GT Sport to not feature single player 'career' events/races?

  • Thread starter Samus

How would you feel if there was no traditional single player 'career' in GT Sport?

  • Not happy and I won't buy a GT game without one

    Votes: 199 43.7%
  • Not happy but i'll still buy a GT game without one

    Votes: 181 39.8%
  • I don't mind, if one is there I'll play it but prefer online

    Votes: 50 11.0%
  • I don't care at all, I don't want/need a single player career, will play online

    Votes: 25 5.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm not so sure. They will probably take the time to implement more content, but an offline career mode is just menus and interface changes on top of what they already would have. It's something they could have done with post release patches rather than something they'd need to delay the game for.
In another topic, does anyone know if PD will at least make cars tuneable and customisable?
Apart from a few tweaks and settings, they said, we won't be able to tune cars like before in a way like previous GT in which we can buy turbo and suspension.... which makes sense since there isn't any indication of a career mode and it keeps competition tight and fair for online, which seems to be the focus.

It's all basically :(
Apart from a few tweaks and settings, they said, we won't be able to tune cars like before in a way like previous GT in which we can buy turbo and suspension.... which makes sense since there isn't any indication of a career mode and it keeps competition tight and fair for online, which seems to be the focus.

It's all basically :(
That is only for race cars regular cars are going to be customized.
I'm not even remotely interested in an online only racing game, which is why I won't be buying GTS, but I agree with @AKps3, why would you tell other people what to buy? Some people like the idea of GTS, so let them have it.
He's obviously just sharing his opinion. No need to nitpick at his poor choice of words.

Be fair Johnny, he's not saying he doesn't like the idea, or he won't be buying, he's flat out just saying "don't buy this game", and claiming PD are "known to pull servers offline after they get our money!!!", which is ridiculous. They shut down the servers after almost three and a half years, which is perfectly fine. They didn't just grab everyone's money and then shut the servers down, as was suggested. The GT5 servers were open for five months after GT6 was released, which is more than fair.

Considering by the time GTS is released, the GT6 servers will have been operational for over three and a half years, and the fact that GTS is online only, and heavily focused on Esports, I think it's fair to assume the GTS servers will be online for at least 4 years. The cost of GTS, even at launch, is nothing to someone who wants an Esports racing sim on console. Compare it to how much it would cost to run iRacing for four years with enough content to have some variety.

Edit: As I said, it's not for me, so I don't plan to buy it. But I won't come here screaming "don't buy this game because it doesn't have what I want in it!!!!!1!", and if I did, I'd expect people to pull me up on that kind of nonsense.
and the fact that GTS is online only, and heavily focused on Esports, I think it's fair to assume the GTS servers will be online for at least 4 years.

...... Bolded for incorrect-ness.

Looking at 35 different "Circuit Experiences" just in "Campaign" mode.
And how do we know that each "Experience" is not a multi-event/ multi circuit Championship. Like GT has always had.

Take GT6 and how it's events are bundled into of 64 (?) separate "Cups, Championships"
"Sunday Cup" consists of 2 races.
"Tuned Car Festival", 3 races
"GT National Championship", 5 races.

Then the Mission races we've seen in the past.
GTSport shows 62 of those.
ANd Take GT4 for example and it's "Special Condition" races.
they were some of the best races, with only one other opponent.

Look, it's all good, a lot of people today are mostly interested in mp and it's pretty clear that this is where the focus of all games will be.

Some people (like me) grew up with single player, or playing a platformer or beat'em up with a friend in the same room, but i see how this is outdated now and that's ok.

Changes are uncomfortable, but GTS will be a fine game. I won't be getting into it, for the first time in my life. Until then, i'll check out AC when it's matured, the next pCars...

Maybe in the future, while they bank on GTS, they'll use the time and its platform to create something big and call it GT7... it does sound like it could happen, doesn't it?

One thing i know for sure - it is pointless and a bit ridiculous to argue and try to "win" over what is good or bad about GT since personal preferences don't mean jack to someone else :lol:

...... Bolded for incorrect-ness.

Looking at 35 different "Circuit Experiences" just in "Campaign" mode.
And how do we know that each "Experience" is not a multi-event/ multi circuit Championship. Like GT has always had.

Take GT6 and how it's events are bundled into of 64 (?) separate "Cups, Championships"
"Sunday Cup" consists of 2 races.
"Tuned Car Festival", 3 races
"GT National Championship", 5 races.

Then the Mission races we've seen in the past.
GTSport shows 62 of those.
ANd Take GT4 for example and it's "Special Condition" races.
they were some of the best races, with only one other opponent.


C'mon, those are pretty obviously just re-branded licence tests. That's not a single player career. The first post in this thread shows that these things are just like the licence tests of old games. Sure, technically they're available offline, but so is the "skirmish" mode in Star Wars Battlefront. That doesn't mean either of these games is anything but an online only game. The offline bit in both is a minuscule percentage of the game. No more than fluff.
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Eh, Project CARS' is arguable better. The only issue I have is that after every race it needs 5 minutes to save.
You're lucky if yours saved. Mine stopped saving to my XBONE after a couple months.
He was saying he thought pCARS career was better than Forza, as mentioned in the post previous to his.

And how do we know that each "Experience" is not a multi-event/ multi circuit Championship. Like GT has always had.

The images in the OP seem to have gone walkies but they showed that Circuit Experience were just short, single experiences to learn the tracks. Obviously things could have changed since then but as of now, no, they're not racing championships.



Pretty clear what it is (and isn't).
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I enjoy license tests in past GTs, but I'm not sure I like it so much as to making it the main career mode in the game. All evidence has lead to this, and all he says is that it's a complete GT game that follows the tradition and spirit of past GT all the way back since GT1. How can any GT fan agree to this? There's nothing traditional about GT Sport.
Not sure on tuning shops, but I'm pretty sure there's a dealership because of that pre-order bonus about credits.
I think there will be a dealership because they said a car make championship it kibda matches The theme and no tuning considering all players cars are ment to be close enough for it to be fair no matter what at the choose.
Wonder if there will be any rally tests. GT2/3/4 had a plethora of rally events. Since rally(not rally X) is mainly about racing against the clock, this portion of the game must have more than a couple events.

The Gr.B cars seem scarce, but if we can customize cars to suite(there's a Mustang rally car for heaven's sake) eg; Audi R8, Porsche 911, Alfa MiTo, this could be a popular category.
Wonder if there will be any rally tests. GT2/3/4 had a plethora of rally events. Since rally(not rally X) is mainly about racing against the clock, this portion of the game must have more than a couple events.

The Gr.B cars seem scarce, but if we can customize cars to suite(there's a Mustang rally car for heaven's sake) eg; Audi R8, Porsche 911, Alfa MiTo, this could be a popular category.
Now you've given my an idea. What about an Audi TT Group B?