GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913

There are people in the top 10 with the Genesis, so that's not the issue. lol
Are there now? Didn't see any when I did qualifying lap earlier so I don't start at back and gives me a chance to learn the track. I was quite a bit off my ultimate pace, top spot seems within reach currently but will see how much quicker it gets later on today. A race lap from standing start and also taking it easy, I managed time in the 7:36's.

Gran Turismo™Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170424181949.jpg
2nd session running the GT-R @ the Nurb and I love this combo.. it's Awesome!! 👍 feels like I'm running flat out yet I'm still 6 seconds off 1st place with a 7'29.5 :boggled: I never really do well on this EPIC track anyway but it still feels wicked driving it in this car :cheers:

Here's my best lap anyway just for some constructive criticism if any of the guys 6 secs faster can give me some tips? would be much appreciated :bowdown: I know I messed up a few places approaching T1 and a slowish carousel but 6 secs cmon :lol:

Cheers guys this combo's a belter :cheers:
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You nailed it! Great review of the five likes and don't likes. Luckily the online stability has improved a lot vs the first days. I experience no lagging/latency issues anymore.

I unfortunately do still get lag, not quite as bad as it was, but its still present, and given the focus of the title it needs to be eliminated before launch.
they look ok even tho they are just 2d sprites, however, they are the weakest point there imho.. you can see how they turn around the camera
I really dont care if they are 2d or 3d as long as they look as good as they do and i really cant see the turning in that gif, i only notice that when i drive slowly and turn the camera to the side.
in previous build there was a lot of 3D grass near the track... I hope that PD restore it in the final build

Yeah thats true!
Gotta keep on mind its a beta and they still tweaking things. But for example I dont understand why they reduced the windnoise dramaticially again in the 1.04 Beta patch and removed the chassis rattle completely!

Well only PD knows :D
in previous build there was a lot of 3D grass near the track... I hope that PD restore it in the final build

Maybe it is still there on the demo version? (Hence that video is from the PSX demo, not beta) Idk if demo will follow beta progression since both demo and beta are different. Demo have more car selection and tracks (Fisherman's Ranch featured on the demo, which is the only dirt track that playable so far). Also, no online mode, which it won't affect the game performance imo, so something like 3D grass rendering is fine. Just my thought, maybe there is better reason for this.