Yeah that would be nice. Forzas graphics and GT4s feel. 👍SymtexWhy does it have to have a real winner between the the two. I'm very excited and can't wait for next week for GT4 but in the back on my mind, I know that once Forza comes out, I will probably not think of GT4 for a while.
Both games have differents offerings. My wish is to merge both games and make Forza Turismo or GT Motorsports. The best of both worlds.
JohnBM01And if you wish to answer another question for discussion, here's one. What will be the racing game battle of 2005?
(A.) Gran Turismo 4 vs. Forza Motorsport
(B.) Gran Turismo 4 vs. Enthusia Professional Racing
(C.) Forza Motorsport vs. Enthusia Professional Racing
(D.) Gran Turismo 4 vs. Forza Motorsport vs. Enthusia Professional Racing
TriplePlayYou guys are missing one thing about the FPS issue: forza sends inputs to the controller at 120 FPS, so while the graphics are displaying at only 30, you really have 4 controller inputs per graphical frame. This is twice as much precision as GT4, and it looks twice as nice IMO, reflections, details, etc.
James2097I seriously don't know anything about Enthusia, other than it wants to be very realistic, and that it has a rather superflous "G" meter on the bottom of the screen and that the production values (going by my aesthetic opinion) aren't that crash hot. Can Konomi really do a full on simulator? It seems gimmicky to me, and no one knows anything solid about it. Don't know how serious Enthusia really is - seems like a really dark horse... Do we need a seperate Enthusia vs GT thread, or is it not important enough?
James2097RIGHT ON MONTON! ITS ALL JUST GEEKY BULLCRAP. MORE FPS = B E T T O R!!!!!1! (simple really.)
SymtexI don't think there is any big difference in terms of 30 or 60 FPS. You hand / eye coordination is not fast enough to react differently at 60 FPS. I think it's only a missconception of racers. I have played many 60 and 30 FPS racers and I can tell you that there was no differences in the response of the vehicules. You can convince yourself there is a difference but honestly the differences is so minimal that it doesn't affect gameplay whatsoever.
James2097Kinigitt, everything you say is quite obvious.
James2097People at this site obviously see Forza as the bigger threat to GT, given this thread... Thats sim fans, not IGN et all.
James2097Games do NOT stay perfectly at their target frame rates Symtex. 30FPS games do drop often into jerky territory (which kills it for me really). Thats PGR2 then. If its at 60, it will drop now and then just like the 30FPS game, however, it won't drop below what we percieve as smooth motion. Hence the game appears smooth all the time. If a game was LOCKED at 30FPS I would not have a problem. That's not the case with every game I know. They fluctuate. Hence 60FPS provides a very good safety margin to avoid stuttering. I can tell the difference between ANY game running at 30 and one at 60. 60FPS games have a certain arcade-perfect smoothness to them that is apparent when you compare against 30 fps games (IMPORTANT: ONLY AN AVERAGE FRAME RATE, they go higher, they also go lower, its a target), that are designed for a smooth frame rate 'most' of the time. Not ALL the time...
If you can't tell the difference between a 30 and 60fps game, then thats probably to your benefit as you'll be blissfully unaware, but many are bothered by it, and its a big deal to lots of people. Especially in a driving game.
that's pretty much only because they KNOW more about forza. konami stays mum on enthusia, which is frustrating and kind of cool at the same time.
James2097Hence my previous statement:
Do we need an Enthusia vs GT thread to help people become informed/interested in it? I would love to read a disscussion about Enthusia that covers the important aspects that sim racers are interested in... not just a glossy one line statement from a sleep deprived journo at TGS...
Something more in depth & concrete (as it becomes available) would rock, in regards to Enthusia. Our (gtplanet's community's) impressions should be worth much more than an average game journo's opinion.
James2097Believe you me, PGR2 is not locked at 30. Quite jerky in the replays when a car moves across the screen quickly. I can see the individual frames, and can count how many frames the car takes to get from one side of the screen to the other. Certainly it is possible to drive well in a 30fps game, but the extra polish and feel of 60fps makes me enjoy it so much more.
BTW don't bother to use NFS:U as a comparison. Its rubbish. Of course a solid framerate is more important than a wildly (and visibly) fluctuating one. You'de be nuts to choose a 30fps game over a 60fps one (when only framerate is the issue) when both have a fluctuation margin of say, 10 FPS either side of the target. Higher is better as a general rule.
SymtexI don't think there is any big difference in terms of 30 or 60 FPS. You hand / eye coordination is not fast enough to react differently at 60 FPS. I think it's only a missconception of racers. I have played many 60 and 30 FPS racers and I can tell you that there was no differences in the response of the vehicules. You can convince yourself there is a difference but honestly the differences is so minimal that it doesn't affect gameplay whatsoever.
I bet I can make you play a 30 FPS game making you believe it was 60 FPS. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference
But its a small deal to a lot more people. Seriously i only see couple of people on a thread complaining about 30 fps frame rate. other 98 percent of people either dont know about it or it doesnt bother them.James2097Games do NOT stay perfectly at their target frame rates Symtex. 30FPS games do drop often into jerky territory (which kills it for me really). Thats PGR2 then. If its at 60, it will drop now and then just like the 30FPS game, however, it won't drop below what we percieve as smooth motion. Hence the game appears smooth all the time. If a game was LOCKED at 30FPS I would not have a problem. That's not the case with every game I know. They fluctuate. Hence 60FPS provides a very good safety margin to avoid stuttering. I can tell the difference between ANY game running at 30 and one at 60. 60FPS games have a certain arcade-perfect smoothness to them that is apparent when you compare against 30 fps games (IMPORTANT: ONLY AN AVERAGE FRAME RATE, they go higher, they also go lower, its a target), that are designed for a smooth frame rate 'most' of the time. Not ALL the time...
If you can't tell the difference between a 30 and 60fps game, then thats probably to your benefit as you'll be blissfully unaware, but many are bothered by it, and its a big deal to lots of people. Especially in a driving game.
monton1999Never. It's very easy to see the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS on screen.
If things move slowly on screen the differences are not so important, but they are very noticeable with fast moving subjects. That's the reason why a somoother framerate is very important for driving games.
An example:
You are driving the car on a very narrow street surrounded by walls. Suddenly you turn hard the wheel. On a 30 FPS game, the next frame you´ll be crashing into the side walls. On a 60 FPS game you'll have two extra frames of the car before crashing. It's clear that more FPS allows for more precision on turns and small trajectory changes.
This is a somewhat extreme example, but useful to make the point.
60 fps are VERY IMPORTANT for a driving simulator. The only reason Forza is 30 FPS is because the team didn't have the technical capabilities to make it 60 FPS, not because they thought that "gamers wouldn't be able to tell the difference".