GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
I pointed out the good things all the time. The game's gorgeous looking, the physics look all right (can't comment on them really from videos, but they seem good) and I love the little additions like the animated flag marshalls. Complaining about the graphics of the game is more than nitpicking, because it looks better than anything else out there. But again, it doesn't sound good enough, at least to me and I'll point that out until they change it. It's just annoying me, the sound of GT is heavily criticized since GT4, with tons of possible solutions and they're still so far off.
For me it's almost as important as the graphics and I would've played GT5 and especially 6 much more, if they would've sounded better. It's disappointing to me, that this community here is applauding PD for baby steps and stuff that we should have in GT for longer than a console generation.

But yeah, the Z4 GT3 doesn't sound like a blender anymore, whoopdeedoo.

To you it may seem like baby steps but to most these steps are huge improvements for Gran Turismo. When I watched that video of the sound comparison of the SLS GT3, the engine sounds from GTS sounded no worse than Asseto Corsa and a little worse than PC2.

I honestly don't see how the engine sounds in GTS are actually that bad. The Z4 GT3 in game sounds almost identical to the real thing.

And the reason why people are applauding PD is because they are improving. The engine sounds in GTS are much better than they were in GT6 and every other GT before. They may not be the best but it is at least something. You may not think these sounds are that good but it is a step in the right direction.

I personally couldn't care less about what the cars sounded like. As long as I can have a good time and there is at least some quality control(which there always has been), I'm sold. I play Gran Turismo for the same reason i play any other game: because it's fun. To not play the game based off of sound alone seems weird to me. Especially when I have never really cared for or was bothered by sound in GT. I just enjoy the game too much.
To you it may seem like baby steps but to most these steps are huge improvements for Gran Turismo. When I watched that video of the sound comparison of the SLS GT3, the engine sounds from GTS sounded no worse than Asseto Corsa and a little worse than PC2.

I honestly don't see how the engine sounds in GTS are actually that bad. The Z4 GT3 in game sounds almost identical to the real thing.

And the reason why people are applauding PD is because they are improving. The engine sounds in GTS are much better than they were in GT6 and every other GT before. They may not be the best but it is at least something. You may not think these sounds are that good but it is a step in the right direction.

I personally couldn't care less about what the cars sounded like. As long as I can have a good time and there is at least some quality control(which there always has been), I'm sold. I play Gran Turismo for the same reason i play any other game: because it's fun. To not play the game based off of sound alone seems weird to me. Especially when I have never really cared for or was bothered by sound in GT. I just enjoy the game too much.
IMO if the devs are only going to push out a game every 7 years you can't judge it against your own game. The devs need to look at the current market and try to be better.All this talk that it is better than GT6 is nonsense play some current games then judge.
IMO if the devs are only going to push out a game every 7 years you can't judge it against your own game. The devs need to look at the current market and try to be better.All this talk that it is better than GT6 is nonsense play some current games then judge.
I'd play some of the more current games if I could. I can only judge based off of videos and even then GTS doesn't seem nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
IMO if the devs are only going to push out a game every 7 years you can't judge it against your own game. The devs need to look at the current market and try to be better.All this talk that it is better than GT6 is nonsense play some current games then judge.
I have AC and Pcars, both of them have some rubbish sounding cars. GT Sport is comparable to both, not spot on but close enough for me:)
I have AC and Pcars, both of them have some rubbish sounding cars. GT Sport is comparable to both, not spot on but close enough for me:)
That's good too hear but i just read 2 pages of "it's better than GT6" this should never be a argument with a 7 year old game ( some things haven't changed since GT1 so i am being nice)
That's good too hear but i just read 2 pages of "it's better than GT6" this should never be a argument with a 7 year old game ( some things haven't changed since GT1 so i am being nice)
The same two pages that I just read comparing GT Sport to vacuum cleaners and leaf blowers? Long standing jokes about GT 6 (and rightly so), so I think this maybe why GT 6 is being mentioned a lot in comparisons to GT Sport.
I didn't think they could find a way to make GT sound worse but they have.

That doesn't sound like transmission whine, it sounds like a droid or a pod racer from Star Wars gone haywire. Awful.
As of now, that whine is the only thing that bothers me. The engine sound itself sounds fine though.

Sounds pretty similar to me, PD only needs to make the engine sounds louder

It sounds somewhat similar. The engine sound is recreated pretty well, but the balance between the engine sound and the transmission whine needs looking at.
Engine sounds themselves are very good so far, the actual engine notes themselves at least replicate the configuration under the bonnet (and pretty close to IRL I'd say).

As has been mentioned, just dial down the gearbox whine and their on the right road. Also, after watching beta videos and vids of older builds you can tell that the sounds in general are being worked on, and for the better. It's nice to see that PD may possibly be taking things on board :lol:, and developing it as they go along 👍.
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Finally got a race in, but not before I was again turned into a ping pong ball. Its annoying because my internet looks fine, but I was disconnected right after the race.

: *sigh* want to take a guess at how my race went at Northern Isle?

This is really beginning to frustrate me, starting to feel like GT6 online all over again with cars flying all over the place.
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Finally got a race in, but not before I was again turned into a ping pong ball. Its annoying because my internet looks fine, but I was disconnected right after the race.

: *sigh* want to take a guess at how my race went at Northern Isle?

This is really beginning to frustrate me, starting to feel like GT6 online all over again with cars flying all over the place.
How is with other game ?
Maybe you have to modify connection setting on the ps4 parameter