GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
And that in (PS)VR.
I wonder if they could do a 24 hour race broken into several stints at different times of the day, or how this is going to work without a day night cycle, I also wonder if reviewers will even pick up on that or if they will just see the headlights working and that's as far as they will go.

I really enjoyed that experience of driving and seeing the sun come up, or realising that it's getting harder to see because the sun is going down, but I don't think it was something that the majority of people even cared about. Looking at how much was packed into GT5 and GT6 and how badly it was received maybe they have taken the path of looking at what catches reviewers attention and focused on polishing those parts... I really don't know about this new direction, it's so confusing. I mean, if Kaz is making a game for Kaz then I would have thought that emulating the races he does as close as possible would be paramount. Perhaps there's only that 15 minutes of dawn or dusk time that a day night cycle adds value to and if not doing the cycle means you can throw more resources at both day and night and make them look better and then have a fixed dusk and a fixed dawn that also looks better maybe that is the best design decision... I just find that delivering so little so late into a consoles lifespan is really bizarre, it feels like they couldn't build on anything from PS3 and have gone back to how they delivered GT3 on the PS2... maybe VR has forced that, I'm guessing we'll never know.

Having said all that, in the video seeing the interior of the car lighting up and then realising that it was due to the car behinds headlights was amazing, I'm embarrassed to say that it gave me goose bumps, I don't think I've ever seen that in a racing game before.

@queleuleu I also picked up on the lack of Lotus and have been trying to put it out of my mind... I bought my car after falling in love with it in GT2 and this looks to be the first (larger) GT since then that won't feature it, even GT HD had an Elise... sheesh they even had that video with Santa driving an Elise... of all the things to deliver presents in... you have to laugh at some stuff in Gran Turismo otherwise I guess you would cry. (bonnet clips on an Elise is another example.)

We'll be coming up on 20 years this Christmas and I'd still be happy to have that "lo fi" model of the original Elise on the PS4.
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