GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Microsoft will be "cool" on the day Satan ice-skates to work.

Thanks to Microsoft, I have now a brand new car, a HDTV, a Onkyo Sound System, a PS2+DFP , Xbox, Gamecube and a Brand new G5 computer. If the OS didn't that many bugs / spyware / viruses, I would be out of work. So I'm praying that all future OS keeps crashing and buggin because i'll be employed
Don't worry about PD becoming like EA. They've got fundamentally different outlooks. PD = perfectionists. EA = mediocracists. Forza is more like EA than PD is (if one of them must be compared to EA..), with the riceing up cars with silly paintjobs and rubbish soundtrack heh! PD has ALWAYS been quite arcadey however. Simply being arcadey in itself doesn't infer similarity to the low quality rubbish that EA makes (NFS:U) to me.

Your job is safe Symtex: >>> My wintel box - many viruses/spyware/crashes etc even with careful maintenance and all updates...>>> My Apple G4 - everything works perfectly.
im glad forza was created, as they both will be great games, and whats even better is it pushes PD to even further limits which *should* make GT5 even that much better, and maybe forza2 will compete with that again pushing PD further, until we have games that we literally cant tell apart from reality (many years from now :) )
No need to bash EA, most of the time their games are good in every aspect, only their target audience is different than the one of PD. EA aims at the age category 10 - 18, poppy 'cool' soundtracks, cool graphics, action based gameplay, animated menus... while PD aims at a more mature audience with age category 18 and up.

I was playing GT before I turned 18, probably 15 or 16 years old, but that was because Gran Turismo 1 was my first racing game ever. The first game I bought with my playstation, while before that I only owned a NES which didn't really have any decent racing games so I couldnt compare it with anything else.

I'm glad that I let go of the idea I had back then: "More HP = Better car". :D First upgrade I would buy for a car was stage 3/4 turbo and thought the Highspeed ring was the best course in the game. :D (doh)
I think people doesn't pay enough attention to the weakest point of Forza:

According to IGN, Forza runs at 30FPS...

FYI, 30FPS was the framerate of the original Gran Turismo on the PSX back in 1997! Eight years later, we gamers demand more.

You can't drive with the same level of precision at 30FPS. For me at least, this fact alone is a deal breaker.

Besides, this puts a big question mark to the technical capabilities of the Forza team, since they are working on the faster hardware.

IGN says that Forza graphics are weaker and that it doesn't support 1080i... Worse graphics and half the framerate on the faster console? Worse textures on the console with more memory? This says a lot about the team behind Forza: They are not up to the task and you have to be very good if you want to challenge the best.

Just my 2 cents.
I think that I will like Forza better mainly due to online play and I like car selection. Not saying GT4 won't be good because I think it will, I'm just looking forward to Forza more.

PS2 really lacks in the games and Xbox just seems to do better with gameplay. I'll have to play both before I can mke up my mind.
Right on Monton, Forza's framerate is yuck. Its not noticeable when you just play Forza, but when you play GT4 after it, its like "oh this is how a car game is meant to run..."
Its like coming home.
Microsoft threw the Forza Team together very quickly with the intention of creating a GT beater. Simply slapping together a well "qualified" dev team doesn't mean they will make a wonderful game. There needs to be magic there, a real love for what they're creating. They need to gel together to make something greater than the sum of their parts. I'm not sold that Team Forza really believes in their product and are really passionate about it... yes I know some dev members are meant to be car hoons, but I think most of thats concocted for publicity sake.

For me PD have magic. Here's a comparison with bands:

PD = The Beatles (naturally formed band, had a lot of magic)
Team Forza = The Monkees (created by record company to compete with The Beatles, very competent, but no real magic)

I don't think you can force genius, even in dev teams. Get enough 'monkees' to tap computer keyboards for long enough and you'll get a GT beater, but thats about as likely as Satan ice skating to work (when hell freezes over). Thats my thought for the hour.
But then again Forza doesn't come out till May so there will be many more improvements. I think you are all underestimating this game.
But then again Forza doesn't come out till May so there will be many more improvements. I think you are all underestimating this game.

That only gives them about 60 more days of development time. It takes anywhere from 15-30 days to go from "gold" to selling the finished product. And God forbid there needs to be changes made to the intruction booklet.

Forza is going to be good. No question about it. I just don't think it can touch GT with a ten foot pole as far as the driving experience goes.
I think it can, I always thought the GT games lacked in something. They are good games but they need something more.

And you are all complaining about frame rate. Just because a game looks good or bad doesn't mean that it will be good or bad.
Right on Monton, Forza's framerate is yuck. Its not noticeable when you just play Forza, but when you play GT4 after it, its like "oh this is how a car game is meant to run..."
Its like coming home.

I agree, 30 fps is hardly amazing, but it's not too bad, and it should be a solid 30.

