I'm just hoping that vehicles can be converted to different specs in the same way you applied Race Mods in GT5...It would do the game a disservice if PD overlooked that. If we can(as PD have) convert a Gr.N car to a Gr.N200/400, the same should apply to converting a Gr.N to Gr.B.
Doubt it. I'd slap my bets on that the different groups/specs are different cars you can buy, with no purchaseable tuning parts whatsoever.I'm just hoping that vehicles can be converted to different specs in the same way you applied Race Mods in GT5...
Can't wait to see how offline pans out. They better try and make something out of it, if they don't want to alienate the majority of their existing user base.Seems others have mentioned it already but what if the offline 'career' is like a monthly seasonal event consisting of a few races making up the 'championship'?
No it's not the normal career mode we're used to but it'd keep things somewhat fresh and if done right they could probably have 'championships' running all year long with a new race every month or so with other small events to keep people occupied.
The fact there's credits and a dealership suggests there's something more than earning peanuts off quasi license test events and doing the odd online race.
Think you're after this thread
Iam still peed off that Sony can allow sale of racing wheels at such high prices yet have only a handful of games to use them on.
Not to mention forcing players to play online if they want certain games. I thought it was about the customers needs and wants, not what's easiest for them to make or program.
As an avid console gamer from the days of master system and snes, it disgusts me how the gaming industry has turned to cater for themselves instead of the people who made the industry as large as it is today. I understand online play is the way of the future but at least give people the option on how they want to play. At this rate in the next few years, if you don't want to play online, you won't be able to play any games like wtf is that?
I bought my motorcycle 15 years ago. Runs beautifully. Towards the end of my first season I open up some catalogues and end up putting on some new pipes. Next year some chrome covers for my headlights and some leather saddlebags. Next year a large travel bag for the back shelf behind the passenger seat and some highway pegs. I was then able to do things with it I didn't do before, like take long road trips, or pack stuff for the beach or an overnighter or two. Did I get ripped off on my original bike purchase? All I know is, I liked my bike a lot more and more as I added more and more to it and it gave me more enjoyment. No one forced me to buy the upgrades, but they were avaiable, I liked them, and the price was agreeable. DLC is no different.Sony have to endorse the product to use on there system so to some degree they will have a say in what they product will be stated at.
You on your 360 would've had a heck of a lot of decent racing games to play though am I right? Because I've still got a 360 and the selection of wheel supported games is immense.
Back onto online though, you are right that consumers have a say on wether they buy it or not but when your a racing fan and one of the biggest titles ever is apparently online only and there's only a handful of racing games available for consoles ATM, is a kick in the guts and that's the point Iam trying to make. You can't have limited selection and expect people to fork out hundreds of dollars on wheels and rig setups simply because they have an interest, that's simply unfair and wrong. Yeah I know it's not about what's right or wrong but its people's attitude that have allowed companies to do this and they feed of this so called lazy attitude and run it like a regime. When it's put into context and put up against something you do everyday, would you like to be told what to do? Not many would but that's the way it is. That's why my brother left ea after seven years as a games developer as it's not about the artist or creativity anymore, it's about getting everything done half a$$ed, getting it out there, fixing it with more bugged and rushed patches and then charging people for more content. Could you imagine back in the day if people playing mega drives and super nintendos had to pay extra for more content on a game they already purchased? They would've flipped. The industry wouldn't be so big today if they didn't cater for vast majority of gamers like they did back then. Even if it wasn't what you liked, the vast options of alternatives compared to today was outstanding so you were satisfied one way or another. I know licensing today has a lot to do with it but they have that stitched up to so your forced into this stand over regime if you want to play and it goes against everything this industry had when it started. Back then companies made games for the love of making games and not for the love of money. This is so easily seen by how many bugs and issues today's games have with the technology available compared to say 20 odd years ago when on scale, the tech available was much less the same.
It's also because people can download so easily nowadays, back in the megadrive/ SNES days people didn't even have internet. So it's a bit of a natural progression of the industry; if the option is there to reach your whole userbase and modify or add to your base game, why wouldn't you?I bought my motorcycle 15 years ago. Runs beautifully. Towards the end of my first season I open up some catalogues and end up putting on some new pipes. Next year some chrome covers for my headlights and some leather saddlebags. Next year a large travel bag for the back shelf behind the passenger seat and some highway pegs. I was then able to do things with it I didn't do before, like take long road trips, or pack stuff for the beach or an overnighter or two. Did I get ripped off on my original bike purchase? All I know is, I liked my bike a lot more and more as I added more and more to it and it gave me more enjoyment. No one forced me to buy the upgrades, but they were avaiable, I liked them, and the price was agreeable. DLC is no different.
I bought my motorcycle 15 years ago. Runs beautifully. Towards the end of my first season I open up some catalogues and end up putting on some new pipes. Next year some chrome covers for my headlights and some leather saddlebags. Next year a large travel bag for the back shelf behind the passenger seat and some highway pegs. I was then able to do things with it I didn't do before, like take long road trips, or pack stuff for the beach or an overnighter or two. Did I get ripped off on my original bike purchase? All I know is, I liked my bike a lot more and more as I added more and more to it and it gave me more enjoyment. No one forced me to buy the upgrades, but they were avaiable, I liked them, and the price was agreeable. DLC is no different.
