GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
The cars sound horrible, what audio systems are you guys using, your monitor speakers?
They all have a synthetic and monotone noise. Yes, they added backfire effects etc. but the engines themself sound ridiculously bad. There are still no proper intake sounds, no proper load-/offload difference, no realistic coasting, nothing. The audio samples also have no range at all, they sound extremely thin and undynamic, it's laughable.

They sound fine. They're not amazing, but nor are they as awful as you make them sound. The major problem at this point is the still instant gearshifts, imo. Outside of a few cars where they're appropriate, they really spoil what are otherwise decent sounds.

Then your audio system must be trash, no offence.

How about just not being rude if you don't want to cause offence?

Do you believe PD would have made all this audio progress without all the complaining?

You actually think PD listens to the community?

Well, that's a different way to look at it, I suppose. I thought we all just assumed that they had their heads so far up their butts that their ears were full of last night's dinner.
the sound is too quiet, when the car is far from camera you can barely hear it, and on replays from races you only hear the car that is closest to the camera.
Expecting better is the best thing to do as a fan. Not saying I won't enjoy it when I get my hands on the game because I probably will. However, because I love this franchise, I expect them to put out a game on par or better than competitors. Being on par or better means that the physics, tire, visual, SOUND, and gameplay have to be on par or better.

Oh well, I really understand about your thoughts. But did you realize that sometimes "better" is close enough to "perfect?"

I think that if everyone had this mindset we would still have droning vacuum cleaner sounds.
Do you believe PD would have made all this audio progress without all the complaining? I mean, GT is known for having terrible sounding cars. They could no longer ignore it and they had to tackle the issue. Considering PD's status and budget it's not at all unreasonable to expect better audio. Not perfection, but not a joke either.

Thankfully sounds are a good step up from previous GT's but I hope PD is aware that there is still a lot of work to be done.

I don't think a big company / franchise like PD just sitting down and do nothing IMO. We talk about business, and I think the competition is already enough to make PD improving the standart in every their new project.
I think you missed the point of his post.

While I understand what you are saying, I don't think it's that black and white.

Companies in this industry, and in all genres, are always striving to improve over their last effort.
Most would agree the GT has a reputation of excellent graphics compared to competitors.
And yet they've clearly raised the bar once more without needing a barrage of complaints to force them to do it.

Sounds were always going to improve.
So to answer your question, yes I believe PD would have made these audio advancements without all the complaining.

Was there an extra focus on improving sound due to public feedback?
It amost certainly played a role.
But they are not fools, and would already recognise their short-comings in any case.

Perhaps they were going to improve even without the complaints, but considering that Kaz interview on sounds already being "perfect", the fact that improvements in sound were minimal at best between GT5: P, GT5 and GT6 and the fact that PD has a history of overdubbing the sounds in their trailers leads me to believe PD either didn't have resources to do a major overhaul on audio or they simply didn't consider it important enough.

Considering PD is a first party Sony studio, making a system seller series with gigantic budget while still having weaker audio than most of the competing games with smaller teams and resources, i still believe audio was never a big priority for PD until bad audio became too big of an issue to ignore.

You actually think PD listens to the community?

Well, that's a different way to look at it, I suppose. I thought we all just assumed that they had their heads so far up their butts that their ears were full of last night's dinner.

You could argue they definitively had their heads up their butts when it comes to sounds. It doesn't matter so much if they listen to the community as much as if they take notes on what the competition is doing, and how the bar has been raised for audio while PD stagnated (until now at least).

I don't think a big company / franchise like PD just sitting down and do nothing IMO. We talk about business, and I think the competition is already enough to make PD improving the standart in every their new project.

Not saying that PD does nothing, but as I said in above responses, audio has been a problem for a while now for GT and they sure took their time to make significant changes until now. I don't expect perfection from PD, but the sounds in the last few GT games didn't really show that PD was interested in matching or exceeding the competition. Only now are we seeing bigger improvements, and I can only assume it's because the community (not just GT, i mean general driving/racing/sim audience) associates GT not just with pretty graphics but sub-par audio, so it became too big of an issue for PD to ignore like they did until now. IMO of course.

