GT4 Master Car List

  • Thread starter The359
Welcome to gt planet Stephan.
2 things to remember:
- I you need to pee you MUST go on the wall OUTSIDE.
- also if someone flips at you for having a off topic thread NEVER ignore them! just poo on their head :crazy:
Hello, I'm Stephan and I'm new!
I was wondering if this thread could be updated when the game comes out so that people in which country the game isn't still out at that time know what to expect.


Actully everyone on this forum will kill themselves when this game comes out so there will be no one to update... Oh didn't you know? This whole forum is a suicide cult.

Except I'm not going to kill myself! I have them all fooled!

Oh wai
Definitely without any question, probably within minutes of the game coming out there will be one here...
Oh and elite cake, i can't see the last part of your message. Intended?
In the thread posted by discovolante: Speed 8 & R8 & 88C Mov
You can see a video, with a Nissan in it. It isn't the R89C because the rear wheels aren't enclosed. So it should probably be a Nissan R 90CP or a Nissan R 92CP!
Since these are both in red on the master car list, neither of them weren't confirmed untill now!
We may have an official car list before some guides. Not all of them b/c, I mean c'mon, there will be guides on the 1st day.

BTW, just going iff-topic for a sec, sry The359.
Did anyone notice the racing strategy pages in the GT3 Guide?
Definitely without any question, probably within minutes of the game coming out there will be one here...
Oh and elite cake, i can't see the last part of your message. Intended?

Oh you should be able to see it all, otherwise your PC might be infected with some terrible virus type thingy. If this is the case then you are in grave danger!

To fix it you must first (and this part is very important!!) stop whatever you are doing and th
It's very hard to tell which Nissan car it is in the video since it is on screen for only a second...

Yes I admit that it's very hard but you can see that the Nissan in the video has a roof air intake, so that rules the Nissan R90CP out. It's not the Nissan R91CP either (for reasons mentioned in the thread that discovolante started: Speed 8 & R8 & C88 & R9?CP)

Therefore the Nissan in the video is the NISSAN R92CP!
Yes I admit that it's very hard but you can see that the Nissan in the video has a roof air intake, so that rules the Nissan R90CP out. It's not the Nissan R91CP either (for reasons mentioned in the thread that discovolante started: Speed 8 & R8 & C88 & R9?CP)

Therefore the Nissan in the video is the NISSAN R92CP!

edited. 👎


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It's insulting to mentally disabled people, and I'm quite sure the administrators would agree that it's against the forum rules.
It's insulting to mentally disabled people, and I'm quite sure the administrators would agree that it's against the forum rules.

I'd be more insulted by being slapped with a "mentally disabled" label. The very term offends me.

Okay, that's it from me. Sorry I hijacked your thread. You may now carry on being all serious and stuff.
I'd be more insulted by being slapped with a "mentally disabled" label. The very term offends me.

If you have a more correct term, I'd love to hear it. :rolleyes:

Actually, no, I wouldn't, because this subject is done.
If you have a more correct term, I'd love to hear it. :rolleyes:

Actually, no, I wouldn't, because this subject is done.

I should notify you that, once again, I was joking. Did it make a "whoosh" sound when it flew over your head?
The Leading Edge 240RT is basically a Tommy Kaira ZZI kit car sold under the Leading Edge name in Europe.

They also made a 190RT.
Ok , so a quick comment, as I browsed the list the 1st car is the AC cobra, in red which I take means being seen tested, however I think we have all seen the vid of the cockpit shot of the driver so I would think this would be in black. Am i missing something?
Plus the Shelby Cobra is pretty much always in Blue w/ White stripes. Not all of them, but most you see with that paint scheme is a Shelby.

Many AC Cobra's where bought in a white color.