GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
"Graphics looks PS2 quality" my ass!

i need this beta in my life
"Graphics looks PS2 quality" my ass!

Sorry, i would say unbelievable as the sense of incredible ;)
But yes, there is something true : the quality of Gran Turismo PS2 games was amazingly incredible for there times, and now when we see those streams and screenshots, it looks like the qualities of a good gran turismo is coming back and i secretly think that it would work ...
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Sorry, i would say unbelievable as the sens of incredible ;)
But yes, there is something true : the quality of Gran Turismo PS2 games was amazingly incredible for there times, and now when we see those streams and screenshots, it looks like the qualities of a good gran turismo is come back and i secretly think that it would be work ...
I was jokingly referring to the haters that keep saying GT Sport's graphics are "crap, as bad as PS2 games."
At least the majority of sounds now is very accurate and I'm quite happy with it, why? Because, sadly for me I suppose, Gran Turismo is the only racing game that I truly like, so... yeah...
Is like, they have the correct sound now, but they don't have the roar, the ferocity of it, but they're getting there :)

The problem arise when you compare it with the best sounding game out there (in my opinion):

That being said, again, I'm quite happy now. Satisfied? Nope, but happy.

GTS in going in the right way sound wise. I knew that RaceRoom had impressive sounds, but not that much!
Look y'all, if you really want to judge sound, what you need to do is play a direct feed video and shut your eyes and *listen* in a quiet environment. Does it sound real to you? If you have to, go watch some real life comparisons doing the same thing.

That BMW there sounds pretty good by such an ear test.
At least the majority of sounds now is very accurate and I'm quite happy with it, why? Because, sadly for me I suppose, Gran Turismo is the only racing game that I truly like, so... yeah...
Is like, they have the correct sound now, but they don't have the roar, the ferocity of it, but they're getting there :)

The problem arise when you compare it with the best sounding game out there (in my opinion):

That being said, again, I'm quite happy now. Satisfied? Nope, but happy.

I wish I could share the same excitement, but I can't. The sounds are improving dramatically, but it's still behind where it needs to be for me to think about returning to the franchise. I don't feel they're even close to the ferocity of an actual race (a lot of games aren't to be fair), which surprises me at sem4's comment about feeling like you're there. I remain with my original guess that it's possibly a mix of good & bad sounding cars, and if so, they need to address that first; showcasing them altogether and trying to recreate the ferocity we're both on about, in return, only highlights those cars that need improvement.

The pitch or whatever also needs be turned up to really create the echoing effect race cars have; your video captures it beautifully, hearing cars way off the distant at possibly, other parts of the track. Certain race cars today, like the Huracan GT3s, really amplify their sound, so if they get within' range of your position on a track in another part, their presence becomes very well known.

Edit* Watching the BMW & Jaguar videos, I'm definitely certain now it's just other cars. The sound effects in the BMW video are great; the echoing is easily noticeable as the sound carries out. It's still a question of whether a car flying by somewhere else will produce the same effect without being seen, but huge, huge improvement. 👍

The Jaguar video however, is what cements my concerns. For example, the Jaguar at one point is being followed by a SLS GT3. As the Jaguar comes by the camera, you can begin to hear the Merc. more clearly, and the problem is immediately known; it sounds bad. It doesn't have thunder that 6.2 V8 produces, a noise almost unique to AMG engines. Watching the actual gameplay video posted a few responses back with it as the player car, it's horrendous, imo. Well, I'll take that back a bit; not horrendous, but there's room for improvement. Reminds of me the issue PD used to have trying to make the C5R in older GT games sound anywhere near what that V8 should.

All the other effects? Beautiful. But, got to nail the cars first before you add in those details, otherwise they become masked by the car's flaws.
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@McLaren It's still good considering we're watching live streams and youtube videos which are only somewhat close to the actual sounds from the source. Not to mention that this is the beta so it can still improve. I don't know what game you are looking at but the others are not so much better than what we're seeing, hearing actually. I'm really hopeful for GT in the sound department now going from these videos.
I wish I could share the same excitement, but I can't. The sounds are improving dramatically, but it's still behind where it needs to be for me to think about returning to the franchise. I don't feel they're even close to the ferocity of an actual race (a lot of games aren't to be fair), which surprises me at sem4's comment about feeling like you're there. I remain with my original guess that it's possibly a mix of good & bad sounding cars, and if so, they need to address that first; showcasing them altogether and trying to recreate the ferocity we're both on about, in return, only highlights those cars that need improvement.

The pitch or whatever also needs be turned up to really create the echoing effect race cars have; your video captures it beautifully, hearing cars way off the distant at possibly, other parts of the track. Certain race cars today, like the Huracan GT3s, really amplify their sound, so if they get within' range of your position on a track in another part, their presence becomes very well known.

Exactly, I agree with you, but that's precisely the reason why I said sadly.
Gran Turismo is the only racing game that I truly like. Is the only game that I truly feel similar or the same to what I do when I'm driving my real car, but that's just me. Is different for anybody so...

