GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
Did you guys can notice some changes in home screen menu? I think it is pretty much the same from this year E3 showcase :



Yeah it changed a bunch, UX peeps have been hard at work there. Much more organized and 'standardized' now.

Being extremely nitpicky at this point, but luckily they don't (shouldn't) read this forum, but I'd make some changes still, purely out of personal preference in terms of information hierarchy and design.

Exemple: Lv/DR/DR is something that won't change constantly and something the player will be very aware since it's needed for races and it's in your bigger, main profile. So I don't see the need for it to be prominent and permanent on the home page.
I'd make it rotate in a cell with credits/mileage/daily and the current selected car.

And the icons could be resolved with less detail? I'm not a fan of icon + text since to me it defeats the purpose of icons.

The change from a "salesperson meeting you" pictogram to a "pantheon (or library :dopey:)" one for Brand Central is sensible though. :P


And it seems the "M" icon mystery has been (partially) solved?

"Mileage Earned: There is a reward waiting to be claimed - Achievement" and the symbol in front of it.
Mileage points.
Funny to note that the variation of its 'cell space' through time had you being able to earn ~9.9 million of it, then ~99k and now it's either 999 or 9999.

Now, how do you earn them and what is their use if any?
At first the quantity made me think it would be a marketplace kind of thing for liveries and the likes, now I'm not sure anymore.


And it's crunch time, people there will be tired.
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Yeah it changed a bunch, UX peeps have been hard at work there. Much more organized and 'standardized' now.

Being extremely nitpicky at this point, but luckily they don't (shouldn't) read this forum, but I'd make some changes still, purely out of personal preference in terms of information hierarchy and design.

Exemple: Lv/DR/DR is something that won't change constantly and something the player will be very aware since it's needed for races and it's in your bigger, main profile. So I don't see the need for it to be prominent and permanent on the home page.
I'd make it rotate in a cell with credits/mileage/daily and the current selected car.

And the icons could be resolved with less detail? I'm not a fan of icon + text since to me it defeats the purpose of icons.

The change from a "salesperson meeting you" pictogram to a "pantheon (or library :dopey:)" one for Brand Central is sensible though. :P


And it seems the "M" icon mystery has been (partially) solved?

"Mileage Earned: There is a reward waiting to be claimed - Achievement" and the symbol in front of it.
Mileage points.
Funny to note that the variation of its 'cell space' through time had you being able to earn ~9.9 million of it, then ~99k and now it's either 999 or 9999.

Now, how do you earn them and what is their use if any?
At first the quantity made me think it would be a marketplace kind of thing for liveries and the likes, now I'm not sure anymore.


And it's crunch time, people there will be tired.

Alright, thanks for your explanation. Knowing the home menu has slight changes compared to the last E3 build is a good one. And I agree it is much better and neatly organized now after seeing that E3 screenshot and compare it with the latest build

Yeah it changed a bunch, UX peeps have been hard at work there. Much more organized and 'standardized' now.

Being extremely nitpicky at this point, but luckily they don't (shouldn't) read this forum, but I'd make some changes still, purely out of personal preference in terms of information hierarchy and design.

Exemple: Lv/DR/DR is something that won't change constantly and something the player will be very aware since it's needed for races and it's in your bigger, main profile. So I don't see the need for it to be prominent and permanent on the home page.
I'd make it rotate in a cell with credits/mileage/daily and the current selected car.

And the icons could be resolved with less detail? I'm not a fan of icon + text since to me it defeats the purpose of icons.

The change from a "salesperson meeting you" pictogram to a "pantheon (or library :dopey:)" one for Brand Central is sensible though. :P


And it seems the "M" icon mystery has been (partially) solved?

"Mileage Earned: There is a reward waiting to be claimed - Achievement" and the symbol in front of it.
Mileage points.
Funny to note that the variation of its 'cell space' through time had you being able to earn ~9.9 million of it, then ~99k and now it's either 999 or 9999.

Now, how do you earn them and what is their use if any?
At first the quantity made me think it would be a marketplace kind of thing for liveries and the likes, now I'm not sure anymore.


And it's crunch time, people there will be tired.

I remember a GTP member spotting somewhere in a video that there was a "customize" option. Unfortunately, I do not remember who it was, or what video it was in:guilty:, but I remember reading that somewhere in the GTS threads.
I remember a GTP member spotting somewhere in a video that there was a "customize" option. Unfortunately, I do not remember who it was, or what video it was in:guilty:, but I remember reading that somewhere in the GTS threads.

Yeah it changed a bunch, UX peeps have been hard at work there. Much more organized and 'standardized' now.

Being extremely nitpicky at this point, but luckily they don't (shouldn't) read this forum, but I'd make some changes still, purely out of personal preference in terms of information hierarchy and design.

Exemple: Lv/DR/DR is something that won't change constantly and something the player will be very aware since it's needed for races and it's in your bigger, main profile. So I don't see the need for it to be prominent and permanent on the home page.
I'd make it rotate in a cell with credits/mileage/daily and the current selected car.

And the icons could be resolved with less detail? I'm not a fan of icon + text since to me it defeats the purpose of icons.