Mate how has that got anything to do with what I mentioned? From the creation of the motor vehicle there has always been after market modifications, we're talking consoles games here, it's chalk and cheese. Least modifications to your bike won't stop you from using it unless you get it done like in some cases with dlc it does.
Back then companies made games for the love of making games and not for the love of money.
You serious? Iam talking about bug fixes the lot.
What if you brought a 340i in the past and came with all the extras and now you have to pay for something you didn't have to before?
So you would buy a game of the shelf price was $500? That's the point Iam trying to make, I don't know how much more obvious I can make it.
If people want to spend more money and download more stuff that should be up to them, but not force people to or force people to play online. There only catering for half of the gaming community and forcing the other to play this way if they want to play it. In a better word you could call it a form of discrimination because people prefer to play offline. Basically saying you want to play, play our way or not at all, is that how we want games to be?
I know some games are online only but it's becoming more frequent and where I live I can't get nbn ATM so how is that fair? What move house just to enjoy gaming? Cmon man surely you can see that point of it? It's getting kind of rediculous. They brought this online gaming demand out to early, at least allow people to get stable internet before forcing this regime of game play. Wouldn't surprise me if some big companies are in with Internet suppliers to push this next level of gaming, makes sense, everyone gets a piece of the pie then.
All Iam saying is to give people the option, instead of spending all this money on ways to force people to play there way, they could use it to benifit a more vast audience by trying to cater for the offline player, but they won't because if they can force you to play online, chances are they can force you to spend more on dlc.
Mate as for your rolling eyes emoji, just look at a game like sonic the hedgehog from back in the day, that's has hardly any bugs compared to games we see today and the reason for that is better coding by less lazy developers and the reason for that is because they wanted to make the game as enjoyable as possible and don't have the ability to rely on patches so it had to be done right the first time.
How hard is that for people to see or understand? Blows my mind of the ignorance of some simply because they don't agree.
Paragraphs. They're called paragraphs.
No you're not:
"Least modifications to your bike won't stop you from using it unless you get it done like in some cases with dlc it does."
That's not what you've been suggesting. That analogy is akin to a game like GT5 launching with all its post-release content included... and then being repackaged a year or two later at the same price, with all of that content cut out and sold separately.
Where has this happened in the game industry? I'm still waiting on a list from my previous post.
You're trying to make a non-existent point? I've never said I'd spend that amount of money on a game.
It's their product, they can design it however they want. That's what a free market is all about. Gamers can (and do) vote with their wallet. Some online-only games have failed in the market (NFS certainly seems to have, judging by the discounts). WoW most certainly hasn't.
There are people that can't afford the current systems — that must be unfair too! The PS4 Pro introduces features that can only really be appreciated on a 4K, HDR-capable TV. Also unfair.
I should probably point out that we have no idea how much the final release version of GT Sport will cater to offline play. We have rough ideas based on a 7-month old presentation from Polyphony. That's it.
DLC is optional.
First off, two definitions: cherry-picking, and run-on sentence.
The original Sonic The Hedgehog, in its entirety, is smaller than a 1920 x 1080 PNG file (even less when we remove the "SEGA" opener, which took up an eighth of the cartridge on its own). The number of lines of code is exponentially smaller.
Things had to be done right the first time then because there was no margin for error. That doesn't mean everything was glitch free: the sequel has a few glitches relating to Super Sonic. Or, to make this more relevant: GT2 had a glitch that meant gamers could never obtain 100% completion with the original version.
That'd be a simple patch these days. The only reason it got fixed then was with the Greatest Hits re-release.
GT6 is a more modern example. The game in its current, v1.22 form, is a much different beast to what it was on release day. Without the ability to update post-release, the game would be measurably worse.
I'm sorry you mistake logic for ignorance.
What you grammar police to?
You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.
You agreed that sonic had less bugs so it had to be done right the first time, well why doesn't it happen today? Because it's all about getting it out as quick as possible and dealing with the negativity and dislike AFTER you have spent the money,
So you saying correct grammar and punctuation is just courtesy? I never intending to be rude if my post seems to be that way, maybe people need to be more open minded and look at things from a wider perspective and just because it doesn't come across the way they want doesn't mean there not trying to be courteous. That's the point I was making but once again people want to see it in a way that supports there claims. Iam done here, just shocking, I can't even report the behaviour because the mod is doing the same. Yeah that's how I feel, I was warned by this same mod for making some other member feel bad in the past so why can't it work for me? Iam done here.I never, not once, Discriminated your or your views. I want to understand what point you might be making. However, it gets lost in a word wall. That was all.
I am as far from privileged as they come. No private schools for me. Military breed. So the excuse of "you had better than me", falls on deaf ears here. I did learn a few basic understandings of language structure in maybe the first or second grade. I've got that going for me.
And you will have that,All I want from this GT's single-player is to be able to simply pick any car (stock), any track, set the conditions and race. That's enough for me.