... a GT game without a career mode is a bold idea, i don't think people will be happy about it, Kaz and team should know that. But they have never focused on what their players want, they have their own, unique vision, for better or worse.

If the arcade mode has enough options, i don't really see a huge problem. However, what a game like Gran Turismo Sport really needs is a Full Season / Championship mode. This game is about motorsport, right? So Polyphony should focus on the motorsport. I would like to do whole seasons and championships like in Project Cars. Every race should be a complete race weekend with training, qualifying and a final race where points are awarded.

I think this would be the best thing for GT Sport. I'm not really interested in the old fashioned career mode like in the older games, and honestly i couldn't care less about a GT7. But a true-to-motorsport Championship or season mode against the AI? I would love to see that.