- 672
- Brazil
Did you guys can notice some changes in home screen menu? I think it is pretty much the same from this year E3 showcase :

Yeah it changed a bunch, UX peeps have been hard at work there. Much more organized and 'standardized' now.
Being extremely nitpicky at this point, but luckily they don't (shouldn't) read this forum, but I'd make some changes still, purely out of personal preference in terms of information hierarchy and design.
Exemple: Lv/DR/DR is something that won't change constantly and something the player will be very aware since it's needed for races and it's in your bigger, main profile. So I don't see the need for it to be prominent and permanent on the home page.
I'd make it rotate in a cell with credits/mileage/daily and the current selected car.
And the icons could be resolved with less detail? I'm not a fan of icon + text since to me it defeats the purpose of icons.
The change from a "salesperson meeting you" pictogram to a "pantheon (or library
And it seems the "M" icon mystery has been (partially) solved?
"Mileage Earned: There is a reward waiting to be claimed - Achievement" and the symbol in front of it.
Mileage points.
Funny to note that the variation of its 'cell space' through time had you being able to earn ~9.9 million of it, then ~99k and now it's either 999 or 9999.
Now, how do you earn them and what is their use if any?
At first the quantity made me think it would be a marketplace kind of thing for liveries and the likes, now I'm not sure anymore.
And it's crunch time, people there will be tired.
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