GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
i wonder where they are getting the sounds from because they not even close to real thing

In terms of accuracy it's pretty much alike in the engine sound department, however it misses the brutality, agressiveness and the loudness shown in the footage in real life.

The doppler effect needs to sound much louder as the car comes closer to the camera and change massively reacting with environment sounds as it flyby. But nontheless I am pleased to hear Polyphony matching the engine sound, but adding a little more life around the track (ambient and nature sounds) and the engine itself such certainly boost immersion!

Something like this is what I mean
. They seem to know (the brutality and aggresiveness is clearly shown) how the doppler effect reacts to the ambient and environment, it is not a constant sound as shown in the GT sport footage but a contant mix in reaction to the environment. I wish that Griffith member was here to explain more what I mean.
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I really don't hear much of a difference between the real Z4 and the GT Sport Z4. I guess I can hear the transmission whine more in GT Sport, but that's about it.
The cars sound horrible, what audio systems are you guys using, your monitor speakers?
They all have a synthetic and monotone noise. Yes, they added backfire effects etc. but the engines themself sound ridiculously bad. There are still no proper intake sounds, no proper load-/offload difference, no realistic coasting, nothing. The audio samples also have no range at all, they sound extremely thin and undynamic, it's laughable.
The cars sound horrible, what audio systems are you guys using, your monitor speakers?
They all have a synthetic and monotone noise. Yes, they added backfire effects etc. but the engines themself sound ridiculously bad. There are still no proper intake sounds, no proper load-/offload difference, no realistic coasting, nothing. The audio samples also have no range at all, they sound extremely thin and undynamic, it's laughable.

We must be using very different sound systems then :lol:

Personally, i think the cars all sound pretty good, massive improvement over GT6 no ends. It's just the little details here and there that they need to work on to perfect it. And they're part way there by adding the backfire and crackling, as it's ultimately the small details that add up to the whole package.

Otherwise they're sounding very good so far IMO.
The cars sound horrible, what audio systems are you guys using, your monitor speakers?
They all have a synthetic and monotone noise. Yes, they added backfire effects etc. but the engines themself sound ridiculously bad. There are still no proper intake sounds, no proper load-/offload difference, no realistic coasting, nothing. The audio samples also have no range at all, they sound extremely thin and undynamic, it's laughable.

Then your audio system must be trash, no offence.

Not really to be fair, or at least I think not.

Listened to videos with various equipment, like my fairly decent pair of Skullcandy earphones to my standard Laptop Speakers (which aren't too bad either TBF). And through both, the car sounds were pretty good, other than there being a bit more substance due to the bass of my Skullcandy earphones.

However at the end of the day it comes down to personal perception I suppose...
Haven't PD improved it? Seems like you're in denial. Nobody said the sound is perfect but it's much much better. So yeah , PD are improving , anyone that has properly functioning ears or isn't in denial can hear it.
Absolutely improving, very happy about that. It's not quite there yet. There's a certain emptiness about the sound, like it lacks inertia. I don't know how to describe it. The Z4 and Aston V12 are ok, the former is much improved from the GT6 version. The Aston lacks high frequency wail of the real car.

You guys simply cannot get a 100% perfect game, just love what they have made for you, as a fan, as a gamer :cheers: IMO
Expecting better is the best thing to do as a fan. Not saying I won't enjoy it when I get my hands on the game because I probably will. However, because I love this franchise, I expect them to put out a game on par or better than competitors. Being on par or better means that the physics, tire, visual, SOUND, and gameplay have to be on par or better.
You guys simply cannot get a 100% perfect game, just love what they have made for you, as a fan, as a gamer :cheers: IMO

I think that if everyone had this mindset we would still have droning vacuum cleaner sounds.
Do you believe PD would have made all this audio progress without all the complaining? I mean, GT is known for having terrible sounding cars. They could no longer ignore it and they had to tackle the issue. Considering PD's status and budget it's not at all unreasonable to expect better audio. Not perfection, but not a joke either.

Thankfully sounds are a good step up from previous GT's but I hope PD is aware that there is still a lot of work to be done.
I think that if everyone had this mindset we would still have droning vacuum cleaner sounds.
Do you believe PD would have made all this audio progress without all the complaining? I mean, GT is known for having terrible sounding cars. They could no longer ignore it and they had to tackle the issue. Considering PD's status and budget it's not at all unreasonable to expect better audio. Not perfection, but not a joke either.

Thankfully sounds are a good step up from previous GT's but I hope PD is aware that there is still a lot of work to be done.
I think you missed the point of his post.

While I understand what you are saying, I don't think it's that black and white.

Companies in this industry, and in all genres, are always striving to improve over their last effort.
Most would agree the GT has a reputation of excellent graphics compared to competitors.
And yet they've clearly raised the bar once more without needing a barrage of complaints to force them to do it.

Sounds were always going to improve.
So to answer your question, yes I believe PD would have made these audio advancements without all the complaining.

Was there an extra focus on improving sound due to public feedback?
It amost certainly played a role.
But they are not fools, and would already recognise their short-comings in any case.
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