GTS is by far the best sounding GT game to date, engine samples much closer to real cars, backfires, running over curbs etc etc.. all great improvements. My point was that I hope PD continues in this direction and takes audio more seriously than they did until now, because there's still a lot to improve.
So you're telling me that you've heard no improvements to the sounds at all? None? You don't think the engine sounds are any good at all?
I never said that, doesn't mean they cannot improve even more. And no, I don't think the engines sound good at all.
Funny enough, the backfire, suspension and gearshift "special effects" sound really good, although not with enough variety.
Expecting better is the best thing to do as a fan. Not saying I won't enjoy it when I get my hands on the game because I probably will. However, because I love this franchise, I expect them to put out a game on par or better than competitors. Being on par or better means that the physics, tire, visual, SOUND, and gameplay have to be on par or better.
Exactly, especially with their budget.
I think that if everyone had this mindset we would still have droning vacuum cleaner sounds.
Do you believe PD would have made all this audio progress without all the complaining? I mean, GT is known for having terrible sounding cars. They could no longer ignore it and they had to tackle the issue. Considering PD's status and budget it's not at all unreasonable to expect better audio. Not perfection, but not a joke either.

Thankfully sounds are a good step up from previous GT's but I hope PD is aware that there is still a lot of work to be done.

Compared to Assetto and PCars i have to say that GTSport is NOT behind its competition but rather on par or even better (compared to the overdone sounds of PCars).

While pCars is indeed overdone most of the time (I hate clipping), the monotone drone of the SLS in GT Sport is further from realistic, than the worst sounding car in pCars.
goodness... the sound the exhausts make when the car downshifts... it's so 🤬 goooood.....

Well, at least it sounds like an engine. :lol:
They sound fine. They're not amazing, but nor are they as awful as you make them sound. The major problem at this point is the still instant gearshifts, imo. Outside of a few cars where they're appropriate, they really spoil what are otherwise decent sounds.
They're not fine and the gearshifts are only a part of the problem. I am seriously confused that you are pleased with that, but whatever floats your boat.

How about just not being rude if you don't want to cause offence?
True... aw never mind.

You actually think PD listens to the community?

Well, that's a different way to look at it, I suppose. I thought we all just assumed that they had their heads so far up their butts that their ears were full of last night's dinner.
Different times, they can't do that anymore. The competition is much stronger and I'm sure Sony aren't happy if their best selling franchise starts to fall behind too much. That Yamauchi even considered outsourcing lately proves that they got a bit more pressure from the outside, finally.
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They're not fine and the gearshifts are only a part of the problem. I seriously confused that you are pleased with that, but whatever floats your boat.

You should probably try and find where I said that I was pleased with them.

It's not there. You don't know whether I'm pleased or not, or whether I don't really care because at this point I'm still probably not buying the game at release.

I said they're fine. I said they're decent. The overall point that I was trying to get across was that they are acceptable.

GT5 and GT6 sounds were actively unpleasant to listen to most of the time. GTS is not, not to me anyway. I'm not cranking it up to hear the sweet sounds like some other games, but nor am I turning the sounds off because they feel like fingernails on a chalkboard.

You're making this very black and white, whereas the reality is that the previous sounds were a 3/10 and they've gone to probably a 7/10*. There's room for improvement, but they are not nearly as bad as you make out.

You may not personally find them to be acceptable, and you can do whatever you want with your ears, but it's not something where you should be being a jerk to other people simply because they don't find them to be as awful as you. Objectively, they just aren't that bad.

(*Video gaming scale, not normal person scale.)

Different times, they can't do that anymore. The competition is much stronger and I'm sure Sony aren't happy if their best selling franchise starts to fall behind too much. That Yamauchi even considered outsourcing lately proves that they got a bit more pressure from the outside, finally.

They couldn't do that in 2007 either, but they did. People have been saying for years that Polyphony can't afford to blah blah blah any more, and yet here we are.

Historical evidence is that Polyphony do whatever they like. We haven't really seen any evidence to the contrary yet, we've got another slightly off the wall game with odd features and lacking what most would consider some pretty basic fundamentals. Until they are actually visibly responding to community feedback, I'm going to continue to assume that they're doing whatever they want and that some of it just happens to coincide with what the internet thinks they should do.
They sound fine. They're not amazing, but nor are they as awful as you make them sound. The major problem at this point is the still instant gearshifts, imo. Outside of a few cars where they're appropriate, they really spoil what are otherwise decent sounds.
Fine shouldn't be good enough. We're never getting perfect, but we should expect better. I think too many people are fine with whatever PD gives us so long as it's some improvement over what we had before.
Fine shouldn't be good enough. We're never getting perfect, but we should expect better. I think too many people are fine with whatever PD gives us so long as it's some improvement over what we had before.

You know what, you're totally right. Let's go over to Japan and burn down Polyphony's offices, because clearly anything less than your lofty standards which will always be two tiny steps beyond whatever they actually achieve is worthy of death.


:censored:ing get over yourselves people. Saying "hey, that's not too bad" is not saying that it couldn't be better. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but God forbid we actually recognise when Polyphony is making improvements. That's all you can ask for, improvements. If it's better than what you had before then it's not worse and it's not the same. One can also say "hey, that's a good start but let's keep going", but I see no point in just shooting down what is at absolute worst a good start.

