GT4 Menu - Dissected

  • Thread starter phantasm
But the whole set up with the hydraulic ramp and pressure switch seems to be an awful lot of work if it isn't going to be in the game...maybe ;)

That is a skid pan, these can be found at many different places.
It wasnt specially created for PD

The portion of the video that came from, was part ofthe test day where KY took his team out to learn the intricacies of traction/car control and behaviour.
It was just one of many lessons/tests, they alo did slalom and such like with cones out on the track.
That is a skid pan, these can be found at many different places.
It wasnt specially created for PD

Granted :)

But the slalom and brake test seen in the vid made it into Prologue as Lessons, so maybe there will be some skid pan work.

btw I just watched the DVD again....those lucky b***ards. My dream job, working for PD :D
Do you think they based the GT4P lessons on that skidpan, I don't, slalom has been in GT before anyway as have brake tests, in GT4P theyre just done in a different location.
Do you think they based the GT4P lessons on that skidpan, I don't, slalom has been in GT before anyway as have brake tests, in GT4P theyre just done in a different location.

Obviously I don't know, I'm not KY ;)

In the commentary by the lovely VBH she describes the brake test as a real world replica of one of Prologues driving tests (20:46mins) and the Slalom in the NSX has the cones laid out identically to prologue's ie. 3 cones in a row.

So I'd say the tests were created in the game first, and then they are comparing them to the real world. So with my dodgy logic they could have already built a skid pan test in the game and are checking how close it is to real life.... :)

Or (more likely) they just saw the skid pan and fancied a go :)
So (er, do forgive my ignorance if this has been answered and point me in the right direction) but how do this picture

and this picture work together in GT4? Or has the first been scrapped in favour of the second (far more appealing) picture?
This picture was from this years E3, the other from TGS so I guess they changed all of it. And besides the E3 picture was just there to show all elements of GT4
I love the way that the Australian car town has the Swedish flag attached to it. :dopey:

Yeah indeed, hmm it was a rushed job??

Australia is PAL territory just as Europe?? so maybe therefore??

Im missing the BENELUX cars town??? Spyker!!!

Can anyone tell me what the bottom right Green road sign says...

IGN have rather usefully stuck a great big watermarque on top of it. Wankers!

@LoudMusic: The arrangement makes sense.

@Yeti: something like "Driving Land" or so(?)

I think for sure :) its ''Driving Park'' = Gymkhana... sorry for misspelling!!
(The D and P make up the logo for this test facility.)
This was in GT4P in school mode.

Can anyone tell me what the bottom right Green road sign says...

IGN have rather usefully stuck a great big watermarque on top of it. Wankers!


WHAT A MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :scared:

Good luck finding anything!! This menu better not be final.
WHAT A MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :scared:

Good luck finding anything!! This menu better not be final.

I belive both the E3 and TGS menus were just PDs powerpoint presentations, to show off the available menu modes.
I dont think they will look anything like the Current TGS one, its all over the place, and the writing is so small it would impossible to read on a small screen setup especially without a top quality connection.
I can imagine acting in this menu in december ;)
Maybe its a map divided into 4 screens, so that you always have your home in the screen.
I would love some further confirmation regarding the Paint Shop. I have a gimmick. All my cars absolutely have to be black, I just don't understand any other colors. Because of this, in GT3 I sold pretty much every car that I won, even cars that I really wanted to drive because it just didn't feel right.

In the time you grow up, you'll learn that black only hides the details ;)
I love Mine's , so i love white^____^
I would love some further confirmation regarding the Paint Shop. I have a gimmick. All my cars absolutely have to be black, I just don't understand any other colors. Because of this, in GT3 I sold pretty much every car that I won, even cars that I really wanted to drive because it just didn't feel right.

I wonder if the paint shop will be dropped.
In a recent interview KY said that the paint shop wouldnt be a full body paint shop, but eluded to the fact that you could paint or select distinguishable items like number plates, the idea being you would add some individuality to your cars, in the online world.
Now online is gone, will the paint shop go to?
Phantasm, this thread is really scraping the barrel now isn't it lol

I wish to discuss the shade/ colour of the buttons on GT3, will they go "ping" when you go over them? Who knows? I hope that then buttons in the menu live up to my expections I have, if they are not good enough I certainly shaln.t be buying GT4 if the buttons arn't the best. I think the buttons should be blue, that go "PING" when you highlight them, a ping sound is good. PING PING PING. Discuss people, I know it's an important topic


hmm.... i totally agree with you. the buttons are the most important "feature" on gt4. it won't include other reasons for buying the game.