The theme says where is the place. Evidentrly, they are the last two turns at reverse, so it was just an explanation.
[ES]'s entry is valid. I sent a PM to C_F but I don't know what he is doing to do.
Speed that shot is quite beautiful, have confidence in yourself
Just wanna say that Tangled Web shot is cool:tup: Also love your signature mate:tup:
Speed that shot is quite beautiful, have confidence in yourself
Wow TW that's a great shot there. 👍 I can't see the preview tho.
Lovely shot TW 👍
All top shots have serious tone editing ... I like that
I agree, have more faith in your work Speedy. You take good shots.
OMG OMG. I'm not very confident about the blur, but that shot is brutal!!! Argh!!! You will make me start to compete again!!!! Interesting week again.Jesus Christ Moglet and TW!! Nice!
Final Entry