I'm all for giving them an earful for all the stupid bollocks that they do, but if this is the hill that you want to die on then you might as well just give up right now because you will not be happy with anything.

Tell you what, you define to me exactly what you think is good enough. You expected better? What did you expect? Or is it somewhat nebulous and ill-defined, inexplicably always just a little better than what you actually got? Do you also find that your neighbour's grass is greener than yours? His wife a little hotter? His cat a little fluffier? His appendage a little danglier?

It's a hard world when everything fails to live up to the fantasy that you constructed in your imagination.
Fine shouldn't be good enough. We're never getting perfect, but we should expect better. I think too many people are fine with whatever PD gives us so long as it's some improvement over what we had before.

I think fine is good enough. But I'm a Swede and we worship the concept of fine (or "lagom" in Swedish). We don't aim for perfection or superlatives, we're the happiest when things are just fine :)
You know what, you're totally right. Let's go over to Japan and burn down Polyphony's offices, because clearly anything less than your lofty standards which will always be two tiny steps beyond whatever they actually achieve is worthy of death.


:censored:ing get over yourselves people. Saying "hey, that's not too bad" is not saying that it couldn't be better. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but God forbid we actually recognise when Polyphony is making improvements. That's all you can ask for, improvements. If it's better than what you had before then it's not worse and it's not the same. One can also say "hey, that's a good start but let's keep going", but I see no point in just shooting down what is at absolute worst a good start.

I'm all for giving them an earful for all the stupid bollocks that they do, but if this is the hill that you want to die on then you might as well just give up right now because you will not be happy with anything.

Tell you what, you define to me exactly what you think is good enough. You expected better? What did you expect? Or is it somewhat nebulous and ill-defined, inexplicably always just a little better than what you actually got? Do you also find that your neighbour's grass is greener than yours? His wife a little hotter? His cat a little fluffier? His appendage a little danglier?

It's a hard world when everything fails to live up to the fantasy that you constructed in your imagination.
Calm down, man, don't pop a vessel. I actually said it's an improvement. My problem so far is that some cars seem much better and others are very air-y. The Z4 is much improved, the M6 sounds great, but the Aston is not right. There's also the problem of the sound being as if in a tunnel of sorts. This is just my opinion of a few videos, however.

Edit: Christ, dude! Burn down their offices!? Way to misinterpret the tone and context of what we're saying.
Tell you what, you define to me exactly what you think is good enough. You expected better? What did you expect?
I already posted what I expect and it's not unrealistic either.
I won't reply to the rest of your nonsense.

It certainly has more smoke, but this looks much better!
Yeah, while the smoke in GT5 and 6 looks good, it was also a bit too much.
GTS' looks much more realistic.
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Edit: Christ, dude! Burn down their offices!? Way to misinterpret the tone and context of what we're saying.

It's called hyperbole. It's a rhetorical tool used to demonstrate how ridiculous it is to say that fine isn't good enough and we should expect better.

Sounds like you were the one that misinterpreted the tone and context.

I already posted what I expect and it's not unrealistic either.
I won't reply to the rest of your nonsense.

Good, because it wasn't directed at you. It was clearly a reply to ebelen92. Unless you've got him on ignore and couldn't see that my reply was directed at someone, although then I would have been double posting which would have looked a bit weird.

As you said, I already know what you expect, and I don't want you to reply to the rest of my "nonsense". I see you've gone back to being rude to cause offence though. Good one. Keep it up.
Ah, that's why you used a plural here and addressed several people at once:

Clearly just directed to ebelen. 👍
It's called hyperbole. It's a rhetorical tool used to demonstrate how ridiculous it is to say that fine isn't good enough and we should expect better.

Sounds like you were the one that misinterpreted the tone and context.

Good, because it wasn't directed at you. It was clearly a reply to ebelen92. Unless you've got him on ignore and couldn't see that my reply was directed at someone, although then I would have been double posting which would have looked a bit weird.

As you said, I already know what you expect, and I don't want you to reply to the rest of my "nonsense". I see you've gone back to being rude to cause offence though. Good one. Keep it up.
Please stop... :boggled:
Ah, that's why you used a plural here and addressed several people at once:

Clearly just directed to ebelen. 👍

Congratulations. You caught me in a slip up where I accidentally used one word that refers to a group while also using 21 instances of the word "you". What a terrible mistake. I do make them, you know. I'm not perfect. I know it's easy to expect all native English speakers to have a perfect command of the language, but it's just not true. Sometimes we make misteaks.

