GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
Is that a standard?:sly:

It's horrible isn't it :lol:

So when I look GT Sport, I feel watching a replay of an real race because everything seems beautiful and natural to me : track, cars, environment, etc.

You mean when you look at one single tiny pre-rendered video of GTS? Because it's not gameplay footage.

Oh come on... I can also throw you unedited pictures like this

The DC photo I put up isn't edited. Actually, none of my DC shots are edited, and I can't see any obvious signs of editing in any of the shots people have put up of DC in this thread. That's what the game looks like. Actually, all of my shots look significantly better on the PS4 before I transfer them to my computer.
Once again, I'm sure at 99% it will be very close in-game.

Once again, intentionally missing the point.

It doesn't matter what you assume. As is, we have no idea if the single trailer is representative of the final game. I doubt many here expect GTS to look anything other than great, but you forcing these ridiculous "comparisons" is just an excuse to let your obvious bias get in the way of being rational.

If I told you I was 99% sure the physics in GTS would be worse than AC, FM6, and PCARS, what would your response be?
In order to be as sure as you are you would have to have inside information otherwise you are blindly believing in a developer that has not been able to deliver since GT5P.

Once again, I'm sure at 99% it will be very close in-game.
Can you give out your percentages on gameplay, physics, online stability, the chances of standard cars being in the game as is, being able to race 24 cars online or 45 offline, amount and cost of DLC and anything else that you might think important. If you're 99% sure about the graphics then surely you must have an inside source in PD right? I'm 99% certain you can help us.
Oh come on... I can also throw you unedited pictures like this

Or that

Can't see the images.

Photomode is capable of incredible things don't you think?

It is. And that's entirely the point.

Running a pre-rendered video with access to unlimited hardware and filtering is incredible too. If you look at all the trailers for GT5 and GT6, you'll notice that they look similar to the games, but quite a lot better. They're not being rendered to a lower resolution and scaled, they have access to high levels of AA, they don't need to bother with LOD, and so on.

As long as we're comparing a pre-rendered video (one pre-rendered video from significantly before release) to actual gameplay, this whole discussion is completely pointless. We've seen games like Watch Dogs and The Witcher 3 have significant graphical differences between early playable versions and final release, and yet here people are taking trailer footage as if it's actually indicative of final gameplay.

Hell, if you compare selected sections of the GT5 trailers to the GTS one they look remarkably similar. That doesn't mean that GTS will look like GT5, it simply means that trailers are not a useful way to judge in-game graphics.

Accepting trailers as wholly indicative of the games is what the marketing departments want. It's why Polyphony dubs all their sounds. It's why trailers are rendered on superior hardware. Because they know that a lot of people are dumb enough to actually accept that the game will look and sound like that.

Every industry does it.

To be fair to @Zlork I don't think PD have a history of tarting up their trailers (visually at least!) - I can't think of one that's looked much different to its corresponding game anyway. So based on past history that claim/assumption has some merit (although your other claims are still a bit rubbish :P).
Remember the Chaparral 2X trailer? It had the (standard) 2J in it but it looked pretty good. In the trailer at least.
Can you give out your percentages on gameplay, physics, online stability, the chances of standard cars being in the game as is, being able to race 24 cars online or 45 offline, amount and cost of DLC and anything else that you might think important. If you're 99% sure about the graphics then surely you must have an inside source in PD right? I'm 99% certain you can help us.

No, I can only speak graphics.
We've seen games like Watch Dogs and The Witcher 3 have significant graphical differences between early playable versions and final release, and yet here people are taking trailer footage as if it's actually indicative of final gameplay.

Exactly this, and I can't believe nobody has brought up Aliens: Colonial Marines yet, it was the perfect example of this.


This comparison picture looks bad enough, but it's nothing compared to the differences in motion. You just can't trust early pre-rendered video of games.
Remember the Chaparral 2X trailer? It had the (standard) 2J in it but it looked pretty good. In the trailer at least.

So it does, and the 2D as well - I don't think either of them look any better than in game though.