The change from a "salesperson meeting you" pictogram to a "pantheon (or library :dopey:)" one for Brand Central is sensible though. :P


And it seems the "M" icon mystery has been (partially) solved?

"Mileage Earned: There is a reward waiting to be claimed - Achievement" and the symbol in front of it.
Mileage points.
Funny to note that the variation of its 'cell space' through time had you being able to earn ~9.9 million of it, then ~99k and now it's either 999 or 9999.

Now, how do you earn them and what is their use if any?
At first the quantity made me think it would be a marketplace kind of thing for liveries and the likes, now I'm not sure anymore.


And it's crunch time, people there will be tired.

What would be nice is to cater to different peoples desires by having all those elements modular. Being able to customise the layout by selecting which information you wanted displayed if any, but leaving the core navigation items locked.

Overall though I'm liking the new UI quite a bit. The simplicity in style and focus on a clean layout with the images being the hero focus is great to me. Much prefer it to the busier panels with varing colours and styles of the past. Some may find it a bit plain, but it's more timeless to me.

The only thing that bothers me looking at it, is the strip/line at the bottom of the top menu. Looks a bit unbalanced not having it go all the way to the right, so the step from line to no line especially viewed at a distance looks like mis-aligned pixels. Either make it go all the way across or remove it entirely. I can see why they have it though.

The banking and road markings made me think Blue Moon, but the strange layout made me question it - it could be an infield layout. I don't think it's the Northern Isle infield, 'cuz that track is encased in a tall stadium and I'm making out a bunch of greenery in the background.

Perhaps it's the new Lake Maggiore track?
Interesting to say at least 👍

edit: If Tokyo would be a location there could be several layouts and tracks in this region:
  • Tokyo Express Way
  • Special Stage R11
  • Special Stage R7
  • Special Stage R5
  • Tokyo R246
If I remember correctly those SSR stages are based on Tokyo.

View attachment 662451
End of SSR 5 Reverse Clubman straight?

View attachment 662452
Coming onto SSR 5 Reverse Clubman's main straight (after tunnel)

I'm definitely seeing a bit of SSR5. Oddly enough, I see a bit of SSR7 as well cause I don't remember SSR5 having a right up turn hill off a straight. Only SSR7 had that. But that background city and scenery just SCREAMS SSR5 and Clubman stage route.

Unless... :eek: you don't think...

They finally combined the two.
The banking and road markings made me think Blue Moon, but the strange layout made me question it - it could be an infield layout. I don't think it's the Northern Isle infield, 'cuz that track is encased in a tall stadium and I'm making out a bunch of greenery in the background.

Perhaps it's the new Lake Maggiore track?
No, Lake Maggiore is seen later in video.
Did you guys can notice some changes in home screen menu? I think it is pretty much the same from this year E3 showcase :


I am a big fan of this menu screen.


View attachment 662795
To quote myself. I think this image could also give more clearance if we are looking at the SSR 5 stage. The capture below is from GT6 and the red circle right is where the Nissan from the video finds itself and the left red circle shows the road at the left of the Nissan. Ignore circle in the upper screenshot from the Nissan itself...:lol:

Notice how even the buildings on the right seem to be the same ones. Of course GT S is a bit more detailed but structure seems to be the same. Markers on the road at the right have the same layout.
This might actually be hard evidence that SSR5 is back.
I am a big fan of this menu screen.

This might actually be hard evidence that SSR5 is back.
I'm gonna assume it's a Tokyo Expressway layout until it's confirmed that it is SSR5. Hell, I honestly want it to be a TEW layout, because I was never really a big fan of SSR5.

But yeah, I'm a big fan of the new menu too! :)
Imo all of the SSR tracks spawn over the years in GT series is actually based on the Japanese highway itself in general. SSR in my own theory is an interconnected Tokyo highway route in disguise. Perhaps it is not surprising both TEW and SSR bear a same resemblence to each other.

I also thought that it will be sensible if the unknown track in GT-R trailer is just alternative layout of Tokyo instead an updated version of SSR because there is no sign of any SSR layout will be in GTS so far. However, anything can happen due to launch.
@bdj57 I think you are right. As far as I remember the SSR stages are based on the Tokyo highways so it could very well be the PD decided to put several layouts under the Tokyo Express Way -location. I find there is a lot of resemblance and it could very well be that SSR got "upgraded" to TEW. Of course I am guessing as well but it will be interesting to see how it turns out over the coming weeks/months with the new information finding its way to the internet.
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...but PD still tries to do their own thing.

After they've pretty much straight up lifted an entire game concept from iRacing? No, I think that the "we do our own thing" PD is in the past. GTS is solidly derivative, even if it's fairly brilliantly so.
Why are they doing previews with these small time journalists? where is the IGNs and Eurogamers?

Eurogamer? Could be, but IGN? They just released a video because... I don't really know why, the IGN First I mean...
But IGN has become pretty bad over the years, sometimes they have interesting news, bus aside from that, I can't really trust a gaming news site that has given a 6 to Alien Isolation. Sorry, but I can't. Whatever they say, I'll buy this GT because of what I tried during the beta.

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