So my apologise. Please direct more of your rage and abuse at me, because clearly I deserve it for not being more careful with my word. I am a horrible, worthless peon who is not fit to lick the bottom of your audio file grade boots. Clearly, by disagreeing with you I have opened myself up to have any future posts regarding as being in whole or in part directed at you, and I will hencefourth compose them as such.

Your repentant stoolfarm,

Humbledink Umbelflubber.

Please stop... :boggled:

But I'm just starting to have fun... :(

Well, at least it sounds like an engine. :lol:

It's definitely an improvement, that much I can agree to :lol::lol:

Hahaha the description.
"GT5/6 has better smoke"

I'd have to disagree with the uploader on that one. Yes GT5/6 had pretty good tire smoke, but it was obstructive as heck. I find GTS's smoke to be better IMO
You know what, you're totally right. Let's go over to Japan and burn down Polyphony's offices, because clearly anything less than your lofty standards which will always be two tiny steps beyond whatever they actually achieve is worthy of death.


:censored:ing get over yourselves people. Saying "hey, that's not too bad" is not saying that it couldn't be better. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but God forbid we actually recognise when Polyphony is making improvements. That's all you can ask for, improvements. If it's better than what you had before then it's not worse and it's not the same. One can also say "hey, that's a good start but let's keep going", but I see no point in just shooting down what is at absolute worst a good start.

I'm all for giving them an earful for all the stupid bollocks that they do, but if this is the hill that you want to die on then you might as well just give up right now because you will not be happy with anything.

Tell you what, you define to me exactly what you think is good enough. You expected better? What did you expect? Or is it somewhat nebulous and ill-defined, inexplicably always just a little better than what you actually got? Do you also find that your neighbour's grass is greener than yours? His wife a little hotter? His cat a little fluffier? His appendage a little danglier?

It's a hard world when everything fails to live up to the fantasy that you constructed in your imagination.

I never said that, doesn't mean they cannot improve even more. And no, I don't think the engines sound good at all.
Funny enough, the backfire, suspension and gearshift "special effects" sound really good, although not with enough variety.
Okay than, I just wanted to make sure. It was sounding to me like you didn't say there was any improvements. Though, I disagree with you on the engine sounds.
I don't understand the hate surrounding this game. It looks great, it sounds good and overall look like a good game. Yet, I still see people trashing for some of the most in significant reasons. I see people complaining about the grass, the trees, and even the overall graphics. It just seem like a lot of people are looking for something in the game that isn't up to their standards, and use that to trash the whole game. It's as if it doesn't matter how much PD improves, people will always look for some reason trash the game, and overlook all of the good things about the game and denounce any and all improvements.
(I don't know if this was the correct thread to post this but, whatever)
I don't understand the hate surrounding this game. It looks great, it sounds good and overall look like a good game. Yet, I still see people trashing for some of the most in significant reasons. I see people complaining about the grass, the trees, and even the overall graphics. It just seem like a lot of people are looking for something in the game that isn't up to their standards, and use that to trash the whole game. It's as if it doesn't matter how much PD improves, people will always look for some reason trash the game, and overlook all of the good things about the game and denounce any and all improvements.
(I don't know if this was the correct thread to post this but, whatever)

That one would be better.

And I've seen people complain anywhere from the bushes and lawn care to the buildings in the background. People are just looking for anything to dump on.
I don't understand the hate surrounding this game. It looks great, it sounds good and overall look like a good game. Yet, I still see people trashing for some of the most in significant reasons. I see people complaining about the grass, the trees, and even the overall graphics. It just seem like a lot of people are looking for something in the game that isn't up to their standards, and use that to trash the whole game. It's as if it doesn't matter how much PD improves, people will always look for some reason trash the game, and overlook all of the good things about the game and denounce any and all improvements.
(I don't know if this was the correct thread to post this but, whatever)
I pointed out the good things all the time. The game's gorgeous looking, the physics look all right (can't comment on them really from videos, but they seem good) and I love the little additions like the animated flag marshalls. Complaining about the graphics of the game is more than nitpicking, because it looks better than anything else out there. But again, it doesn't sound good enough, at least to me and I'll point that out until they change it. It's just annoying me, the sound of GT is heavily criticized since GT4, with tons of possible solutions and they're still so far off.
For me it's almost as important as the graphics and I would've played GT5 and especially 6 much more, if they would've sounded better. It's disappointing to me, that this community here is applauding PD for baby steps and stuff that we should have in GT for longer than a console generation.

But yeah, the Z4 GT3 doesn't sound like a blender anymore, whoopdeedoo.
Thanks Zlork!
Hoping to have a Nurburgring video up soon.

Note: That is not me driving haha, am still to test my G29 on GTS :)

If you have that, share it as soon as possible :)

Otherwise, I join majority: I love these sounds, They are really very good !
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