But others above seem pretty clear where the differences lie, so maybe I'm just not remembering the details very well - I'm away at uni right now so haven't even looked at the game in a while, and it probably doesn't help that in my head I instinctively compare trailers with replays rather than gameplay, because of the similar filming styles. Makes sense that obvious things like resolution or AA can be and are changed for trailers, having said that though I still can't think of an example where the core engine (lighting, texturing etc) has looked noticeably different to the games.

...Now you've done it. I'm feeling a bit peckish because of you!! :lol:

Those Drive Club shots look amazing. Even if it's off the Photomode, the water drops on the cars' surfaces are remarkably life-like. And to think, PS4's only comparable to a lower end PCs in terms of hardware...
Of course I'm aware of the sacrifices Evolution had to make for it to look that good, but still, due credits and all that.

Quite frankly though, I see cars in GT6 (premiums at least) as plenty good enough during racing. It's the rest that didn't hold up under scrutiny. I don't really mind if the graphics aren't The Greatest Evah as long as the gameplay is solid; surely many share this sentiment too.

As for some folks here hanging their necks out just for one single trailer that barely contains any gameplay footage, I understand your enthusiasm but wait until you have a bit more to go on.
Makes sense that obvious things like resolution or AA can be and are changed for trailers, having said that though I still can't think of an example where the core engine (lighting, texturing etc) has looked noticeably different to the games.

No, it usually doesn't. It wouldn't be worth the effort for most modern games. But you can do a lot by stepping up the hardware, as you can experience first hand by playing with low/medium/high graphics settings on any PC game.

Or look at the differences that are possible between PS4 and PC Ultra settings of games like The Witcher 3. The difference isn't large, but it's there. Depending on the conditions it can be trivial or highly noticeable.

Even without changing the core engine, one can do a lot to alter the look of a game simply by throwing power at it.
No, I can only speak graphics.
Except you can't, because:
  1. You're basing your entire point off of a handful of seconds of alleged gameplay from a teaser trailer.
  2. Said trailer is months old at this point even if it did actually contain in-game footage.
  3. It's a safe bet the final version of GT Sport, whatever it ends up being, is still a good half year away if not more.

But we can follow the logic anyway, because trailers for racing games generally don't just show graphics. Here's a trailer for GT5:

It was one of the last pieces that was put together for the game, with the only one I can think of that came later being the infamous Standard Cars trailer. It did a really good job showcasing a quality of sound design that were putting into the next game, after a good decade of people taking issue with car sounds. Great exhaust noises. Fantastic spacial separation. Intake noise. Extremely communicative tire and suspension noises. Every GT fan's dream, and their fears put to rest.

Now, sidestepping the fact that none of anything like that made it into the final game, does anyone want to try spotting which part of it made it very obvious that every sound in that trailer was faked instead of actually representing what the game actually sounded like? Would you like to try, Zlork?

What about the graphics? That video has effects in it that GT5 never came close to being able to render properly at all, never mind to the level seen in the trailer. Is that the 1% difference Zlork?
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Without cine effects, it look similar in GT5.

Which is exactly the point. Without all the extra effects, it looks kind of similar.

But if you don't know what the final product looks like, how do you judge how much is effects and vaseline on the lens and how much is similar to the actual game? Especially given that six months or more out from release Polyphony themselves probably aren't 100% sure, and will still be tweaking graphics settings to try and get the best bang for their buck.

Face it, you're just pulling this stuff out of your backside because it fulfills your fantasy. You want to believe that GTS will look like that trailer, whereas the only thing that anyone can actually say is that it because of how marketing works it's pretty much guaranteed to not look that good.

I see what you did there:rolleyes:. The left side is a standard Big Mac and the right side is premium. Amiright?:sly:

It's premium on the outside, but there's nothing on the inside. It's just an empty shell. ;)

99% similar, I'm sure. And about those sounds, Zlork?






Which is exactly the point. Without all the extra effects, it looks kind of similar.

