Phew, glad I'm not the only one that thinks it looks overdone. Not realistic.
It's the problem a lot of games have in that they are replicating what a camera would see rather than what the human eye sees. That effect at the exit of the tunnels is another example of it, it happens because a camera sensor can't react to the light change quickly enough, our eyes are much better at it.
F1 fans are probably most familiar with it at the Monaco tunnel, it takes a few seconds upon entering to correct itself then you get the bloom on exit:
I've not played it but Driveclub does it as well, apparently.
Our eyes are amazing things and do a much better job adjusting than camera sensors, we're not virtually blind when driving out of tunnels. I suppose video games simulate the camera effects because they're going for photo/video realism, not human eye realism. Same reason some games have annoying lens flares.