Yes, I've seen all those crazy antics. That's exactly why it sprang to mind.There are a number of people in the 'Daily Race Discussion' who are quite adept at jumping in GTSport.
It's a Civic... it's the wrong generation, but it's a Civic... @VEXD?
It's a Civic... it's the wrong generation, but it's a Civic... @VEXD?
And you can't jump the barriers, no. Generally if a camera in walk mode can't go there, you can't get a car there - and you can get the camera right up to either side of all the barriers but not over/past them.
Quite simple and basic. They are cheating.
The first 1-2 exploit-miner puts it up, OK, thank you. (I mean PD can thank them for the unpaid work, which they missed out, or maybe "cheated" out - as it was well paid.And the hundreds of others after the exploit revealed? Deadsimple, raw, cheap cheaters. Nothing more.
And it is also a shame that there's no consequences, no real bans. BTW, more accounts for the same person is also cheating. Regardless of the shiny, good-sounding explanations.
I'd be really curious why on earth these track-limits-thing is a question at all. Continuous white lines on both sides, seems not rocket-science.
Cheats are exploits within the game code. Hacks (or, for most people that use them, scripts from hacks) are exploits from modifying the game code.It's not really cheating if the game allows everybody to do it. What I would define as cheating is if somebody modified or augmented the game to get the upper hand, much like those "aimbots" that plagued FPS games for some time.
I understand your point, but my opinion is different.what the game allowed them to do
While I fully agree with your last sentence, I find it especially brave to call "arbitrary" and "own personal standards" the things which based upon real life standards, when we are speaking about a wanna-be-sim game, and we are about driving, on tracks such as Suzuka, and not on Polyphonica or Playstationka. I don't see any arbitrary in _behaving_ even online, even faceless, even in virtual circumstances.There are places on tracks where you can have all 4 wheels off the track and the game doesn't dirty your lap, e.g. the final chicane at Suzuka. There are people who argue it's cheating to drive to the track limit in those places, as you should always have 2 wheels on the track. But it's simply pointless adopting that mindset. What are you going to do in races? Silently fume in annoyance at drivers who "cheat" by your personal standards but not by the rules of the game? The rules of the game are surely that the game specifies the track limits and that's that, those are what you drive to. Play to the whistle. So I don't see the people this thread referred to as cheats, as they were driving to the track limits as defined by the game. If everyone on the entire leaderboard took that approach and drove to the limits as they exist, the same people would be around the top and bottom of the leaderboard. The problem isn't the people driving to the limits, the problem is the people who expect people to follow arbitrary limits that meet their own personal standards but are completely undefined in the game. This is simply not a viable approach - who would define those arbitrary tighter limits and who would enforce them? The problem in this case was entirely one of the game defining limits that most people regard as not being where we would expect them to be for this track. The blame for that lies solely with the makers of the game.
I just mean that if you asked everyone to define exactly where they should be and what exactly would constitute violating them, you would get some variation in answers, so in that sense they are arbitrary personal standards. Not so long ago there was a massive effort undertaken in FM7 to define new track limits to solve all this once and for all and immediately lots of people said they had put some of the limits in the "wrong" places.While I fully agree with your last sentence, I find it especially brave to call "arbitrary" and "own personal standards" the things which based upon real life standards, when we are speaking about a wanna-be-sim game, and we are about driving, on tracks such as Suzuka, and not on Polyphonica or Playstationka. I don't see any arbitrary in _behaving_ even online, even faceless, even in virtual circumstances.
Its already fixed.Pure laziness by PD. I thought culturally the Japanese were more meticulous then this. I get it if this was a Chinese, Indian or English game, but c'mon.
Not meaning to start a border war, but we should expect better than that and we should be disappointed when we receive less.
Just one mans opinion in a world filled by them.
The @VEXD line?
Given that real life racing drivers have been known to ram other cars into retirement to win a world championship, I'm pretty sure they'd have been willing to shove a hay bale out of the way if it would allow them to win and they wouldn't get penalised for it. They drive to the defined limits, they don't drive to some other self-determined more restrictive limit and complain that those who drive to the defined limits are cheating.Well silly me and all other racers in thinking track limits end at the kerb edge, all those racers from the early days of racing where track limits were hay baies so all those guys were doing it wrong? They should have just shoved the bales out of the way as the silly organisers did not fix them down. Come on lads i just made a short cut!
Given that real life racing drivers have been known to ram other cars into retirement to win a world championship, I'm pretty sure they'd have been willing to shove a hay bale out of the way if it would allow them to win and they wouldn't get penalised for it. They drive to the defined limits, they don't drive to some other self-determined more restrictive limit and complain that those who drive to the defined limits are cheating.
I haven't personally set a time in this event, and if I had done, I probably wouldn't have driven the shortest line, because I'd feel bad about it, but that's just me being weak. Same as I don't do the "touch and drive off the track to give someone a penalty" thing, but I don't see it as cheating when someone does it to me because it's a mechanism the game provides, they're just making use of it. I could use it if I wanted, but I choose not to, and that's my problem, not anyone else's.
@Slapped judging by the fact you keep trying to justify the cheating, you probably have been cheating
Say I’m wrong, but I think you have been using this exploit yourself
In which case... Don’t try justifying cheating. Don’t. It’s a waste of time