But if you don't know what the final product looks like, how do you judge how much is effects and vaseline on the lens and how much is similar to the actual game? Especially given that six months or more out from release Polyphony themselves probably aren't 100% sure, and will still be tweaking graphics settings to try and get the best bang for their buck.

Face it, you're just pulling this stuff out of your backside because it fulfills your fantasy. You want to believe that GTS will look like that trailer, whereas the only thing that anyone can actually say is that it because of how marketing works it's pretty much guaranteed to not look that good.

We demonstrated that PoDi has never cheated on visual (if you remove the cine effects of course).

Not like Ubi Soft. At worst, they have reduced the quality of some effects but that's all.

Textures, modeling, lighting, etc. Nothing has changed.

GT Sport's trailer is very classic. There is 0 effect.

You have the right to be cautious. Me concerning, I have total confidence the result will be very close in-game.

Now, I stop there. The debate goes round in circles.

I received Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo, I'll play waiting news for GT Sport! Enjoy!
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We demonstrated that PoDi has never cheated on visual (if you remove the extra effects of course).

Not like Ubi Soft. At worst, they have reduced the quality of some effects but that's it.

Textures, modeling, lighting, etc. Nothing has changed.

GT Sport's trailer is very classic. There is 0 effect.

You have the right to be cautious. Me concerning, I have total confidence the result will be very close in-game.

Now, I stop there. The debate goes round in circles.

I received Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo, I'll play waiting news for GT Sport! Enjoy!

Except photo mode (which is where those shots are from) applies extra visual effects not used in game. Notice how long it takes to render a shot in game when you take a photo - that's the game applying all the extra improvements (no jaggies or flickering anywhere in the photos, right?) Those sorts of filters and improvements are used in the trailers too, so the correct comparison would be a trailer shot, vs. an in-game (direct feed) screenshot, with no extra enhancements - that would be representative of what you see in game. If I'm not mistaken, the shot of Rome you use is a actually a photo mode shot rendered at 4K resolution, which isn't even slightly representative of anything you see in game. That isn't really indicative of "nothing changing" between trailer and game, because the shots are from a mode designed to make the game look as good as possible, at the complete expense of playability (they are just photos, after all).
I have to be honest, PD isnt exactly as egregious as Ubisoft when it comes to trailer graphics.

Like i was said, the graphics in GT6 is looking good enough (though shouldve been better for PS4), but lack immersion. Not to mention the wet road which is kind of suck even on Eifel Custom Track.
I think you guys are overreacting about the "cartoonish" looking of DC, according to Zlork.

I think he is right at some point, when i'm playing DC, when someone look(even i) they know that's a game. But the game still amazing to me, really.
I remenber the time when i still used to live with my parents, i was playing GT5 and let the Main Menu open, and then a Demo with the RX7 starts, showing the car in the show room, in photomode places etc, then my mothers aks: "Is this a car shop channel? That is imported, right? Never saw that one."

And when i was watching a full lap reaply of me in the Green Hell she came at home and say: "Can't you watch this race latter or on the other TV? I want to use the DVD..."
I think you guys are overreacting about the "cartoonish" looking of DC, according to Zlork.

I think he is right at some point, when i'm playing DC, when someone look(even i) they know that's a game. But the game still amazing to me, really.
I remenber the time when i still used to live with my parents, i was playing GT5 and let the Main Menu open, and then a Demo with the RX7 starts, showing the car in the show room, in photomode places etc, then my mothers aks: "Is this a car shop channel? That is imported, right? Never saw that one."

And when i was watching a full lap reaply of me in the Green Hell she came at home and say: "Can't you watch this race latter or on the other TV? I want to use the DVD..."
And I've had a number of friends mistake DC screen shots for reality, these for example.



While I have never personally had anyone mistake any GT shot or replay for reality.

That's the funny thing about anecdotal evidence, its pretty worthless. If someone doesn't know about games and/or has little interest in cars/motorsport they are going to be more easily fooled that someone who does.
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