On the other hand, GT5 (GT6 not so much for some odd reason) was probably one of the only games that made feel some of the echoes I usually hear on a race track. That happens when you're using a proper 5.1 HT or better. It was awful to hear the majority of the samples, but the ambient sound was there and I felt it incredibly real. Maybe it's the fact that I calibrated my HT many many times, and that I have a dedicated room to play games and watch movies properly isolated and all but I don't know. I can hear properly where the cars are and how the sound is affected by the distance. Isn't the best, but it's the best I've heard so far.
Exactly, I agree with you, but that's precisely the reason why I said sadly.
Gran Turismo is the only racing game that I truly like. Is the only game that I truly feel similar or the same to what I do when I'm driving my real car, but that's just me. Is different for anybody so...

On the other hand, GT5 (GT6 not so much for some odd reason) was probably one of the only games that made feel some of the echoes I usually hear on a race track. That happens when you're using a proper 5.1 HT or better. It was awful to hear the majority of the samples, but the ambient sound was there and I felt it incredibly real. Maybe it's the fact that I calibrated my HT many many times, and that I have a dedicated room to play games and watch movies properly isolated and all but I don't know. I can hear properly where the cars are and how the sound is affected by the distance. Isn't the best, but it's the best I've heard so far.
I couldn't stick with GT5 for long because of the car sounds. All the other effects PD created were just lost to me, unfortunately.
@McLaren It's still good considering we're watching live streams and youtube videos which are only somewhat close to the actual sounds from the source. Not to mention that this is the beta so it can still improve. I don't know what game you are looking at but the others are not so much better than what we're seeing, hearing actually. I'm really hopeful for GT in the sound department now going from these videos.
I didn't say it wasn't good, only that it continues to need work.

It's getting there, but you have to understand prior to this title, even Need for Speed games had more realistic sounding car samples; they were just cranked to 11 and over-exaggerated. But, a Lamborghini sounded like it should. I'm looking at the titles this game is going against, and they're still better when it comes to accuracy. Forza doesn't have a lot of the little effects you hear down like GT, but it does get the majority of its cars sounding as they should. The 1 title I'm holding GT Sport up against though, is PC2 since they're both investing heavily into GT motor racing. They are nailing the sounds impressively; even in-car and the majority of the audio being the car, you can still hear your opponents clearly. Slowing down & heading into a turn, you car hear the leading opponents getting on the throttle and taking off into the distance. You can hear the sounds of a real race track, the echos it produces from cars in various distances, in the cockpit. All while your own car (such as the AMG GTR for example since it's been showcased so much) is producing all these other wonderful sounds.

I'd love to see GT get there & it's on the right track, but it's missing the ferocity Eagle & I have talked about. The sounds still come off low in pitch or whatever; they just kind of "drone-by" so to speak instead of screaming. I think that's what's become most of my issue.
IMO the sounds have improved massively and its just the beta. Already they're sounding very good I think, and I don't think their that far off the "best" in the market in that regard 👍. And it's not just the engine note's themselves, but the smaller details such as chassis creaking and the backfire that ultimately add together to create that atmosphere.

Also I can relate to what your saying about GT @Eager Snake. I play many racing games, and have played many a game that technically are better than Gran Turismo in various aspects. But every time I find myself coming back to GT no matter what.

It's best exemplified when I've played Forza, having played Forza's 2-5, they're great games don't get me wrong, and there's certain aspects GT could learn from (and are doing so), namely car customisation and sometimes the sound. But I've just never been able to properly get into them and enjoy them. I think it's because GT has been very special to me, what with GT2 being the first game I ever played (and have many a good memory as a result), thus forming the bond that has stood ever since.

Anyway I'll stop blabbering with my soppy rose-tinted glasses nonsense, as I could go on forever :lol:.
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The pitch or whatever also needs be turned up to really create the echoing effect race cars have; your video captures it beautifully, hearing cars way off the distant at possibly, other parts of the track. Certain race cars today, like the Huracan GT3s, really amplify their sound, so if they get within' range of your position on a track in another part, their presence becomes very well known.

Edit* Watching the BMW & Jaguar videos, I'm definitely certain now it's just other cars. The sound effects in the BMW video are great; the echoing is easily noticeable as the sound carries out. It's still a question of whether a car flying by somewhere else will produce the same effect without being seen, but huge, huge improvement. 👍

Listen at 12:55, he is stopped on another side of the track when cars pass on the other straight. You can't hear a massive roar from the other cars passing, but you can hear a couple cars, which tells me they have the basics and now just need to work on the mixing.
Listen at 12:55, he is stopped on another side of the track when cars pass on the other straight. You can't hear a massive roar from the other cars passing, but you can hear a couple cars, which tells me they have the basics and now just need to work on the mixing.

That's extremely faint for that distance. I had to turn my volume up just to even hear them, resulting in my ears being blasted the moment he took off.

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