Microsoft threw the Forza Team together very quickly with the intention of creating a GT beater. Simply slapping together a well "qualified" dev team doesn't mean they will make a wonderful game. There needs to be magic there, a real love for what they're creating. They need to gel together to make something greater than the sum of their parts. I'm not sold that Team Forza really believes in their product and are really passionate about it... yes I know some dev members are meant to be car hoons, but I think most of thats concocted for publicity sake.

Well with out meeting these people, you can't really say anything. Considering all the stuff that's going in the game, they certainly know their stuff. Gt3 has hardly incredible, and that was made by the UBER PD team. Don't make out as if they lie about being motorsport fans for PR, that's pretty unrealistic. Hell, I could say that the GT publicity has worked pretty well here, GT3 was pretty crap, but people are still going made for GT4.

For me PD have magic. Here's a comparison with bands:

PD = The Beatles (naturally formed band, had a lot of magic)
Team Forza = The Monkees (created by record company to compete with The Beatles, very competent, but no real magic)

Hardly. The monkees suck, forza doesn't. It's more a question of 2 pretty similar bands, but with different directions and styles.

For a game that's being made by "monkees", they seem to be giving GT a real run for it's money, hell at least THEY can get an online mode and damage in. They also have GT4 quality physics down on their FIRST sim, pretty good going if you ask me. You could also say that in the sim stakes they pretty much owned PD in terms of type simulation etc.

Frankly I couldn't give a rats ass for the "magic" or how nice they all are at PD, I want quality racing games.
instructions? why its a racing game... only thing they really need is about 15 pages for credits, and maybe how handle the disc, for those us with epilepsy, we already know the risks.
In reference to the IGN article...I had an arguement some months ago with this really think he is extremely...uneducated as far as driving simulators go.

I.e., he was playing GT:P with assists on and he kept complaining how simple the game was in terms of control, that it was in no way difficult...uh huh.

Then he was playing GT4 (JPN) and we discussed simulation again, and I told him that in order to accurately simulate anything, he is going to have to change the tires, because the street tires to not reflect real life, he argued that they SHOULD...then when I turned him to the N2's, he quickly said it was rediculous and cheap attempt to "represent" real tires...

IMO, he's a know nothing type of guy, not to discredit his comparison, but he really doesn't know a whole lot...IMO, lol.

After the start gate, opponent AI will continue to nudge you, and can clip your car at any time, which is surprising, impressive and annoying all at the same time.

This is one of the things that drives me insane...the AI doesn't "nudge you" nor does it "clip you"'s only following a race line...just like GT AI does...if you are in that line, or in it's path to the line, it will clip you, he doesn't see this...again, he doesn't know jack.

Take it like a grain of salt, but the guy's at IGN are retarded, and IMO, they shouldn't be "trusted" so to speak as far as an honest un-biased opinion goes...

Is Forza this shizz? Yes.
Can I play it as much as GT? Probably not, only because there is no good wheel for it.
Hating GT series is like hating the Lakers when they were dominating the lead last years. It has always been known that haters are everywhere for everything. If Forza can do just like Detroit, then it'll have respect, till then, stay in peace and enjoy the war:P
Have you noticed how the best motoring people have been involved in the development/ advertising of all 3 games. Some for GT4, some for Forza, and Some for Enthusia (THey got Gan San!!)
I'm sure Forza will be a great race game and it doesn't matter which one is better since people who like the PS2 better will say GT4 is the best and X-Box fans will say Forza is the best. They already decided which one is the best so no matter what you say, it won't change their minds.
Sigh... While my cousin owns both ps2 and a X-box... Its sad to know he is buying neither... :( (Not a car guy I suppose)

Seriously... I would buy both if I had both systems...
I've had xbox for quite the while. One modded and one unmodded for live. But I did pick up a slim ps2 last week for GT4. I'll basically use this game to kill time until forza comes out.

I'm glad Forza is coming out a bit later, that way I can put a lot of time into this game..but bottom looking forward to playing both. I do admit though, im more pumped for Forza
You guys are missing one thing about the FPS issue: forza sends inputs to the controller at 120 FPS, so while the graphics are displaying at only 30, you really have 4 controller inputs per graphical frame. This is twice as much precision as GT4, and it looks twice as nice IMO, reflections, details, etc.
You guys are missing one thing about the FPS issue: forza sends inputs to the controller at 120 FPS, so while the graphics are displaying at only 30, you really have 4 controller inputs per graphical frame. This is twice as much precision as GT4, and it looks twice as nice IMO, reflections, details, etc.

LOL not this again.
Why does it have to have a real winner between the the two. I'm very excited and can't wait for next week for GT4 but in the back on my mind, I know that once Forza comes out, I will probably not think of GT4 for a while.

Both games have differents offerings. My wish is to merge both games and make Forza Turismo or GT Motorsports. The best of both worlds.

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