McLaren F1GTRHow the hell is over half of the units sold posing a fire hazard a relief?
I think that was a joke
McLaren F1GTRHow the hell is over half of the units sold posing a fire hazard a relief?
TigJacksonOkinawa of has posted 27 outstanding new screens of microsofts Forza Motorsport, stop by and take a look.
Every race has the potential to look like the Fourth of July with all those sparks flying around, and the track map that rotates......priceless....makes the player feel as if he is the center of the universe!
McLaren F1GTRHow the hell is over half of the units sold posing a fire hazard a relief?
tha_conYea, they are there as an aid, so that the driver can become accustomed to using brakes etc, they have gradual color changes, etc.
Sometimes you'll see it take a while to fade to another color, which means you use softer braking over long distance, while other times you'll see sudden changes, so you know to brake quickly and turn, etc. Pretty neat concept if you ask me.
live4speedI don't think you HAVE to have it there if you don't want.
Right over.....your head.
Why would you doubt it, it makes sence that you can turn it on and off since it's not in all the in game pics.kinigittI doubt it.
I read the article and saw what it said. That's not a laughing matter.TigJacksonWhoooooooooooooooooosh--------->
Right over.....your head.
live4speedWhy would you doubt it, it makes sence that you can turn it on and off since it's not in all the in game pics.
McLaren F1GTRI read the article and saw what it said. That's not a laughing matter.
And BTW, that woosh...just plain stupid.
A fire hazard isn't a joke and that clearly stated that over half the units were a fire hazard, so that's a relief.kinigittthe woosh was funny, come on.
McLaren F1GTRA fire hazard isn't a joke and that clearly stated that over half the units were a fire hazard, so that's a relief.
SymtexSo all I heard from any GT fanboy is that GT4 is 60 FPS. that is their only argument so far...I have play plenty of racing at 30 fps. The Forza demo was at 30 fps and the car was very very responsive. The complaint concerning FPS is eligitamate.
What is the next excuse to bash Forza ? The real reason that GT fanboy don't like Forza it's because it is product by Microsoft. Why don't I hear any bash on Enthusia ? Konami has made some pretty bad game in the past too. RSC 1 and 2, PGR2 were produce by Microsoft and they were very high quality products. They were meant to be arcady and fun and they achive their goal. The Forza demo has showned the potential of the game and it's looking bright.
I'm not knocking down GT4. I have it pre-order and can't wait to play it.
McLaren F1GTRAs I said, Fire Hazards aren't funny.
SwiftUh, you can't deny that 60fps flows and looks better then 30fps. Can you?
tha_conOkay, let's look at this really quick.
Your brain can register about 30FPS accurately, or so it is said. We can tell the difference between 60 and 30.
Now, lets say you have to swerve away from a car, or you have to make a slight adjustment.
If YOU think you can honestly tell the extremely minute difference between 60 inputs per second, and 120 inputs per second, that your reaction time is THAT precise to actually make good use of input that sends data that fast...then you my friend are superhuman.
Think about it. One second. Imaging counting to 120 in one second. Now imaging looking at a counter, that counts to 120 every second. Now imagine trying to pin point each time the counter hits say...57 (random number). How "accurate" do you think you are going to be? Now, the same goes for racing, imagine you see a car swerving your way, and you need to move, imagine how accurate you are going to be. It's the same. Regardless of how fast the controller works, your reaction time is going to be as fast as you can put in the input to the controller.
Point is, the difference between 120 inputs per second and 60 inputs per second is not drastic enough to make a huge difference, especially in a racing game. In fact, I can't think of ONE GAME that requires that kind of accuracy.
Maybe when we get clutch pedals (haha, right) on a Driving Simulator, then maybe it would be necessary (still wouldn't make much difference).
I'm not pointing out anyone, but it's a rediculous thing to compare, because the difference is so miniscule.
And it's useless to have so many inputs sent persecond if you can only display 30 frames per second. That's a big problem that many games have with "responsiveness"...the on screen frames do not match up with the input signal from the controller, so you cannot see the visual response to a controller input.
Having an equal number, going both ways, and in sync, is the ONLY way you will notice any difference. Period.
GabkicksRun unreal tournament or some other game your PC has no problem running maxxed out at 100fps constant., or some other game that has a frame limiter, and limit it to 37fps, and play for a while. then limit it to 67fps and see if you can see a difference.
SymtexHave you read my previous post ? PGR2 was at 30 FPS it had a very good flow and look better then anything on console this Generation. PERIOD. The gameplay is another issue. I totaly disagree with you. GT4 looks good. I have no problem with that. It has nothing to do with beeing 60 FPS or not. It has to do with good modeling and good texture.
Gabkicksnope, ya dont understand that if you can tell the difference your not looking at a constant framerate. it musthave dropped and you noticed that.
SymtexHave you read my previous post ? PGR2 was at 30 FPS it had a very good flow and look better then anything on console this Generation. PERIOD. The gameplay is another issue. I totaly disagree with you. GT4 looks good. I have no problem with that. It has nothing to do with beeing 60 FPS or not. It has to do with good modeling and good texture.