GT4 Menu - Dissected

  • Thread starter phantasm
I think the hill climb should be back, maybe have two or three tracks for it though and not just Pikes peak, I want it to be longer as well now we know PD can do longer tracks (I'm not asking for Nordschleife long but longer than in GT2).
Hill climb would be awsome, NUR :drool: :ill: dont remind me, hurry up november.
im new here and im a big fan of all the gran turismo series. anyway i was looking about for GT4 release date and i found one which was Novemeber 19 2004 two days before my birthday so im gonna be very happy if it is true and then i will be playing it non stop. LOL sorry if this post is stupid
Uh... What the hell guys? You really need to lay of the coffee.

Yeah I'm wondering just what the hell's going on as well o_O Anyway, welcome gagtooth.

A big Welcome to GTPlanet gagtooth.

Don't forget to search before posting a new thread dude, should you ever feel the urge.

Do I look like a noob to you?

he was talking to the new guy 6168686820696D20692073757270726973656420796F7572207374696C6C20676F696E6720776974682074686520686578696E6700
Oh is that right.


My bad.
We don't know for sure, but it's certainly possible.

Taking out loans might be a good idea, I would be intesting if its included.

I hope it is possible. The modes alone may make GT4 the most interesting of the GT games. By the way, I wish not to resort to copy and pasting hex editing data, so this will end my post.
We don't know for sure, but it's certainly possible.

Eagle, was that really nessasary?

Anyway, these menu's look great. Paint shop, if it is what the ticket says I'm VERY happy:D

Man don't even ask - I tried editing that no less than 30 times and got Sage onto it as well, just wouldn't happen, server keeps timing out, so my apologies to all, if a mod can actually delete it, more power to them.
LOL why did you even post that in the first place? We were having fun but that went alittle overboard.
Did you translate it? I was commenting on the length of your post. Talk about poetic justice. The problem is Firefox does no word wrapping of long lines in a text input box, and the scrollbar only compresses so far, so it was pretty impossible to just look a know how long it was. When I posted that and saw 5 pages of blank my jaw just dropped.
That shows you how my post got long so easy but it was nothing like yours :lol:. If you translated my reply (post 104) you will know I did translate your post.
My opinion of Eagle...... :rolleyes: Yes,people are growing tired of your immature smart a$$ attitude. Almost every reply from you has a negative vibe to it. Take head of this bucko or you will be reported. Grow up.
You don't represent everyone. Almost every reply from me does not have a negative vibe on it. It's heed, and when there's legitimate cause to report me, I welcome you to do so - it won't be the first time and it may very well be the last.
Ok I've bumped an old thread, but I believe it is the thing to do if the subject has been raised before.

These pics are from the Prologue making of video. They are in a skid pan, where a car drives up to a ramp, and the ramp shifts suddenly as the car goes over it sending it into a skid, sometimes a spin.
The task is to prevent the car from going out of control. I remeber KY talking about one of the most important aspects of driving fast was the ability to recover from such a skid.

My point is...maybe this is the Safety Driving Park :) in the universe menu.



btw forget about it looking like a porsche...there is a disclaimer in the video saying that just because the car is in the DVD it doesn't mean it will be in the game...but you all know that anyway.
If it is the driving safety park is would be sooo cool, thye could even make it a licence test to not spin the car!........problem is, how is PD going to simulate realistic looking water jets and splashing.........

......actually, they probably could seeing as only one car would be on the pad at a time thus more poly's for other things.........what do you think??

Tacet, the car shown above (the porsche) is probably a car that one of the staff drove to the test, or owned by one of the development team and wanted to test it on the spin machine ;) , Ya never know.
Tacet, the car shown above (the porsche) is probably a car that one of the staff drove to the test, or owned by one of the development team and wanted to test it on the spin machine ;) , Ya never know.

I sure the fact that it is a porsche doesn't mean anything. :)

But the whole set up with the hydraulic ramp and pressure switch seems to be an awful lot of work if it isn't going to be in the game...maybe ;)


It would be crazy to model the water jets with polygons...that is particle system modelling and would just eat up all resources! A shiny track is more likely :)
you guys know what paint shop might mean right????? R BODIES ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[that is a mayde don't think i know that for sure it is just a hunch]
A paint shop is NOT a place where you change a cars bodywork, it's where you paint it, I'm guessing the paint shop in GT4 is no different. As for the race mods, apparently they are back according to a few sources and KY has said that bodykits will return.