GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
I am very surprised and sad they showed nothing about GTS, but at least Taku Imasaki himself liked mi comment to his ,,many people love the playstation'' @PlayStation experience facebook post: ,,And many miss the presence of Gran Turismo at the event ''
Yoshida confirms that Sony wanted to show just indies and tier party.

Source (in French) :

There is no direct quote in that article to show he specifically said that. It is the inference of the article writer. Besides, even if he did say that it doesn't prove that they never wanted to show first party stuff, it could just as easily be that they wanted to but couldn't, for a number of reasons. The devs (PD being one) not being ready, purely for strategy reasons. We don't know.

The fact Jordan was initially going to the event then cancelled is enough for me to suggest they did at some stage want to show more first party stuff though.
There is no direct quote in that article to show he specifically said that. It is the inference of the article writer. Besides, even if he did say that it doesn't prove that they never wanted to show first party stuff, it could just as easily be that they wanted to but couldn't, for a number of reasons. The devs (PD being one) not being ready, purely for strategy reasons. We don't know.

The fact Jordan was initially going to the event then cancelled is enough for me to suggest they did at some stage want to show more first party stuff though.

"PlayStation Experience is more of a community event, and it’s a good opportunity to showcase smaller titles and MLB 16: The Show since the show is in the US, while bigger titles are brough to E3 and similar shows."

(You can skip to 2:31:XX)

Yoshida said at "PS I Love You" podcast panel that if you were expecting big games you were wrong, PSX was/is for third parties and smaller titles.

So yes, that is what they intended to show. I think Layden had given a similar statement at another panel about how there are lots of (small) companies making games "exclusively" to Playstation and they rarely get the chance to be presented and that's what PSX was about.

Ace Combat 7 though, a new endless longing begins.
Uncharted 4 is the only first has to be presented in Keynote.

There is currently a beta and the game comes out in less than 3 months.

This is an exception.
MLB 16 The Show was first party as well. But still, that's two first party games we already knew about. MLB was only revealed yesterday but it's a yearly release...
Uncharted 4 is the only first has to be presented in Keynote.

There is currently a beta and the game comes out in less than 3 months.

This is an exception.

Funnily enough the GTSport beta should release close to that.

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