GT4 Photomode 2.0 Advanced Week 46

Week 46

This week’s theme will be "Europe" as chosen by Week 41 Winner Sejtur.
Further explanation of theme:
A simple one this week, you may use anything from Europe IN Europe.
Cars: Anything from Europe
Tracks: Any in Europe
Phototravel: No

  • Winner will select the top 10 for the poll and pick the theme for the following week.
  • Post your final entry in red letters. Such as “Final Entry”
  • A preview image may be used, but it may be no bigger than 300*400 pixels by either photo orientation.
  • You may have two honorable mentions if a preview image is not used.
  • You may change your Final Entry once. If if you do so, please edit your original entry make a new post linking to it.
  • Do not use an entry from a previous competition.
  • Do not post more than three photos in this thread.
  • Only one entry may be submitted, and it must be uploaded using Imageshack and have the thumbnail picture.
Photoshop adjustments, tools, and filters list:

  • Crop
  • Resize
  • Levels
  • Brightness/Contrast
  • Hue/Saturation
  • Blur filters
  • Noise filters
  • Sharpen filters
  • Tools:
  • Type tool
  • Sharpen tool
  • Burn tool
  • Dodge Tool
  • Blur tool
  • Smudge tool
  • Clone Stamp Tool (for removing watermark)
[Note:No plug-ins for any of the above adjustments or filters are to be used]

You can use layers for overlay and layer adjustments, but not to alter the geometry and original subject matter of the picture: like adding stickers and body kits, and objects that are not in the original image.

Deadline for Week 46 is August 26th.

If you have any queries or concerns, feel free to PM Me.

PS - The Photomode 2.0 Advanced Competition will now be returning to its previous weekly format rather than the bi-weekly format we were runnning on. Sejtur didn't choose a theme when he won as he was on holiday and I had just taken back the comp from SlipZtrEm after changing internet connections. So it is only right that he pic the theme for this week.
i may give this week a shot- i haven't anything else to do!
Another shot from the 'Ring. Works better full sized...

Final entry


PS. Nice pic Fox-Hound! 👍
Great shots so far guys.

And I love the theme, but how come it was chosen by sejtur, week 41 winner? Just wondering...
Rev PM'ed me that I owed him a theme from a couple of weeks ago, cuz back then I was on a holiday and he had to change his connection and he was busy. So there was something wrong with the theme schedule (my theme wasn't there) so choosing the theme for this week, the comp's back on track again.

Great entries guys, I'm waiting for more. :)
Final Entry:


Alfa Romeo 166 at Paris... Figure no one else would do this car...
Well done 440, The wheel blur is deffinetely tough to get right at that angle, but you've done it well. The reflections/clean-up are just fantastic!!, a skill i am yet to obtain. And the blur is high definition and fabulous as per usual.

No quality's bring away the composure of the shot 👍, Very well done indeed.
well, i thought i'd give this week a go-and i did!
