GT4 needs, Personalized License plates, and flashing headlights!

  • Thread starter treybay
dont you guys think it would be easy for gt4 to have personalized license could pic your state, and add the letters, # etc..

would add a unique touch...

also i want to flash down a slow car with "on/off headlights"

Why would it add a unique touch, most people drive in the "in car" view and even if you were outside it would be hard to see. Oh and the cars are usually going 150+ mph, I would rather be watching the road than looking at my stupid license plate with MS on it. (I can just go outside and check out my parents cars if I wanted to do that:P ).
Since I played Auto Modelista, I would say the licence plate thing is ok. The headlight thing was only useful when I was "drag racing" with my friends. Signaling the end of the race with the flashers. :P
I'd like the headlights to actually light the road ahead. Deep Forest springs to mind as being particularly gloomy, and would benefit from headlights that actually helped you to see where you're going.

I remember this from V-Rally on the PS1, so I don't see why GT4 wouldn't be able to do it...
Originally posted by chris100575
I'd like the headlights to actually light the road ahead. Deep Forest springs to mind as being particularly gloomy, and would benefit from headlights that actually helped you to see where you're going.

I remember this from V-Rally on the PS1, so I don't see why GT4 wouldn't be able to do it...

Yeah its stupid that they don't actually light the road, I hope they fix it for GT4 :irked:
Le Mans 24 hr game has flashing headlights the AI moves out of your way a bit faster(when lapping them) if you use them. I reckon the trad Euro sign of left indicator light blinking= translation ''Get the **** out of my way fast lane hogging scum'' that could be standard on AMG Mercs and Beemers.:D :lol:
I believe that having personilized license plates would be a good idea.

It can add customization to online play to see where the driver lives or something. Maybe add the country where he is from also for international players.

But I dont really see headlight being in the game. I would be nice to have but so would damage collision and 2000+ cars.

The delevopers would rather work on more imortant things.
The problem with the plates is you don't see Yvan Muller Racing around Brands hatch with a number plate on his car, even less likeley would be the sight of him racing round with a plate that has "Da Best 1" on it or some ****e like that.
I really don't want to be racing my R390 GT1 against a TS020 GT1 online and have him beeping his horn at me, lights that you could turn on or off would be nice but thats all, no number plates and no horn.